Peerless Martial God

Chapter 962: Kowloon Island

Lin Feng and others seem to realize the seriousness of the matter at this moment. Everyone on the battleship whispers. I heard that the faces of the storms of the wilderness are full of panic, even the control of the warship is so dignified at the moment. It can be seen that this storm may be devastating.

"Hey!" There was a scream of roaring screaming in the faint, and I saw the dark vortex slamming against the light curtain of the battleship. The whole battleship shook violently.

"It’s terrible, the attack of the owner of the door can't do this kind of power." Lin Feng's heart trembled, this is just a wave of attacks, the distant seas turned into a storm of ruin, and even faintly sharp and screaming The sound came out.

"That is... the dead spirit!" Lin Feng saw the devastating storm in the distance, and the terrible eyes were flashing, terrible.

Is it true that rumors are like this, the land of the wilderness is the battlefield of the ancient times, causing the souls to be smeared, and countless people are buried here, and the heavens and the earth collapse, which led to the formation of this ruined wild sea?

"You still don't go in." The person in charge of the purple jade battleship screamed at Lin Feng, and a wave of horror storms bombarded the purple jade battleship, which has caused the warships to continually shake.

"I look." Lin Feng shook his head slightly, facing the human being around him: "You go to the hall first, I will pass quickly."

"I want to see too!" Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed, his eyes staring at the ruined storm of the sea, and he was quite excited.

"Well?" The strong man on the side frowned, this group of guys, want to see this devastating storm.

"With you." Indifferently said, his legs were firmly rooted on the battleship, and the body of the righteousness blossomed out and circulated in the light curtain.


A terrible storm slammed on the light curtain, and the man snorted and his face was even more ugly, and he took back the ambiguous atmosphere.

"We are afraid that we have encountered a devastating storm." The man's face was dignified. He felt it just now. This storm was terrible.

The world is getting darker and darker. At this moment, the purple jade warship has no way to retreat. Only the constant advancement, the horrible wild sea hurricane scrolls the space, and there seem to be countless dead souls roaring.


The heavens and the earth suddenly darkened completely. Lin Feng and others looked at the front and saw a vortex open their mouth and swallowed toward the purple jade battleship.

"Booming!" The purple jade battleship trembled wildly, and the sound of a loud bang sounded one after another. It seems that the light curtain of the Yiyi was torn apart. The body of Lin Feng and others involuntarily rolled up, the whole purple The jade warships were swallowed up in one bite.

The sky was dark and dark. At this moment, Lin Feng only heard the loud bang of the rumble. Their bodies continued to hit the battleship. Many people shouted out because of the horror. At this moment, the end is like coming.

"Is it going to die?" Lin Feng's body continually slammed into the air, and the heart screamed. I didn't expect to encounter such a terrible storm. If the storm shattered the light curtain, I don't know what terrible consequences would be.

"Lin Feng." At this time, a shout came from the darkness, which was the faint voice of Tang.

"I am." Lin Feng responded, and then it was a bang, the body hit the unknown.

"We will die!" Tang Yu quiet asked, let Lin Feng silence, will die? He doesn't know either.

"Come on, the storm did not break the light curtain of the righteousness, we will have nothing to do." In the darkness, the shouts of the monarchs were heard.

"Yes, we have to smash the eight wilderness, how can we die here." Lin Feng snorted and shouted: "Flying, big pests, all should be heard."

"I am fine." The voice of Yunfeiyang came out.

"This ghost weather, how is it so dark." The big pest snorted and let Lin Feng and others wait for a while, this guy...

The storm of destruction continued. Lin Feng and others only felt that the bones of the body had to be shattered. In the storm of whistling, they also faintly heard the sound of squeaking, as if the light curtain of the Yiyi had to be shattered, so that their hearts would also The beating is beating.

If the light curtain is broken, they may be swallowed up by the storm.

It seems that after a long time, the storm is finally not so strong, the crowd can clearly feel the shock is weakening, which makes many people feel a sense of excitement, the storm is weakening, the purple jade battleship stunned.

The fluctuations are getting smaller and smaller, and finally, the crowd sees the light again.

Lin Feng stabilized his body, stood on the purple jade battleship, looked at the storm of the sea that was still in the anger, only felt like a dream, survived, and this devastating storm was finally calmed down.

Looking up, Lin Feng looked at the layer of the Yiyi light curtain, a lot of light, and even a crack in the faint, I am afraid that if another storm, then the light curtain will be broken.

Looking back, Lin Feng saw Tang Youqing and others lifted their feet and walked together toward them. Their faces all showed a smile.

Lin Feng also laughed, so dangerous, I did not expect to encounter such a terrible storm.

At this time, the purple jade battleship was already in a mess, the buildings above collapsed, and the faces of the crowd showed a pleasant look. The storm was finally extinguished, and they were still alive.

I saw the man in control of the battleship looking at the light curtain of Oyi, his brows wrinkled tightly, and then turned around. His footsteps walked toward the crowd and came to the beautiful woman, saying: "Miss Yang It scares you."

The woman shook her head: "This purple jade warship is also solid, and it has persisted under this horrible storm of the sea, but now the horror can not withstand the violent destruction, be careful."

"Well, I understand." The warship's controller nodded. Now the warship has indeed withstood too much storm.

The crowd felt a horror, and the strong man of Ming Yuefan actually came to condolences to this beautiful woman in the first time after the storm, and did not know the identity of the woman, which made him pay so much attention.

The purple jade warship continued to move forward, and the storm finally calmed down completely. However, driving in the wild sea, watching the deep and vast wasteland, the crowd always had a string.

In the distant direction, the terrible waste of the sky is full of anger, and everyone’s heart is suddenly tight, what is going on? Is there a wild sea storm?

The person in charge of the purple jade battleship is also a condensate, watching the scent of the rushing to the sky.

Immediately, black spots appeared in the distance, and those black spots were very fast. Soon the crowd could clearly see what the black spots were.

Wild sail ship!

Five or six wild sail warships appeared there, and they quickly came to this side, letting the person in charge of the purple jade battleship look fierce.

Just a moment, these five or six huge warships blocked the Ziyu battleship.

"Friends of Kowloon Island, we Ming Yuefan seems to be with you to the well water does not make the river." The control of the purple jade warship said.

The wild sea has existed for countless years, and some natural giants have been born. Like a city, these people have been discovered. Even strong people practice on the island. As the years have settled, some terrible forces have formed. They are rampant. Hijacking martial arts in the wilderness and robbing the treasures.

Kowloon Island is a very famous desert island in the wilderness, a terrible force.

"Let's go, this purple jade battleship, we want it." At this time, on the opposite battleship, there was a cold voice passing through the light curtain into the ears of the crowd, so that many people's looks are a condensation. They are so bad luck, after encountering the storm, they have met people on Kowloon Island.

"If the Kowloon Island needs a purple jade warship, change the sun and moon sails to a ship." The person in charge of the purple jade warship said that he was also depressed at the moment, and Jiulong Island turned a desert island into a city. More terrible than Ming Yuefan, the other party will not care about them.

"There are so many nonsense, rolling does not roll." Another cold voice spit out, and then on the opposite battleship, there are several figures vacated, these people are full of terrible ambition, are powerful The sage.

"It seems that the island of Kowloon is not for a purple jade battleship." The person in charge of the purple jade battleship solidified, his face was extremely ugly, and Kowloon had dispatched so many warships and strongmen. Obviously, the target was not at all. Battleship!

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