Peerless Martial God

Chapter 949: See the eight wilderness

"Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, the first batch of Wuhuang disciples!" Hou Qinglin's voice let Yu's look condense, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, finally have to recruit Wu Emperor disciples!

The vast nine-nine continent, the holy city of Zhongzhou is the pinnacle of the mainland, and the land bordering the holy city of Zhongzhou is called the Eight-Day Ten Region, the Nine-Peace and Twelve Kingdoms; For the heavens and the earth, the eight wilderness is endless. Among them, there are ten domains, and each domain is vast and innocent. It is much bigger than the dry domain. There are many ancestral gates, numerous dangers, and empire. Eight wild.

Nine secluded, it refers to the nine secluded circumstances, is a mysterious danger, the world describes the nine secluded with nine secluded hell, can imagine how horrible the nine secluded.

The vast nine secluded land, wrapped in the twelve empire, these twelve empire, undoubtedly, are all top-grade empire, and are top-ranking empire with extremely horrible strength, after all, even the ten domains of the eight wilderness There are also countless empire, and some of them have top-level empire, but they cannot be compared with the twelve countries around the nine secluded places.

Eight wilderness and ten fields, nine secluded and twelve countries, it is from then on, eight wild and nine quiet, for eight wilderness and nine secluded.

The two emperors, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, are the two top-ranking strongmen who rose up in the wilderness of the eight wilderness hundreds of years ago. The two are the best, and they are all terrible, so they are also famous in the eight wilderness. Big, after all, it is too difficult for the Emperor and the Emperor to get to the relationship between Shi Huang and Emperor Huang.

In addition, the reason why Shihuang and Emperor Huang are famous is that there are two reasons why they are not the same as many emperors. They did not recruit disciples of the Emperor when they became famous, but only received a group of pro-disciples. For the confidant, those people are now very famous, Megatron side, for example, Qinglin reincarnation sword, Hou Qinglin!

The disciples of Shi Huang and Emperor Huang are all peerless, so that countless people admire and want to enter under their door. However, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang never officially recruited disciples of the Emperor.

This time, Hou Qinglin personally conveyed the cadres, and Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of disciples of the Emperor, so that he was shocked by Yu.

The first group of Wuhuang disciples will obviously be in a different position in the future. I am afraid that they will be second only to the pro-disciples. Therefore, in the eight wilderness, every emperor in history is the first time to recruit disciples of the Emperor. All of them are in full swing, and countless people are eager to become the first batch of disciples of the Emperor Wu. If they succeed, it means that there will be a great chance to get the advice of the emperor in the future.

"Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of disciples of the Emperor Wu, I am afraid that today's eight wilderness is chaotic, and it is a grand ceremony." Yu Yu muttered to himself, this time, is the two emperors, the same trick disciple.

However, what he did not understand was that Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, why would this Hou Qinglin come to the dry field? Eight wilderness is already vast enough. The strong are like clouds, and the genius is gathering. The stone emperor and the emperor are now screaming, and the responders are gathered. He Hou Qinglin, what is this ran?

Is it that Shi Huang and Emperor Huang want to dig out extraordinary talents in the crowd outside?

The Shihuang and Emperor Huang always acted uniquely. Yu Yu had to admit that this possibility is also there, and it is not small. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Hou Qinglin will come to the field, and he still has the enthusiasm of the Wanzong Conference.

Hou Qinglin’s words not only made the heart tremble, but even the crowds here were full of enthusiasm, especially some young people.

Although most people do not understand the significance of the Emperor Wu’s disciples, but seeing the power of Tianlin’s sons and others and their great face, they can imagine with their eyes closed, the position of the Emperor’s disciples is at least higher than they are now. Countless times, Tianlin Gongzi and others, even the giants of the doorkeepers must accompany each other, and for them, the owner of the door will come and sway.

This is the gap, and the disciples of the Emperor Wu are disciples of the emperor.

Emperor, high above, the peerless powerhouse in the cloud, they never dreamed of dreaming, one day they can see the emperor, and even worship under the imperial court.

The four words of the Emperor Wu’s disciples were too gravitational. Their hearts were even pulled back from the events of Tianchi, and all were occupied by the disciples of the Emperor.

What if they became disciples of the Emperor? At that time, when they stepped back to the dry fields, did the people who looked up in the past look down on them? That is the real prestige, not worthy of this life.

Hou Qinglin’s words were shouted in the direction of Tianchi, so the people of Tianchi certainly heard it clearly.

The crowds in the seven snow peaks are also trembled. The two emperors, recruiting the disciples of the Emperor, are too tempting. This kind of opportunity is probably rare in the eight wildernesses, let alone the first. Appreciate the disciples of Emperor Wu.

The three sages on the peak of Tianzhu and the old man of Tianzhu, their eyes turned in an instant, and they were directly fixed on Lin Feng, who still stood in the gathering place of the Seven Stars.

When Hou Qinglin said the four words of the Emperor Wu’s disciples, the first thing they thought of was Lin Feng!

Lin Feng’s horror talent knows that he despise Tianlin’s sons and other martial arts disciples. The realm is lower than them but they can win. If Shi Huang and Emperor Huang’s recruiting Wu Emperor’s disciples do not limit their strength, Lin Feng definitely has a chance. The opportunity is not small.

Lin Feng felt the eyes of everyone, could not help but see the slightest condensate, and the heart also swayed a trace of embarrassment.

Sooner or later, he has to go out of the dry field. There is no doubt that he wants to pursue a higher realm. He wants to have a brighter land, and he has to go to a stronger territory and have a more expansive stage. It’s just a matter of time. At the moment when this opportunity appeared, the teachers seemed to think of him.

"Dare to ask, Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the disciples of the Emperor, there may be strength restrictions." Snow Zun looked at the direction outside the Tianchi, Lang said.

"As long as you enter the realm of Tianwu, whether it is Tianwu or Zun, there are opportunities, even, even the age is not limited, as long as you have extraordinary talent!" Hou Qinglin's other voice is to let countless people tide Even the age is not limited, which means that people above Tianwu have opportunities.

"Of course, there is a point. If you are weak, you still have to know yourself. Otherwise, you will be denied a sentence when you go to the eight wilderness. You have to complain." Hou Qinglin added, and it seemed to be pouring cold water into the crowd. Yes, there are so many people in Tianwu, I am afraid that there are countless, how can it be so easy to become a disciple of the Emperor, even if the other party is not limited to age, but the person who goes before should also have self-knowledge.

"Thank you!" Snow Zun nodded slightly, and looked at Lin Feng inadvertently. This made Lin Feng sigh in the heart and was very moved. If he had to stay in Tianchi with his talent, he must have a better future. The teacher actually moved to let himself leave Tianchi to go to the eight deserts.

"Well, Yu Yu, my mission is completed, let me leave the dry field." Hou Qinglin's eyes fell on the body of the beggar, said indifferent.

Yu Yu sank, then nodded, and did not leave, he must face Hou Qinglin's sword, he did not choose, with Hou Qinglin's character, must be said to do.

Hou Qinglin turned to the air, and Yu looked at the crowd and said, "You are good at it."

After all, his body also went with Hou Qinglin, which made many people feel that this is the shock brought by the strength. When Yu Gang just stepped into the Wanzong Conference, he was dazzling and dazzling, but Hou Qinglin was coming, Yu Yu From then on, there was no glory, and it was completely suppressed. Even the words were not emboldened. At this time, Hou Qinglin asked him to leave, and he did not dare not leave.

"We, see the eight wilderness!"

Hou Qinglin's figure disappeared, but a rolling voice fell from the sky, covering the Tianchi.

We, see the eight wilderness!

The crowd looks solid, and Hou Qinglin’s disagreement is extremely ambiguous. Is his statement for everyone, or for someone?

Also, they are puzzled and unresolved, and Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the disciples of the Emperor. Why did they come to the field? This is something that has never happened before.

If Shi Huang and Emperor Huang don't want to miss the genius, they can understand it. However, Hou Qinglin just stepped into the dry field. At the time of the Wanzong Conference, there were more people there. Why Hou Qinglin did not announce, but until now, everyone came. Tianchi, Hou Qinglin announced that Shi Huang and Emperor Huang, recruiting disciples of the Emperor!

These are like mysteries, they can't be solved!

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