Peerless Martial God

Chapter 957: Destroy rebellion

The owner of the Happy Gate stood there, and the cold scorpion stared at Lin Feng and others, and there was a chill in his gaze.

Lin Feng also looked at the owner of the door. He was a little surprised first, but then he recovered calmly. He said: "Is it a heavenly hub?"

Only the people of Tianzhufeng and several peak owners knew that Lin Feng had to leave the dryland and go to the eight wilderness. At this moment, the main gate of the Happy Gate intercepted this. Lin Feng first thought of one person, Tianshuzi.

"This time, I want to see how you can escape!" The owner of the sneak sneer, the last time Lin Feng used some of the seals to make the body have the wind, the speed is very fast, he was escaped, and the fire burned Happy Gate, and now, Lin Feng is so many people, it is difficult to fly.

"Go." Lin Feng stepped in a footstep, and the body fled in the direction of the side, directly crushing a mark, the speed is incredible.

You can't escape. The main step of the door is a sneak peek. I ignore the other people and straddle directly in the direction of Lin Feng's escape. As for the rest of the people, he can always win.

"Give me back." When Lin Feng flashed rapidly, he heard a cold voice screaming, and the violent waves rushed toward him, instantly slamming on him, letting Lin Feng fly back.

The bang screamed, Lin Feng's body was stiff, and there was a trace of blood in his mouth. His eyes looked cold and looked at the figure in front.

"Sure enough, you!"

The cold eyes stared at the figure that appeared gradually in front of him. It was the Tianshuzi.

Looking back, the owner of the door has quietly stood there, completely sealing his retreat.

"You are for Tianchi." Lin Feng stared at Tianshuzi, indifferent.

However, I only saw the Tianshuzi cold smile, despising Lin Feng: "Tianchi is not my Tianchi, the old guys are protecting you, abandoning my heavenly peak, regardless of where I put my heavenly hub, Lin Feng, you It’s so arrogant in Tianchi, right against me, don’t you think of the ending!”

"There are a few old guys who support you for your support. Today, confess!" Tianshuzi looked cold and indifferent to his body.

"Tianshuzi, the person who regrets is you."

At this time, there was a roll of drink in the void, and then the light of the stars was scattered, and then there was a lot of figure in the hollow of the sky.

Tianzhu Peak leader Xue Zun, Tianzhu Peak leader Tianzhu old man, as well as the peak of the peak, Tianquan peak.

The seven peaks of the snow peak, the Tianshuzi of the Tianshufeng, in addition, there are four peaks at the same time.

Tianshuzi saw the shadow of the sky in the sky suddenly stiff, and the moment became pale, how could it be, how could it be like this.


The owner of the happy door screamed, and the footsteps crossed, and he would step toward Lin Feng and wanted to kill Lin Feng.

"Ice!" A terrible ice of the ice bloomed out, and suddenly the whole piece of empty space seemed to be condensed, and the body of the doorkeeper was frozen, and the figure became slow.

"The stars are dead!"

The endless gathering of stars and stars is turned into a sturdy sword, and it is smashed from the void to kill the owner.

"Hey!" The owner of the door screamed, and the sound of the horror sounded like a tsunami in the mountains. He took the power of the gods to kill and rushed toward Linfeng Town.

However, at this time, the old man of Tianzhu stretched out his hand, and the endless starlight shrouded Lin Feng’s body. The starburst hovered around Lin Feng’s body, as if to separate Lin Feng.

"Booming!" There is a **** in the void that descends from the sky, and the golden light shines, and the horrible sound waves are extinguished in the golden light.

The main face of the Happy Gate is extremely gloomy. I know that this time I have to fail again. I didn’t expect this group of old guys to arrive. The footsteps of the old man stepped out. His body was lightning fast, and he immediately took a hit.

Snow Zun and others did not pursue, and the happy footsteps of the free doorkeepers were extremely fast. If they were to escape, they would have difficulty catching up.

Four figures, directly surrounded by the Tianshuzi, the look is cold and incomparable.

"Tianshuzi, you disappoint me too much." The old man looked cold, and he did not expect that Tianshuzi would have betrayed Tianchi because of Lin Feng’s grievances. He did not hesitate to collude with the doorkeeper and intercept Lin Feng here.

Tianshuzi looked extremely ugly, staring at these people, coldly saying: "You are so embarrassed, in order to prevent you from following, I deliberately set the location of the interception so far, you actually followed Lin Feng all the way, it seems The position of my leader in your heart is far less than that of Lin Feng who joined Tianchi soon."

"You still don't understand." The old man shook his head and sighed: "Tianshuzi, it seems that there is no past faith in your heart, and you think of your own self-interest!"

"Don't tell me these nonsense, in this cruel world, who doesn't want to be in their own interests. If your strength is not as good as my heavenly pivot, the position of the leader of this Tianchi, you can turn to you." Tianshuzi is cold The road: "Brother, let me just say, how do you plan to be the leader of my day?"

"The betrayal of the Tianchi... killing innocent!" The snow smuggler spits out a cold, this is the insistence of Tianchi, Tianchi, and the disciples are generous, there is almost no bondage, only one point, the betrayal of the Tianchi Killing innocent, this is the purpose of Tianchi since its creation!

Tianshuzi's eyes glanced coldly at the Snow Supreme, and then looked at the old man, waiting for his answer.

The old man was silent for a moment, his eyes flashing. Finally, his mouth twitched slightly and spit out a cold voice: "Betray the Tianchi, kill innocent!"

Tianshuzi’s look was stiff, his face became a little bloody, his lips shivered slightly, pointing to Lin Feng, the cold road: “For a disciple of Tianfeng, you want to kill my Tianfengfeng pulse leader. How are you?"

"You still don't understand, this has nothing to do with Lin Feng. You are a gods and betrayed Tianchi." The voice of the old man in the sky sighed with sighs. He was willing to kill the Tianshufeng leader, one of the seven snow peaks.

"Ha ha ha, what shit, why kill me so much nonsense." Tianshuzi burst into laughter, it seems a bit crazy.

"Kill!" roared, Tianzhangzi's body madly flew toward Lin Feng, he knew that he must die, and the old man and the snow lord, plus two other peaks, he could not escape.

"The stubbornness of the soul!" The snowy sages of the snowy lord, such as the mountains of the gods, read the vast expanse of the mountains, and the golden mans, directly against the Tianshuzi suppression.

"Roll!" The Tianshuo roared, and the horrible power of the mountains and the sea slammed on the mountain of the gods. The sound of the loud bangs came out, but the Tianshuzi felt only a fierce tremor, and his eyes were slightly awkward.

"Ice!" The snow lord's palms are all out, and the ice and ice are blooming wildly. The body of Tianshuzi freezes directly and is frozen there.

"Oh!" Just in an instant, the huge ice sculpture began to shatter, and the Tianshuzi seemed to break open the ice.

"I will come to law enforcement this sword of killing." The old man sighed, and the stars merged into swordsmanship, directly punctured from the void, stabbed on the ice sculpture, and instantly, a devastating beam spread directly down from the sky. The head of the pivot was immersed, and the body of Tianshuzi was fierce.

"Hey, hehe..." The sound of the silent sound of the silence came out, and the ice sculpture was annihilated under the sword. Only the body of the Tianshuzi was left, but at this moment he did not move, and he no longer had a bit of life. It gradually dissipated until it is disillusioned.


The body of Tianshuzi disappeared into the void and turned into dust. The leader of the Tianfeng Peak, because of his own privateness, died in the law-killing sword of Tianchi!

The little starlight on Lin Feng’s body disappeared, so Lin Feng instantly took off his **** and hurriedly said: “Teacher, faint and unfortunately they...”

"Do not worry, look!" Snow Zun pointed to the direction behind Lin Feng, only to see a line of figure is coming to this side, it is the other two peaks with Tang Youyou came over, Xue Zunren and others I will ignore this and it is impossible to let the owner of the door have a chance.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were slightly more complicated, and he said to the snow lord: "Teacher, have you always protected us in the dark?"

"My brother and I have been on alert for Tianshuzi. You have been staring at him since you left. Sure enough, he also left Tianchi. In order to avoid accidents, we followed you together."

Lin Feng nodded and pointed at the figure in the void: "It’s bothering you."

"Lin Feng, we can only help you here, and the owner of the happy house will leave this time. It is inevitable that he will not continue to follow you to the eight wilderness. You must be careful in the future." Tianzhu old man is facing Lin Feng. Dao, the owner of the door is already crazy after the broken arm and Lin Feng’s burning the door. Lin Feng may not.

"I understand that it seems to be around." Lin Feng nodded.

"Yeah." Tianzhu old man nodded and said: "Well, let's go, we will send you here."

Lin Feng was owed to the heads of the peaks, and then once again climbed onto the back of Tian Yao Dapeng, and once again set off, it seems that I must be careful in the future!

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