Peerless Martial God

Chapter 953: Recalling Tianchi

In a void to the East China Sea Empire, there was a figure in the air, riding on the back of a fierce monster, seems to be rushing in the direction of the East China Sea Empire.

A fire will burn the door, and now the owner of the door should be crazy, let him dare to be so shameless, can not attack the Tianchi, actually want to shoot the people of the Tianchi Empire, in this case, Lin Feng will naturally be polite.

There are also people from the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Jade Emperor. They are extremely arrogant. They always want to take him Lin Feng, take his treasure, and ask for his life. If there is a chance, Lin Feng will not mind their sect. Also put a fire, go away after burning.

Poorly swallowed the smoldering inflammation, tempered himself with the smoldering inflammation, and made it into the realm of the demon, and the strange body also condensed the virtual fire. If it is directly burned, the destructive power is absolutely amazing. Therefore, the burning of the happy door will be so smooth, and the people at the door are extremely scrupulous, do not dare to move him, virtual fire, at least the honorable person can be concise.

They all regarded Lin Feng as an extremely powerful flame sage, and they were stunned by Lin Feng’s words, which caused the Xiaoyaomen to be burned.

I am afraid that soon after, the news of the happenings in Tianchi, many people may guess that the person who burned the happy door is Lin Feng, those who are at the door of the door, I am afraid to be ashamed to death, being the gate of a Tianwu two-level realm. They are all burned out, and they are high-ranking people, even the sages, watching everything happen.

"Xiao Feng!" A voice came out of the void, letting Lin Feng's figure stagnate, and then he saw a snowy figure coming to his side.

"Teacher, how come you are." Lin Feng was surprised. I didn't expect Snow Master to appear here.

"Xiao Feng, I have heard about the Xiaoyao Gate. You are going to the East China Sea Dragon Palace now?" The eyes of the Snow Supreme have a wise color, as if to understand everything.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded. He really wanted to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace and find a chance to bring a flame to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"Follow me back to the Tianchi." Xue Zun's eyes were serious.

"Teacher!" Lin Feng looked a stiff, the group of guys formed Wanzong General to bully Tianchi, want to destroy the Tianchi, this is so easy to calculate.

Xue Zun’s eyes were firm and he shook his head at Lin Feng: “The news of Xiaoyaomen will soon spread to the dry areas. When the crowd knows that you are doing it, the East China Sea Dragon King will definitely prevent you, don’t have any luck. In my heart, it is too dangerous to do that. Now, when you go back to Tianchi with me, Tianchi has something to say to you."

Lin Feng is still somewhat reluctant, and Xue Zun also said: "Do not worry, Xiaofeng, there is a big array of you arranged on the snow peak of Tianchi. The rise of Tianchi is a matter of time, but now the Jingu and the Xiaoyao Gate are almost destroyed. Other forces have also lost, but my Tianchi will continue to grow, and one day, Tianchi can dominate the dry domain. This account will be counted sooner or later."

"Yeah." Lin Feng nodded. He knew that the teachers were worried about themselves. After all, his strength was too weak. The burning of the Happy Gate was completely swaying with some cards in his hand, and he dared to be so arrogant, but those were the things outside. The only powerful strength is its own.

"Let's go." Xue Zun, a slight smile, then folded around and smashed in the direction of Tianchi. Lin Feng followed the body of Xue Zun, and returned to Tianchi together.

For example, today's pool defeated the enemy, but also a powerful killing battle, but also made the main peaks filled with the atmosphere of the righteousness, everyone in Tianchi, it really took a breath.

Many people in Tianchi, even some of their predecessors, really admire Lin Feng. Although things are caused by Lin Feng, Lin Feng dares to be a dare to support Tianchi with his own strength. Everything he has done for Tianchi is obvious to all. .

After the seven snow peaks were reorganized, they fell into a calm, and they were busy with their own snow peaks. But after this incident, the status of Tianyifeng was completely different. The snow lord, low-key and restrained, did not expect the real The combat power is terrible, and the faint can compete with the Scorpio old man. However, he never showed it before, until the time of the crisis in Tianchi, he showed his fear of fighting.

Only this point, Tianzhufeng should be respected, as well as the sword sage, the flame sage, although not as the snow lord, but also the amazing power, coupled with Lin Feng, the singer of this day, the crowd seems to have I saw the rise of Tianzhu Peak.

Lin Feng is likely to be the leader of the entire Tianchi.

Of course, it is also possible that Lin Fengzhi is not here.

In terms of the sensation he made during the time in the dry field, even Tianchi, it is difficult to enshrine this genius, perhaps his stage should be wider than Tianchi.

At this time, over the Tianzhu Peak, two figures galloped and landed on the main peak of Tianzhu Peak. It was Snow Master and Lin Feng who came back.

There are many figures in the snow, and they seem to be waiting for it. Seeing Lin Feng coming back with the snow lord, they also smiled and went forward.

"You guy, the courage is really big enough, even the door is burning." The flame sage said with a wry smile, but he also thought about burning a few Zongmen forces, let them dare to come to Tianchi Unfortunately, he just wanted to do but did not do things, Lin Feng did this guy.

Lin Fengxiao smiled and shrugged.

"He didn't stop burning the door, he wanted to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to put a fire." Snow Zun said, let the flames of the sages burst into anger, this guy, really crazy!

"Hey, remember to bring me this next good thing." The big pest that came over had a thick smile, scratched his head, and fired the door to burn away. It must be very refreshing.

Lin Feng took a few steps and punched the chest of the big pest. He smiled and said: "You guy, nowadays is also a man of Tianwu, so that some strong demeanor is."

"Tianwu counts a fart, even the qualifications for participating in the war are not, depressed." Huang Yilong felt very incomprehensible, in the face of this level of war, they did not even qualify for participation.

"Why do you have to worry, this world is so vast and vast, waiting for us to go out and sway, I am afraid that there is no chance to fight." Yun Feiyang’s face also showed a smile, eight deserts, he must go, the man survived, 岂Can not be vigorous and vigorous.

"To pull the sword out of the world, we must first sharpen the sword. Our repairs are still too weak. Tianwu, perhaps in the snowy area, is already a very strong strength. However, it is placed on the vast stage of the Jiuyi continent. It seems too small." Jun Mo Xi blinks in his eyes, and there is a faint blood in his heart.

"I don't think your mind is already there." Tang faintly smiled on the side, these few guys, no one is honest.

"Lin Feng, you have been running around this time. Take a rest for a while, and adjust your spirits, which is good for cultivation."

The woman's mind is quite delicate. Jun Moxi thinks that they are thinking about the mainland, but she cares about Lin Feng's body. After all, Lin Feng is tired enough during this time. It seems that she has not stopped to go from the dry field to the snowy month. The country, from the snow moon country to kill the dry domain, after wave after wave, but they did not share the Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the soft and soft eyes of Tang and smiled and nodded.

"Indeed, Xiaofeng needs to nurse well." Snow Zun nodded slightly, too far, and the human spirit is limited, the string can not be stretched too tight.

However, at this time, in the void, a brilliance came and came here, the eyes of the crowd turned, and then they saw the figure of the Tianchi leader Tianzhu old man.

After the old man of Tianzhu, the sound of the whistling sound of the whistling came, and soon they landed on the snow one by one. These people were the peaks of the major snow peaks, and the peak of the Tianshufeng Tianshu The child also came, but at the end, with a hint of indifference in his face, it seemed to be incompatible with the expressions of other people around him.

After these people arrived, they first nodded to the snow lord, and then their eyes fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. I didn't expect that I would alarm the entire Tianchi when I came back. This made him feel a little unaccustomed!

Ps: It’s a little later, today’s 2 more, make up tomorrow!

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