Peerless Martial God

Chapter 964: Desperate

This snow road is indeed a mystery, but can you really send them to the warships on Kowloon Island?

The crowd was puzzled and hesitated.

"If you don't go up again, I will take off the snow road, and then you will die." Lin Feng spoke a cold voice, everyone still doubts, Lin Feng, what help them?

However, if they do not step on this snowy road, they are dead, and there is no life.

"I try!" One person stepped out and stepped on the snowy road toward the warships on the island of Kowloon. The breath of the wilderness invaded and shrouded the snow, so that the footsteps of the man were frozen there. But soon his face showed a ecstasy color, because he found that the breath of the wilderness, although it invaded, but the snow road seems to be a space, the waste of gas can erode the entity, but for the illusory space, but not enough Get it.

Once again, the man came to the battleship on the island of Kowloon. The warship opened a path and set him on a battleship.

"Boom, bang!" The crowd's footsteps madly stepped out, and the road, Lin Feng gave them, it was really a way of life. At this moment, I saw someone safely set foot on the battleship of Kowloon Island. They all went crazy, and they were afraid of Lin Feng. Remove the empty snow road.

"Come up." Lin Feng said to Tang Youyou and others, but they all hesitated.

"Fast." Lin Feng shouted, and a few people bite their teeth, facing Lin Fengdao: "See you in the eight wilderness!"

After all, several people's footsteps crossed the empty snow road, and many people set foot on the battleship of Kowloon Island.

"Well?" The strong man of Nine Island in the empty sky leaned over and looked at Lin Feng. He looked at the brow, and the technique of the void, the person in the Tianwu two realm of the district, could use the technique of the void, he could not help but give birth to Lin Feng. interest of.

"Interesting, kid, you are also on my battleship in Kowloon Island." A voice came out, Lin Feng looked up and looked at the void.

Now that he uses the technique of Void, these people in Kowloon Island will probably study him well. In that case, many secrets may be exposed, and his situation is worrying.

The void snow road passes through the purple jade battleship and spreads toward the deserted sea, and it extends directly into the ruined sea of ​​ruins.

"Kid, what do you want to do." One person in the void seems to be eyeing Lin Feng, coldly said.

Lin Feng did not say a word, jumped up and walked on the snow road, and even went straight to the wilderness.

"what are you doing!"

The face of the lord changed, his hands slammed, and a terrible suction bloomed toward Lin Feng. However, the Nether Magic was not affected by this suction. Lin Feng’s body instantly fell into the wilderness, and the scary sea was screaming. Lin Feng’s body was buried in an instant, and he could no longer see the figure.

"Lin Feng!" Tang Youyou and other people's faces were white, only feeling the heart was hit hard, jumped into the wilderness, Lin Feng, he even jumped into the wild sea, no wonder he did not bring himself and others.

"Do not worry, Lin Feng said that let us go to the eight wilderness and wait for him, he must have his own means, will live well." Jun Mo Xi stared at the rolling sea, the voice is low, and seems to be comforting himself .

This terrible wild sea and the purple jade warships can all be able to smash and smash the terrible light curtains. Now Lin Feng completely sinks into the wild sea, and no one knows what will happen.

They don’t have any grasp in their hearts. Can a person with a double strength in Tianwu cross the sea by himself?

"Good boy, don't even have a life!" The sage looked at Lin Feng, who was drowned by the wilderness. Obviously, Lin Feng was not expected to devote himself to the wilderness.

The horrible wild sea is rolling wildly. Lin Feng is in the wild sea. Through the empty snow road, the outside scene can be clearly seen. The breath of the wild is screaming, and many dead spirits are coming to this side.

Even the empty snow road seems to be slowly eroding, the scent of the wild, and omnipotent.

The light shimmers, and Lin Feng’s side has a huge body, which is very strange.

"Yan Emperor, we are now in the wilderness, how can you survive?" Lin Feng said to the poor.

I saw the huge and huge eyes that were extremely ugly, and the mouth was vomiting.

"Bastard, you do not know the dead bastard, the wild sea is the battlefield of the ancient times, even if the emperor in this wild abyss, can not guarantee absolute security." Poor strange to Lin Feng roar, let Lin Feng look condensed, in The abyss of the wilderness, even the emperor can not guarantee absolute security, this wild sea is so terrible, and, as it is rumored here, the wild sea is the battlefield of the ancient times.

"You are useless to me now, hurry up and find a way, I can't hold on for a long time." Lin Feng said to the poor, he gave the burden directly to the poor, he dared to jump into this wild sea with two biggest responsibilities, One is the Jade Emperor's Palace. If you can't do it, you will fall into the Jade Emperor's Palace and go through it. It will not come out a few years later, but this is the next volume.

There is another one that is ridiculous. This guy means to go all out, hoping to have a solution.

"You are the Emperor of the pit." The poor screamed at Lin Feng and said, "Tell me what is going on."

"We met a force called Jiulong Island, which destroyed the light curtain on the battleship and made the entire warship in the erosion of the wilderness. At this moment, the people of Kowloon Island should be arresting a woman..." Lin Feng quickly Say something to the poor.

"Take all the crystals of your righteousness to the emperor, can you live to listen to the fate of the heavens." The poor man is facing Lin Feng, Lin Feng this time, the body of the mysterious crystals hollowed out, all handed over to the strange.

The singular hand quickly depicts a clear line in the hollow snow road, with the help of the crystal of the righteousness. After all, his power is too weak to arrange a strong sacred pattern by himself, only by the power of the oracle of the righteousness. Can make the holy pattern play a role.

Soon, a beautiful beam of light rose from the sky, and the strangely arranged sacred power seemed to be turned into a cylindrical light curtain, which was swaying in the snow.

However, the singularity still did not stop the action, and all the wind attributes of the righteousness of the crystal were engraved at the end of the light curtain, and there seemed to be a hurricane in the snowy road.

"Come up." Poorly screamed at Lin Feng, Lin Feng stepped into the stylistic column, not knowing what the guy had done.

"This light curtain can take you through the wilderness, hope that you will be able to meet the battleship if you are lucky, otherwise you will not be able to cross the ridiculous sea. You should ask for more blessings." The stranger stunned Lin Fengdao, this guy is definitely a troublemaker. I even rushed into the wilderness. Isn’t this a death?

"Okay, look at luck." Lin Feng said aloud, so that the strange and depressed, this guy can still be so calm, bastard.

Waving a wave, Lin Feng will be lucky in the snow demon tower, and then the mind will move, the virtual demon recovery, the body violently smashed out, the whole is covered by a terrible auspicious light column, shuttled in the wild sea.

The wind's stigma force, which is arranged by the wind attribute Olympite, spurs Lin Feng's body. The speed is so fast that Lin Feng has a feeling of suffocation. Just Lin Feng feels that he has shuttled. I don't know how far, the sound of the bang is coming out. Lin Feng walked out of the wilderness, crossed the void, and walked over the deserted sea. This way, the horizon was even wider, and he hoped that luck would be able to encounter a manned warship.

The gas of the wilderness continued to invade, but it could not defeat the light column of Lin Feng. Looking at the vast and deep sea, Lin Feng felt very small and very shocked at the moment.

There is only a deep darkness in the endless wild sea, the madness of the wildness is tumbling, and the whirlpool of horror is sometimes screaming. This is the land of death and destruction.

"I hope that my luck is not too bad." Lin Feng murmured, and three months later, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the Emperor of the Emperor, and hoped that the partners could get away from Jiulong Island and go to the eight wilderness. He also prayed that he could be safe. Set foot on the northern wilderness of the eight wilderness.

The vast open sea, still only Lin Feng alone, but fortunately did not encounter the storm of the sea, otherwise the horror will involve him into the inside, but feel the light column gradually weakened, Lin Feng is also anxious, if it can not be found He is afraid to stay in the Jade Emperor Palace when he crosses the battleship of the sea.

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