Peerless Martial God

Chapter 947: The horror of the owner

Lin Feng did not know what method was used. The seven main peaks of the entire Tianchi were used to kill the avenues, and the distant seven-star main peaks were bundled together. The power could gather in an instant and send out terrible destruction.

In addition, the seven main peaks of Tianchi, there are six main peaks shrouded in the air of the righteousness, becoming a holy place of cultivation, with the exception of the Tianshu Peak.

Not only that, Tianwangfeng not only did not receive the same treatment as other main peaks, but even suffered an attack for the entire Tianchi. No matter which main peaks were attacked by those killed, the final strength would fall on the Tianshu Peak. The pivot has become a living target.

Obviously, this is what Lin Feng deliberately made. In the pit peak, how can this make Tianzhang not angry? He almost has the urge to tear Lin Feng forward.

Especially when the eyes of the peak people of the day fell on him, the face of Tianshuzi became more ugly.

"Lin Feng!" Can not hold back this anger, Tianshuzi snorted at the void.

Lin Feng looked back and glanced at the Tianshufeng in a distant place, faintly saying: "This killing big array must have a main peak to withstand the attack. The four main peaks in front of the attack, so only the back The three main peaks can be chosen, and Tianshuzi's predecessors are thinking about Tianchi. Even in order to protect Tianchi, they will sacrifice the reputation of Tianchi. They will drive me out of Tianchi and take possession of my treasures. It will be destroyed for Baotianchi, let alone this area. Little things, I think the Tianshuo predecessors will not be worried about taking on the responsibility of defending Tianchi."

The indifferent voice seems to be a bit of righteousness, but it is a strong irony. Lin Feng is simply saying that Tianshuzi will drive him out of Tianchi to seize his treasure. He does not hide it. He just wants to tell Tianshuzi, I It is to retaliate against you, since there are always a main peak in the seven main peaks to bear the task of being attacked, not who is your Tianfeng!

However, Tianzhuzi can only be dumbfounded when he hears this, and swallows the endless depressing anger into his stomach. His eyes are flickering and he has been staring at Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng spoke, other people could not be idle. The other six main peaks except Tianshufeng once again mobilized the terrible power. Once again, they gathered in the direction of Tianzhufeng. Since these people are going to destroy their Tianchi, They can be polite with them, and they will be completely defeated at one time.

"If today's pool is in the midst of life and death, the people in Tianchi are angry and killing the enemy. How can the Tianshuzi predecessors still have time to chat with Lin Feng."

Another voice spit out from Lin Feng's mouth, making Tianzhang's face more ugly, began to mobilize the power of the Tianshufeng, ready to participate in the attack together, and Lin Feng's account, and then liquidate.

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, then turned back and didn't look at Tianshufeng again. Instead, he said to the people of Xue Zun: "Teacher, those who take the lead are very arrogant, take care of it."

"Okay, that's what it means."

Snow Zun nodded. His gaze directly locked the body of the happy door. This is the person who is the most active in the Wanzong Conference. He also invites people who are happy to go to the Shenzong. The destruction of the first person who wants to kill is the owner of the door.

It seems that I felt something. The eyes of the owner of the door were frozen, and then I looked away from the direction of Tianzhufeng. His eyes instantly saw the killing in the eyes of Xue Zun.

At the same time, the Sword Supreme and the Flame Supreme, they set their sights on the Dragon Lord and the Duanmu Prince, ready to take care of these two people.

"Follow me, don't look for the target. We attack the owner of the door at the same time and try to kill him." Xue Zun said, and the few people in the door are the giants in the field. It is not easy to kill them. If they are scattered attacks, they can only kill other people, but it is very difficult to kill these powerful and powerful terrorists. Therefore, Snow Zun has this suggestion. To kill, kill one person first. If it can kill, it will be a devastating blow to the opposite crowd.

"Good, good!"

Both the Sword Supreme and the Flame Supreme nodded, and their eyes were fixed on the owner of the Happy Gate. At this moment, the owner of the sneak door was stiff and his face was slightly pale. His strength was naturally strong. Incomparably, the three people of Snow Zun did not hide his killing intentions. At this moment, he seemed to feel that the gas of death was approaching him.

"Don't panic, you concentrate on resisting this attack. Otherwise, you may die in the next moment." The owner of the door screamed at the crowd, and the sound of horror seemed to be a blue sky, trembled in the eardrum of the crowd, he must It is necessary to combine the strength of all people and join forces.

"Yes, whoever flees is afraid of destroying him."


The sound of the whistling sound came out, and the crowd gathered again and attacked. At the same time, the three sages of Tianyifeng bathed in the glory of the glory of the glory again shot again, and this time the shot was only one hit.

The attacks of the three men were concentrated together and turned into a terrible wave of light, killing the past in the direction of the owner of the door. The dazzling light waves made a sharp, harsh sound, as if the eyes of the crowd were stinging.

"If you don't want to die, you will attack and block him." The owner of the door screamed.

"Boom, rumbling!" The crowd shot, the endless attacks all rushed toward the light wave, but at the moment of touching the light wave instantly annihilated invisible.

Almost at the same time, the most fascinating doorkeeper of the Chad did not take the shot with everyone, but walked on the footsteps of the crowd, madly fleeing toward the rear of the crowd, and countless people behind him became his meat shield. .

The speed of this ruined light wave is only coming in an instant. Those who face the light wave are pale and with desperate colors. They release the last force in their lives to consume the destructive power of light waves.

"Hey, hehe..." Where the light wave passes, the world is silent, and the body flickers to the distant people can clearly see the scene where the human body is annihilated and torn in the light wave. Wherever there is a vacuum, where the strong ones are destroyed one by one.

And when the ruined light wave passes through the bodies of countless people, the power of destruction is no longer so strong, and the owner of the door is still running wildly. The terrible destructive power has locked him firmly. His speed has already Fast enough, but still faster than the ruin of Guanghua.

"No!" The owner of the happy door screamed, how could this be the case, the ruined light wave, to swallow him, how can he die like this leader of the door, the dominator of the cadre.

No, absolutely not!

At this moment, the body of the owner of the door is like an incarnation. All of them are phantoms of the road. They can't see which one is him. At the same time, there is no endless breath, and there is no cover, no blood. The power is roaring in madness.

No, he can't die!

"Ah..." The roar of roaring, the world rolling, his speed turned into the limit, happy in the sky, phantom million, but the brilliance of the eternal glory is still there, the beam of destruction will be his in the moment of chasing him. The body swallowed up, and in an instant, the body of the doorkeeper was wrapped in white light!

The crowds are staring at the white light in front of them. At this moment, they seem to have forgotten even the escape, and the owner is dead. Is the giant figure in the dry field killed like this?


A roar of roaring sounds, the sound of the bang blasted in the void, the crowd's eyes were stiff, and they all stared at the distracted brilliance and the blood people in it.

The blood man is the giant figure of the cadre, but at this moment, his face is stunned, his hair is unkempt, and his body is full of bright red blood. What is even more shocking is that one of his arms is **** and directly gone, accompanied by The ruined brilliance disappeared.

The hall is stunned, the moment is so miserable, the arm is gone, the breath is floating, the blood is covered, the face is stunned, very scary.

This also caused other people's bodies to tremble slightly, feeling the fear from the bottom of their hearts, and the happy doorkeepers have reached such a point. If Tianchi intends to kill them, what will they do?

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