Peerless Martial God

Chapter 955: I don’t know the heavenly palace

"Speaking!" Tianshuzi's eyes glazed, and his face was ugly staring at Lin Feng: "You are narrow-minded, and for personal resentment, regardless of Tianshufeng's pulse, why should you say so grandiose!"

"Yes, you are right, I am narrow-minded." Lin Feng sneered, staring at Tianshuzi: "I am not as open-minded as the Tianshuzi predecessors. Do you have to make troubles with me several times, regardless of my life and death, I want to hand over me, but Lin Feng has to protect you to help you improve. It’s ridiculous. Tianzhuzi’s predecessors are so righteous. If you are in front of Tianchi’s predecessors, you will announce the abandonment of Tianfeng’s pulse. Position, from now on, do not enter the main peak of Tianshu cultivation, I immediately laid the foundation for the Tianyi Peak, and let Tianshufeng become a holy place of cultivation."

Tianshuzi heard this saying that his face was stiff and his face was very unsightly. He couldn’t speak for a while, let him give up the position of the leader of the Tianshu Peak, and he would never step into the main peak of Tianshu to practice. Then what is he? Nothing is gained, but it has to be surpassed by the former subordinates to see the face of his former subordinates.

"The predecessors of Tianshuzi screamed for Tianchi, for the sake of the Tianshufeng, why not talk now." Lin Feng did not care, and forced to ask, Tianzhangzi's lips squirmed slightly, but after all, he could not speak.

"If you can't do it, just shut up. What are the qualifications to stand at the highest point of morality to blame others? Why does Tianshufeng not receive the same treatment as other main peaks? Everyone understands, because Tianfeng, you have such a wave of fame. Please, let's go, the peak of the peak, do not welcome you."

Lin Feng said indifferently, directly ordered the order of the passengers, and expelled Tianshuzi from the peak of Tianzhu.

Was expelled by Lin Feng in front of the crowd, Tianzhangzi's face was ugly to the extreme, gloomy face, staring at Lin Feng's cold road: "very good, there will be a period!"

After all, the Tianshuzi robe sleeves waved and went away, leaving the Tianzhu Peak directly.

The other major peaks shook their heads slightly. In the vast mainland where this interest is supreme, there is no saint's saying. Tianshuzi wants to deal with Lin Feng several times. Since Lin Feng stepped into Tianchi, he has been aiming for it. But I still want Lin Feng to do things for him. How is this possible? I can only blame the Tianshuzi for making a mistake and mistaken the Tianshufeng.

"Well, you have been retreating for a while, let your teachers personally protect the law. If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask. After one month, you will leave Tianchi and set off for the eight wilderness." Tianzhu old man is facing Lin Feng. Waiting for someone to say a word.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, since sooner or later he had to go out of the dry field, then take advantage of this opportunity to go to the eight wilderness.

The old man of Tianzhu and other peaks left the air, and Lin Feng and Tang Youqing and others chose a quiet place to retreat above the main peak of the sinister atmosphere. Xue Zun, Sword Supreme and Flame Zun The three of them personally guarded by their cultivation, ready to answer any questions they encountered during the cultivation process.

Jun Moxi, they have just stepped into Tianwu, this process is really very important to them. They have accumulated a lot of doubts in their hearts, one by one asking three teachers, and Xue Zun, they are also patiently puzzled.

In addition to relying on one's own understanding, if there is a famous teacher's advice, it will naturally be much better. Sometimes, inadvertent words and deeds will be like a slap in the face, making people's minds suddenly clear and cheerful, and then practicing more smoothly, In terms of taking the monarch, he has an undead martial spirit, and his spirit is strong. Now he has entered Tianwu, and he has a good understanding of God. He needs to know enough about God and then concise his mind to consolidate the powerful thoughts. .

While Yunfei Yang, he has a high degree of accomplishment in understanding the world and the earth, this point is similar to the Snow Supreme, Snow Master can guide him how to use the fortune, so that the attack power is the strongest.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than half a month has passed. Lin Feng sits cross-legged in a snow-casting Dongfu. At this moment, Lin Feng’s eyes are closed, but his brows are slightly provoked, extremely sharp. In his mind, the power of the soul is vast. The remnants of the souls that have been cultivated by the techniques of the remnants of the soul are constantly gathering together to condense a illusory palace.

God's thoughts can be said to be more profound and versatile than martial arts. There are many means. The ordinary gods are directly attacked by God and have little lethality. Even if they are very powerful, they can't exert too much power, deeper. The level is that the power of the gods is condensed into a sword and a sword, which makes the gods sharp, killing people invisible, or, like the previous Lin Feng, condensing the gods into ancient clocks, which can shock people and protect their souls.

Later, Yan Emperor taught Lin Feng's powerful thoughts of the gods, so that Lin Feng condensed into a palace by the power of the gods, a palace, compared to the ancient clock, I don't know how many times the complexion, with the power of Lin Feng's spirit, only the palace The embryonic form can't make the palace condensate, but its powerful power can already be seen. The last time Lin Feng used it, it was to trap the other people's gods in the temple, and let the evil spirits smash the soul of the other.

This is just one of the means of the palace gods. According to the strange guy, the art of the palace gods is a great success, and the means will be more and more. Even if it does not rely on the means, it is just a thought, the vast **** Gong Gong can also kill people.

Lin Feng gathers all the minds, and depicts the power of the gods in the palace and the gods, and strives to perfect the temple of the gods. The technique of the gods taught him is extremely powerful. He needs a little effort.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed, Lin Feng’s eyebrows, there was a strong wave of volatility, as if there was anything to break out.

The fear of the soul force makes the space roll, the wind whistling, the endless blue light blooms from Lin Feng's eyebrows, extremely dazzling.

"Hey!" A whisper came out, the horrible **** read the power of the tyrant's bloom, and a glance of blue light bloomed from Lin Feng's eyebrows, and then turned into a vast green jade palace, the light of the jade, revealing a few holy gas.

However, Lin Feng, who is now confined by Lin Feng, is far from perfect, and Lin Feng has drawn a small part.

Lin Feng's eyes are open, the edges are flashing, the light of the jade is shining, and Lin Feng seems to be able to feel the power of the gods.

Aside, the quiet eyes closed quietly, and suddenly looked at the sapphire palace, his eyes showed a hint of color, Lin Feng's spirit of this guy is far stronger than Tianwu II, even able to do this One step.

Gong Yi, Sapphire Palace, he saw it again.

"I don't know the palace in the sky, the present day, what year is it!" When he saw the palace, he seemed to have a feeling and muttered to himself.

And this slight sound made Lin Feng's pupil violently condensed, and the sapphire light madly fell into the eyebrows. The gods of the palace disappeared and disappeared. Lin Feng's eyes flickered and stared at the strangeness. .

"Well?" The strange feeling of Lin Feng's anomaly, his eyes flashing, staring at Lin Feng, I don't know why he reacted.

"I don't know the heavenly palace, what year is it, where did you hear these two words!" Lin Feng looked straight into the strange, asked.

"What do you ask this?"

"When is the moon, I ask the wine to ask the sky, I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is it!" Lin Feng murmured, and the huge eyes were solidified. The eyes stared at Lin Feng, and the body stood up and pointed at Lin Feng. How do you know how you know it!"

"I asked you first."

"You tell the Emperor first."

"This is a sentence in my hometown called poetry, of course I know." Lin Feng responded.

"Your hometown, impossible, snowy country, how could it be, absolutely impossible!" He kept shaking his head, he did not believe.

"My hometown is not a snowy country. You tell me first, how do you know?" Lin Feng continued to ask.

"No, coincidence, it's just a coincidence!" Yandi still refused to say, stood up and walked slowly toward the outside. At this time, it was the night sky, the moon was high, Yandi looked up and looked at the void. That round of bright moon, thoughts seem to have returned to countless years ago, the era of the world, countless strong people fight for hegemony, the emperor battles Lingyun nine times!

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