Peerless Martial God

Chapter 966: Non-demon

This wild sea has existed since ancient times. It has gone through countless years. In the past, it was natural to deal with the ridiculous sea. However, after the cultivation was getting stronger and stronger, the wilderness was not seen by him, but at least he was very clear. Under the military, I have never heard of anyone who can cross the wilderness. //Free e-book download //

Even if there are some talented geniuses, to study this wild sea, to understand the power of the wild, but it is also some powerful sage, Tianwu, simply impossible.

"It's impossible." The huge and huge eyes glared at Lin Fengdao.

Lin Feng was a little depressed and said: "Do not try to know how it is impossible."

"Then try it, the Emperor went to the desert island to see."

"Be careful, there is a powerful strongman on the desert island who is practicing, comprehending the age of the wild, you don't anger others." Lin Feng reminded.

"Someone!" The poor eyes were stiff: "How can I not let him take us away?"

"I don't dare to interrupt others' cultivation. Moreover, even if others have the ability, there is any reason to take you across the wilderness." Lin Feng whispered, and the other side was comprehending the power of the wild, he could not interrupt and could not always rely on each other too. Recently, I can’t always watch a hopeless hope.

"Call!" Poorly spit out the gas, depressed toward the desert island, the other party is too strong and it is really difficult to negotiate, if you say that the means of profit or treasure to seduce others, the other party may not bother to exchange you directly to kill Bao, this is normal on the mainland, not to mention the uninhabited desert island. Killing you is like killing ants. Do you dare to say that you have a heavy treasure?

Lin Feng sits cross-legged and faces the wilderness in the distance. Since there is no other means, he will only save himself. If he does not try, he will never know the result.

Lin Feng feels very uncomfortable when it penetrates into the body, but this kind of cultivation relies only on feelings and comprehension. Without specific cultivation methods, only the understanding can be relied on, and hope can have income.

The celestial stone is held in the palm of the hand, and a wonderful force spreads out. The natural forces of the whole world have become clear. At this moment, Lin Feng can clearly feel the power of the wild.

The power of the wild is not a natural force of heaven and earth, but it dominates destruction.

"My martial arts combined with the celestial stone can make everything real, the nature of the heavens and the earth is more clearly presented, and I can try to feel the power of the wasteland." Lin Feng thought of a move, Tianshu Wuhun reappeared in nothingness, The empty and chaotic Wuhun space outlines the essence of the Scorpio stone, removes all the space impurities, the light of the stars shines in the void, the mysterious power interweaves, and the scenery in the desert island is presented in the Wuhun space.

Immediately, in the empty space of the chaos of the martial arts, there was a mysterious atmosphere, black gas, constantly rolling, this gas reveals the power of the waste.

"The breath of the wild!" Lin Feng's heart trembled, this martial art can present the essence of things, he can outline the power of the celestial stone, can make the power of the stone sacred manifestation, nowadays, it not only outlines it The essential strength of the treasure, even this kind of waste, can also be presented.

Moreover, this manifestation through the Scorpio stone seems to be more clear, and the Scorpio stone contains the power of heaven and earth in it, extremely mysterious.

"This is the power of the wild!" Lin Feng looked at the tumbling gray-black air mass, the feeling is more clear at this time, death, destruction, corrosion, aging, swallowing, this is the power of the wild, if it can really It will be terrible to use the power of the stock to make it a powerful means of its own.

Lin Feng fell into absolute silence, quietly to understand the power of this wasteland, Tianshi Stone can help him to understand the nature of heaven and earth, Wuhun can present everything, two powerful means together, plus his own understanding This will be a huge treasure of Lin Feng, and this is the true ability that belongs to him.

There is still no human smoke in the deserted islands. In the wilderness, the atmosphere of the wilderness continues to spread. Lin Feng sits on a boulder and is eroded by the scent of the wild. At the same time, his body itself has a faint ruin. Breath is the wilderness that he evolved through the power of insight.

However, the wilderness in the wilderness is the purest power of the wild. Although Lin Feng understands the wilderness with strong savvy, it can't be compared with the wilderness in the wilderness. He may be able to fight with the power of this insight. However, it seems impossible to use this kind of comprehension to resist the temperament that constantly erodes him.

Lin Feng’s eyes opened and he woke up from the state of cultivation. It was not that he stopped himself but was forced.

The smell of the wilderness that came from the wilderness seemed to be stronger, and it eroded into his body, causing his real power to be somewhat disordered. He was so impetuous and resisted with his own strength. There was no way. Peace of mind to practice.

"The man can refine the age of the wilderness through the breath of the wild, but I can't, after all, the gap between me and that person is too great, and I can't directly understand the power of the righteousness. This is the gap in the realm." Lin Feng’s heart is dark. Feeling, sighed, and if he cultivated, he could indeed realize the power of a wasteland and integrate it into the attack. However, it has no effect on crossing the wild sea. It is impossible.

Tianwu is Tianwu after all, and he is only a low-ranking Tianwu person.

"The Emperor said that you want to cross the wild sea by your own strength, it is impossible. If it is really realized, then it will be enough." The poor Qi came out from behind and screamed at Lin Feng, if Lin Feng was a Tianwu person. Being able to cross the wilderness, isn't it possible to take your own back garden in the wilderness.

"Hey!" A soft voice came out, Lin Feng and the poor turned around, and then saw a dark shadow sky, and then crossed the wild sea, disappeared instantly.

“Walk?” Lin Feng’s eyes condensed. The man really used this desert island as a place for retreat. He wanted to come and want to leave, and he was very chic.

"Let's go and see." Lin Feng stepped forward and flicked away toward the place where the man practiced.

Not long after, Lin Feng came to the slope. At this moment, the bare, black man left the air, and the strange trees planted were taken away. It should be the intention of the other party.

"Go away." The strange eyes flashed, facing Lin Fengdao: "I will take you to a place."

"Go to a place?" Lin Feng's eyes condensed, this is what he wants to do in the end, this desert island can have somewhere to go.

"Yes, you come with me." Poor turned and left, Lin Feng doubts behind him.

I saw a strange place to take him to a canyon in the desert island. There are some dead plants, aging to dry, but not falling.

There are a lot of gaps in the canyon, and the strangeness of Lin Feng walks toward a dark gap, which makes Lin Feng more confused. How did this guy find such a remote place?

Curiously behind the strange, inside the dark gap, there is a black stone wall, the strange hand put his hand on the arm, the palm wave a few times, the stone wall actually has a gap, this gap is not a The door is a hole, and even the shape of the monster is faintly presented.

"This stone wall was knocked open?" Lin Feng whispered, there is such a place in the desert island, it is strange that this guy can find.

"Go in and see, this deserted island has existed for countless years. It has been normal for someone to come." The poor man said, Lin Feng entered it. It was extraordinarily dark and there was no light, but this natural darkness could not be stopped. The vision of Wu Xiu can still clearly see the scene inside.

I saw one of the walls, and I was engraved with a row of scribbled handwriting.

"If you don't enter, you will die." The eight characters are clearly engraved there, so that Lin Feng looks a stagnation, and the non-demon is not allowed. Is it really awesome monsters here?

"The gap was indeed knocked open, and later it was compensated by means. Moreover, the force of the sacred pattern was used to see the shape of the hole. It should be a bird and a beast with a wing." Poor said to Lin Feng. Let Lin Feng's eyes flicker, the monster, or the monster who knows the power of the sacred pattern, then at least a powerful demon!

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