Peerless Martial God

Chapter 945: Light of silence

Under the gaze of the owner of the Happy Gate, there was a figure standing on his face, slowly rolling in the direction of the main peak of the Tianzhu. They would look back from time to time to see if the person behind them kept up. . //High speed update //

Fortunately, the people behind the commander of the Happy Gate also followed them and went to the main peak of Tianzhu. Obviously, he also knew that Tianchi Snow Mountain, even one of the snow peaks, could not be easily destroyed.

Soon, those strongmen came to the front of the main peak of Tianzhu Peak. Their eyes were on the figures above the peak of Tianzhu Peak. Some of them said: "The Tianchi will be destroyed today. This is the trend of the times. In the resistance, there is no need to die."

The crowd on the main peak of Tianzhu Peak looked at them and ignored their words. They just sneered a sneer in the corner of their mouth.

Tianchi will be destroyed? Or is it the trend?

"Many lives and deaths are often because of human greed and desire, and I am imagining that I can get what I can't get by my ability. This leads to the disaster. I advise you to say that now you can get out of the Tianchi, as long as you dare Shooting at Tianchi... killing innocent!"

The Snow Supreme looked at the crowds and spit out a voice indifferently. Most of the people who came to these 10,000 conferences were tempted by interest, but did they really get the strength of Nali? Obviously, they didn't, just blindly doing unrealistic fantasies, wanting to come to Tianchi to try their luck, hoping to get a piece of the pie after destroying Tianchi.

"You don't need to manage it, Tianchi, wait for it to be destroyed." Someone in the crowd was angry, and then everyone's body often had a terrible breath, and they had to shoot at the crowd on Tianzhu Peak.

"Very good!" The body of the Snow Lord floated up, and a terrible icy atmosphere filled out. Soon, except for the main peak of the Tianzhu Peak, even the void in his distant place seemed to be frozen. It is solidified.

The eyes of those who have been killed near Tianzhu Peak are a stiff, terrible breath, and there is such a terrible breath that they seem to be freezing the world.

"Since you insist on moving my Tianchi, then you can't blame me, heaven and earth, ice!" Snow Supreme spit out a voice, the horrible power of the righteousness blooms wildly, the void is tight, and all the figures are instantly frozen. Lived, was frozen there.

"Hey, hehe..." A horrible martial art came out, and then the sword light of the sky burst in the void, the dazzling dazzling, the swordsman shot!

"Kill!" A sharp voice came out. Under the sword of the Sword Supreme, the endless kendo raging, the sound of the cymbal continually spread out, the frozen ice sculpture continued to crack, and was frozen in the ice sculpture. The body is also cracked and destroyed forever.

Dead, the two sages joined forces to fight, everyone, all are dead!

The people who walked forward stopped their eyes and their eyes were stiff. Many people even realized that Tianchi is so easy to attack. In the face of the horror of the horror, the people of Tianwu are dead and vulnerable. Unless the Sayādaws on their side take the shot, they will hold the strong men of Tianchi.

The eyes of the happy door are flickering, so it is useless. Sending those people to the front, even the role of temptation has not played, there is no need to use the strange power on the main peak of the Scorpio, only the Sayādaw shot, will instantly Everyone has erased it. It seems that they are not able to do this without wanting to move the sage.

"You don't have to hide any more. If you want to destroy the Tianchi, do you really want to pay no price? The people on my side attack this main peak together, first, then everyone, I will shoot together, I can't kill it." A snowy peak in the district."

The owner of the happy door said coldly and called on everyone to go forward. At this time, he personally led the team. Many people immediately followed him, and there were some people who were afraid of the team. In addition, there were several respects beside the owner of the door. The character of the level, this time, do not believe that this area is a major peak!

The owner of the Happy Gate became extra cautious, and came to a position away from the peak of the peak of the Tianzhu Peak. A horrible momentum permeated him.

On the two sides of the main door of the Happy Gate, the number and nearly a hundred people lined up in a row, and they all had a terrible temper and rushed.

"I don't believe, I can't destroy Tianchi!" The chill of the owner of the door is blooming, and the murderousness of all people is released at almost the same time, and the peak of the sky is destroyed.

"Get up!"

At this time, Tianqi's seven snow peaks gathered in the seven-star land, Lin Feng shouted, suddenly, in the direction of Tianzhufeng, a beam of sky-shattering broke through the sky, the light shines, the smashing of the arrogance of the air is roaring.

Immediately, the direction of the Tianheng Peak, the direction of the shaking peak, the direction of the Kaiyang Peak, and even the direction of the Tianshu Peak, in addition to the Tianzhu Peak, six snow peaks, six beams of light, this moment, the snow above the Tianchi Stopped and continued to fall, in the void, replaced by a dazzling sword light.

"Well?" The crowd's pupils slammed for a while, what happened, what happened? The power of this ambiguity seems to be horrifying to cover the vast expanse of the Tianchi.

"Where..." At this time, the eyes of the crowd saw one of the six snow peaks in Tianchi. A terrible power spread along the axis of a void to the center, where Lin Feng was.

Fast, the eyes of the crowd can not keep up, it seems to be very slow, but the whole process is only completed in an instant, the terrorist power of the six snow peaks gathered at the same time to the seven-star gathering place.

"Oh..." The crowd stared at the gathering power, as if it had turned into a ray of light, glaring the eyes of the crowd, and letting their hearts tremble slightly.

A terrible power, this power is the power that is used by the strongest of the six snow peaks?

"Oh!" In the void, the dazzling brilliance shines on the main peak of the Scorpio, and then the crowd only sees the body of the Sword Supreme, rushing into the void, above the sword, the endless brilliance shines instantly, this moment, The sword of the Sword Lord can seem to destroy everything and destroy the whole world.

The seven main peaks of this Tianchi are so far apart, but now they are connected by a magical force. The terrorist forces of the six main peaks are all extrapolated to the main peak of Tianzhu.



A voice of anger and anger came out, and the response of the owner of the door was the fastest. His body quickly retreated backwards, and the footwork was used quickly.


The snow lord screamed, and the swordsman's sorrow broke open, and the heavens seemed to be pulling out a scorpion. The qi of the ruined ruin was blooming toward the front. There was no sword, only the light beam. This brilliance seemed to tear. Split everything, this sword, gathered the power of the seven snow peaks.

"Hey, hehe..." The figure was drowned in the glory of the emptiness in the void, and the traces could no longer be seen. It disappeared forever. Everywhere Guanghua passed, everything was destroyed. Everyone is dead. It is the light of silence. The strongest of the six main peaks use the power of the sacred pattern on their main peaks, and then gather together here, the power of which is terrible.

The crowds in the distance earned their eyes wide, and their eyes stared at the light of the light, and they continued to swallow their lives.

After a single blow, there was no stopping, and the Snow Lord once again ignited the power of the main peak. Suddenly, a terrible force accumulated along the invisible lines in the void, and gathered toward the gathering place of the seven stars.

At the same time, Tianquan Peak and Shaguangfeng Peak once again had a terrible light of destruction, and Guanghua dazzled, and instantly came to the heart of the Seven Stars axis and turned into a light of destruction.

This time, it was the old man who lifted the sword. When his sword merged with the glory of Guanghua, the crowds in the distance became awkward.

"Hey, hehe..." In the void, the light of destruction shatters everything, the dragon master, the ruined palace, and so on, all pale, this is what a terrible power, enough to destroy everything.


Many people screamed wildly. They saw the light beam coming, but they could do nothing, but they were swallowed up by the horrible light of silence, and there was no ability to resist it. The living was swallowed up!

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