Peerless Martial God

Chapter 943: The embarrassment of Tianshuzi

Lin Feng's figure flickered and came to the heart of the Seven Peaks. At this moment, the singularity was constantly breathing, and it seemed to be very exhausting. As he said, he arranged this scorpion, and he only had the celestial world. In terms of the load, it seems to be a little powerless.

"It's okay." Lin Feng asked.

"The layout of the area of ​​the pattern, there will be something, if the Emperor has the past cultivation, the wave can be achieved, of course, the Emperor does not squander this array of law." Poorly high head, Lin Fengyi's 瞪He glanced at him. It seems that his concern is superfluous. This **** can have something to blame.

"Well, I will collect you first. I can't expose what you are doing, otherwise everyone will stare at you." Lin Feng said, and he nodded his head and wondered if anyone knew that his monster was arranged. This kind of sacred pattern is not surprising if he is a winner. If the news is heard, there will be more horrible people coming to him.

Lin Feng will be lucky in the Snow Demon Tower, and then his body will flash, heading towards the entrance of the Tianchi Lake. The formation has already been completed. Those who want to move the Tianchi, dream!

A moment later, Lin Feng came to the entrance of the Tianchi Lake. The seven peaks sitting on the top of the Tianchi looked at Lin Feng.

"Xiao Feng, what happened?" Snow Zun asked a question to Lin Feng, and he felt faintly in the atmosphere of Tianchi. It seems that there is a world of great power.

"Teacher." Lin Feng nodded to the Snow Supreme, and immediately looked at the crowd: "The leaders of the peaks can now go to your main peak with the people of the main peaks. Tianchi, no one can commit." ”

"Well?" The eyes of the crowd were all condensed, and the eyes of the snow lord flickered, and then they seemed to understand what they were, secretly licking their own mouths, and he remembered what happened in the Snow Moon Palace and the terrible streak of the Wanzong Assembly. It’s not necessary to say that he also understands what Lin Feng is doing. How can he ask this kind of thing, this will cause a big disaster for Lin Feng.

"A big tone, let's go to the main peak. Do you rely on you to defend against foreign enemies? Don't forget that those people are coming because of you. If there is something in Tianchi, you will be the first to plead guilty." Tianshuzi said indifferently.

Lin Feng glanced at the Tianshuzi, revealing the merciful color, sneer, and waited to cry.

"If Tianzhuzi's predecessors love Tianchi and are willing to guard here, Lin Feng will naturally not mind." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the main peaks: "The peaks, Lin Feng placed some treasures in each main peak. Leading a powerful killing power, no one can invade the Tianchi, and ask the predecessors to take people to their main peak and guard the Tianchi."

The crowd heard Lin Feng’s affirmation, and it was even more amazing. His eyes looked toward the snow-capped mountains. The wonderful power was still there, very powerful.

"Good!" The old man nodded and stood up and said to the crowd: "Take your own people to your main peak."

Immediately, the old man of Tianzhu took the lead and stepped forward, facing the crowd: "The people of Tianzhufeng, follow me back to the main peak!"

Facing Lin Feng slightly nodded, the old man of Tianzhu floated away.

Immediately, Snow Zun also stood up and entered the void, saying: "The people of Tianzhufeng, follow me back to the main peak!"

Then, leaders such as Tianquanfeng and Shaguangfeng returned to their main peaks with their own veins. Soon, the endless crowds of the entrance to the snow-capped mountains disappeared, leaving only Tianzhang’s eyes staring indifferently. Lin Feng.

"Don't go, follow you." Lin Feng indifferently spit out a voice, stepped over and left, and he also returned to the peak of the peak of Tianzhu Peak.

Tianshuzi looked ugly and finally stood up. The person with the peak of the day left the place and returned to his main peak.

When the main peaks brought their own people back to the peak of the main peak, in an instant, they felt a scent of breath that filled the peaks and shrouded the whole main peak, which made their bodies Can't help but tremble slightly, this is... the breath of the righteousness!

Nowadays, their entire main peak is filled with the atmosphere of the righteousness. What a terrible thing!

All the peaks are deeply shocked, Lin Feng, what did he do? Even so that they have a layer of great power above the main peak, and a strong sense of ambition, now their main peak, will become a holy place of cultivation.

"Lin Feng, your gift, let me say what the old man is." At this time, the peak of Tianzhufeng, the old man of Tianzhu stood in the void, the rolling voice spread throughout the Tianchi, and the main peak of Tianchi became a holy place of cultivation.岂 is an ordinary treasure that can be done, Lin Feng, sent Tianchi a very rich gift.

"Haha, yes, Lin Feng, from then on, only a few decades, Tianchi, will become the absolute hegemon of the dry domain." Shaking the main peak also sent a full-fledged voice.

"In the future, I am going to set this main peak as the cultivation holy place of my heavenly power. Only the disciples who truly have faith can enter the cultivation to avoid the birth of locusts." This is the voice of Tianquanfeng.

"Lin Feng is a person in Tianchi, which makes Tianchi strong. This is a matter of the inside. Why do you need to do this for the predecessors? What's more, you are protecting Lin Feng and joining forces with the enemy. I can't repay this kind of love. I also hope that you will be rewarded. Uncle Bo has to fold Lin Feng again."

Lin Feng’s voice was heard in Tianzhu Peak. The Snow Supreme, the Sword Supreme and the Fire Supreme were all around Lin Feng. Their faces all showed a faint smile. They were born out of these disciples. They are naturally proud. .

"Well, let's talk about it again. This kind of ambiguous atmosphere contains a powerful force. Lin Feng, you talk about how this power is triggered." The old man said with a smile, with their cultivation, You will not feel the strong atmosphere of this killing power.

Lin Feng did not lie to them, Tianchi, no one can commit, at least the domain, no one can move Tianchi.

The vast majority of people in Tianchi are cheering at this moment, and they are very happy in their hearts. Only on a main peak, they hear the sound of everyone’s incomparable voice. The face of Tianshuzi is getting more and more gloomy, and the disciple of Tianshu is also a disciple. They all feel that they can't lift their heads. Listening to the meaning of other peaks, Lin Feng is making their main peaks a sanctuary, but they have a peak, except for a powerful power, there is nothing, what is it? Practice the Holy Land.

Obviously, this is Lin Feng, in the intentional pit Tianshufeng.

However, this seems to be a matter of reason. Tianfengfeng and Lin Feng are not well-known. Even their peak owner Tianshuzi said that Lin Feng will be expelled from Tianchi every time. Now Lin Feng has a heavy treasure in his hand. How can he give them a day? The pivot peak, other main peaks, but their daily pivot is forgotten, I am afraid that the Tianshu Peak will soon be surpassed by other main peaks, becoming the weakest peak of Tianchi.

At the moment, Tianshuzi, he seems to want to say something, but he can't say anything else, just a sullen face, Lin Feng does not give him, can he still grab it, and now, the peak of the main peaks of Tianchi to Lin Feng It is not a general politeness. If he dares to do anything about Lin Feng, I am afraid to become a target of public criticism.

"Lin Feng, you are in the secret, what the baby got." Tianshuzi looked up and stared at the direction of Tianzhufeng, revealing a greedy light. He certainly wouldn’t think that this terrible power was Lin Feng’s arrangement. If you come out, you must rely on the strange treasures of the battle to do this.


At this time, the six giants of the dry domain joined forces, and the people who led the Wanzong Conference had entered the territory of the Tianchi Empire and were marching in the direction of Tianchi.

Where they passed, the people in the Tianchi Empire below were ugly, and so many strong people had to invade the Tianchi. This is absolutely devastating for Tianchi, and the love of Tianchi Empire is definitely from the love of Tianchi. In the heart, as long as there are talented people in the empire, Tianchi will be recruited and cultivated immediately, and it is very selfless. The purpose and belief of Tianchi is for the empire, the empire, and the nature also loves Tianchi.

For the people of the Tianchi Empire, Tianchi is also their belief.

"The guys have been following us all the time. Do you still want to help the Tianchi not to find death!" Many people in the sky looked flickering and rushed toward the Tianchi, and the eyes of the dying palace flashed a cold mang The palms of the hand waved, and suddenly the mighty force of the sky went away with the arrogance of destruction.

The crowds under the sky looked up at the void, and the face turned pale, showing the color of despair.

"Booming!" The horrible destruction came out, and there was a place of silence below. Everyone was destroyed by this palm.

Coldly snorted, the sorrowful lord seems to have killed a group of ants, and the calmness is not a little bit bleak.

"Why should the Lord be so angry, the people of Tianchi have not left, and soon, you can show your talents, and you will be able to sacrifice the blood of the shrine with their blood!" The dragon said a faint voice. There are smirk in the eyes, and no one in Tianchi has escaped from Tianchi. This is to find death. This time the Tianchi will be destroyed!

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