Peerless Martial God

Chapter 959: The ghost is not scattered

In the chaotic domain outside this wild sea, it is not difficult to find a wild sail. The people who own the wild sail know that you can ask for it.

For example, Ming Yuefan is very famous in this area, and has many very strong wild sails to choose from. The probability of accidents is relatively small. Of course, it is costly to take the sails of Mingyuefan.

At this time, Lin Feng and others came to Mingyuefan. This horrible force monopolized a vast palace. There were many counters in the palace. Every counter had many people waiting in line there. It seemed to be paying the crystal of the righteousness.

"There are a lot of people who want to cross the maritime sea." Lin Feng and others were secretly surprised. At this moment, the palace is full of people, and there are people waiting in front of each counter. There are many people at the counter and some people.

"The copper battleship, the ten crystals of the righteousness, the type is not limited, can accommodate thousands of people, travel after half a month; Zijin battleship, fifteen pieces of the righteous crystal, can accommodate 800 people, travel after seven days; purple jade battleship, two Ten crystals of the righteousness can accommodate six hundred people, and travel two days later..." Each counter is clearly marked with a price, indicating the model of the wild sail and the required generation, as well as the date of travel.

The copper warship is the lowest level, and it must have ten crystals of the righteousness, and it can accommodate a thousand people in one time. It is a 10,000 crystal of the righteousness. This number is terrible. Of course, it is necessary to cross the wilderness and use many wild sails. A lot of the crystal of the righteousness, but this horrible profit is still somewhat shocking. It is no wonder that others say that only the true horrible strength has the control of the wild sails, otherwise it will not be able to keep it, which is enough to make any one of the saints jealous.

"Look there, the moon warship, the most advanced, even a hundred pieces of the crystal of the righteousness, too horrible." The big pest pointed to a counter in the middle of the main hall, riding a wild sail across the wild sea, it is necessary to have a hundred crystals of the righteousness, Too extravagant, in the dry domain, many of the sages can not come up with so many crystals of the righteousness, and there are none of the people in Tianwu.

"Mingyue Fan Sailor personally escorted, security is 99%!" The Mingyue warship's price tag also has a line of writing, even the safety has been written, 99%, basically will not There is an accident, and at most, only one hundred people can be accommodated at one time.

"This is not something that everyone can afford." Jun Moxi shook his head secretly. I am afraid that there are some people with the core of the big family power. In order to protect the absolute safety, this horrible wild sail will be taken. Can't afford it.

"It's a luxury, but it's safe. It's said that the accident rate of riding a wild sail is relatively large. There are many wild sails outside, some need only one or two crystals of the righteousness, but the crystals of the righteousness used to start the wild sail are also less. The more dangerous it is, as long as there are some people who have some crystals in their hands, they will not be willing to ride the wild sails unless there is really no way."

Tang secludedly said that the world of martial arts is so cruel, those who have resources can enjoy the best treatment. Without good births, they can only pay more than many times, and they have to go through more dangers. .

"Let's take the purple jade battleship. We are five people, one hundred crystals of the righteousness. After two days, the speed will be much faster than the copper battleship." Lin Feng said with a voice, and his heart was also secretly painful. He was used almost as much. It seems that he has the opportunity to go inside the Jade Emperor Palace. If it is not in the Jade Emperor Palace, there are many crystals of the righteousness.

When I heard Lin Feng’s words, many people cast a strange look toward this side. One hundred pieces of the crystal of the righteousness, this group of people are very young, and the realm is only one and one heavy, and even one hundred pieces of the righteousness are easily said. Crystal, a big handwriting, which should be the big force.

After glanced at the repairs of Lin Feng and others, and then carefully looked at their age, the crowd will look away, although not surprisingly brilliant, but this line of youth talent is already good, it should be The big power children are right, still do not make up their minds.

"Well, well, after waiting for the family, let the elders in the family give us some crystals of the righteousness, and the number can not be too small." Tang Yuyou followed Lin Feng’s words, Lin Feng smiled at her, apparently Tang faintly understood her meaning.

This is an open occasion. When they pay the crystal of the righteousness, others will definitely see it. It is better to say it than to do so, but it can play a deterrent role.

Sure enough, after the faint voice of Tang fell, many people lost interest in them. The children of this big family walked outside, and there were some powerful things on the body. It is not easy to deal with them.

Lin Feng walked over to the Ziyu battleship counter and waited in line. After some time, he successfully paid a hundred pieces of the righteous crystal, in exchange for five boarding orders.

"Two days later, at noon, I will wait here, someone will lead you to the purple jade battleship." The old man in front of the counter confessed to Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded, and then they left with Tang You.

The group walked out of Mingyuefan, and the mood was quite comfortable. There were two days. After two days, they were able to board the purple jade battleship and cross the wild sea to go to the eight deserts.

"There seems to be some people fighting there." Many people in the distance gathered in a group, only to see a chilly flash of sorrow, the horrible air and waves were extremely powerful, and a single-armed figure was killing, and it seemed to be angered.

"Bastard!" Lin Feng's heart was tight, and he snorted and turned and walked towards the side.

The rest of the people’s looks were also stagnation, and the tacit understanding followed Lin Feng’s direction and left.

The happy bastard, the real bastard, actually went all the way.

"This crazy man." Lin Feng and other people's comfortable mood was instantly broken, cast a layer of haze, this happy owner now hates him, even has been chasing this chaotic domain from the dry domain, it seems to be I am going to cross the wilderness and go to the eight wilderness to find them.

The figure of the pedestrian was flashing, the speed was very fast, and the figure disappeared in a flash.

The owner of the happy door heard someone taunting his one-armed arm, angered and shot, and after killing the person who angered him, he glanced in the direction behind him, his brow slightly wrinkled, and seemed to feel something.

"These animals have to go to the wilderness from this chaotic field since they are going to the eight wilderness. If they have not waited for another month, they will say that they have crossed the desert from other places. I will go directly to the eight deserts. The environment is cold and cold. He said that he has been here for a long time, and he has been in this area. Lin Feng has a lot of crystals of his righteousness. He knows it, so he focuses on the outside of this moon.

If he was caught by him, this time I saw Lin Feng how they died, and the treasures of Lin Feng are also his.

After Lin Feng and his entourage left, they found a restaurant to settle down. At this time, Lin Feng’s face was quite ugly, and he apparently realized that the problem was serious.

"The old dog appeared outside of Mingyuefan. Maybe he will stay in this area. If we wait here two days later, I will probably be caught by him." Lin Feng was a little depressed, but he did not expect to be crossing. When the sea is in trouble, I have trouble.

Everyone nodded and thought that Lin Feng’s words were justified. If they went to Mingyuefan to meet the crowd two days later, they would probably encounter the owner.

"Can you board the ship directly!" Tang secluded and said.

Lin Feng indulged for a moment, then he said again: "Try it. If it doesn't work, we will give up this time. Even if it is wasted, there is no way to go to Mingyuefan."

"It can only be like this." The crowd nodded secretly, there was no other way, a hundred crystals of the righteousness, I thought that everyone felt a bit painful, I hope to be able to directly go to the purple jade battleship, otherwise, that hundred pieces of the righteousness Crystal, even throw it away.

The two days passed quickly. As Lin Feng expected, when many people gathered in front of the Mingyuefan Hall to prepare to go to the deserted sea, there was a shadow in the distance to scan the crowd. This person is really The owner of the door, he has been staring at the moon cruise ship's travel day, as long as Lin Feng wants to use the Ming Yuefan battleship to cross the wilderness, he will be discovered by him, unless Lin Feng is not in this area, or rely on other poor safety. Battleship!

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