Peerless Martial God

Chapter 936: Provoking chaos

Hou Qinglin’s gaze fell on the owner of the Happy Gate. He smiled faintly: “I heard that you want to hold a 10,000-strong conference. You come to fight for the position of the leader. Since he can, I can do it. I will compete with him fairly. ///Free e-book download //"

"This 10,000-piece conference is a matter of my domain. It is not appropriate for you to intervene." The eyes of the owner of the door are condensed.

"Yu Yu, and these Wuhuang disciples, they seem to be non-domain people, since they can participate, why can't I, but also hope to advise." Hou Qinglin looked at the main road.

"Yu Yu is the young man of my sacred ancestor Xiaoyao Shenzong, and there is nothing wrong with him."

"You said that this is a matter of the cadre, not the thing that you are at the door of the door. It seems that it is not the ancestral gate of the cadre." Hou Qinglin is still indifferent and calmly said: "You don't have to be arrogant, he can participate in Yu. I can do it at the Wanzong Conference. There is nothing to say."

"Do you want to be an enemy of the cadres?" The door of the happy door is cold and cold.

"Anyone who is at your door is so shameless?" Lin Feng underneath could not hear it. Coldly said: "The shameless sons of Lin Gongzi were all obvious at the time. They kept saying that I was a waste, and eventually I was wasteful than waste, but now The work of the dry domain has become a matter of your inner door. The people who are at the door of the door come to participate in the contribution to the dry field. Other young strongmen come to participate and they are excluded. Instead, they are enemies with the dry domain. Dare to ask the door owner if you have a problem in your mind or if I understand the ability."

"Let's go, where the animals are, no one looks at them." The owner of the door screamed at Lin Feng, who was under the air, and the horrible sound of the waves made Lin Feng's soul tremble.

Lin Feng looked cold and looked at the owner of the door with indifference: "An old dog, want to bite again!"

"Boom!" Lin Feng's voice allowed the owner of the door to burst into a terrible power. His eyes were cold and the old dog? A Tianwu person in the district dared to insult him that he was an old dog.

The surrounding crowds are also trembled, this guy is not crazy, dare to insult the door is the old dog, courage is too big.

Lin Feng’s courage is of course very big. Of course, it’s not daring without a brain. If you have already complained about anything polite, it’s nonsense. The other party insults him. It’s a livestock. He can’t fight back. It’s a big deal to say goodbye, anyway. No one knows who the face is, Lin Feng, he is a slap in the face, whether you are the owner of the door or who does not care.

"You are looking for death." The owner of the door was cold, and his body was murderous.

"I knew that the old dog had to bite, and he didn't have to hide. If he had to bite, he would simply point it out. Since it is an old dog, it is necessary to have a human model." Lin Feng continued to ridicule, so that the owner of the door would go away.

"This old dog may really bite you, you should be careful." The poor voice made a low-pitched voice, and a voice was also spit in his mouth, so that the air of the door was unsteady and fluctuated. The ants in the realm of Wu Jing, a beast, humiliated him as the old dog.

"You are looking for death." A terrible killing rushed toward Lin Feng and the singularity, but the snow sages in the void sneered: "You are disrespectful to others, how to want to be respected by others, to you." It should be."

Speaking of the snow lord's footsteps, the palm of the hand blasted out, the sound of the collision came out in the void, and the attack of the lord of the door disappeared in the void.

"Give me the killer and the animal." The owner of the door said coldly.

In an instant, many people flashed out. These are the people who are at the door of the door. The doorkeeper ordered that they naturally want to kill Lin Feng and the poor.

"Since you want to kill my disciple, don't blame me for being rude." Xue Zun's indifference spits out a voice, and it is a force to kill, leaving the owner of the door, while his own body is facing the sky. Falling, the thunderous terrorist forces smashed toward the people who rushed out of the door, and the people who rushed in front of them were directly killed and killed.

"You dare!" The owner of the door screamed.

"You have to kill my disciples. I don't have anything to dare." The old man snorted and looked at the gods who had been bombarded in the void, and sighed coldly: "God is like a mountain, killing!"

When the voice falls, the old man's **** is turned into a mountain, and the past is smashed toward the crowd. The horrible gods are trying to suppress everything.

"Boom, bang, bang!" The sound of the road was hit by Jinshan Shen, and was immediately killed and completely destroyed.

"Hey!" The main door of the Xiaomeng screamed out, and God rushed out like a sea, and smashed it toward Lin Feng.

"Do you have a chance?" The old man sneered, the mountain peaks and the brilliance of the brilliance, and the horror of the sacred gods rushed to the sea, and the gods of the lord of the door were suppressed.

"The old dog is an old dog. It is still stupid like a pig. Let the door of the Happy Gate kill me. Are you going to die at the door of the door?" Lin Feng sneaked, provoked that the door of the door was full of terrible anger, the old man only needed Protecting Lin Feng, but he can't protect the people at the door. Because there are so many people, the old man can kill one at a time, and who can stop it.

Those who are not happy don't dare to kill Lin Feng. Lin Feng can't get close under the shelter of the old man. The owner can't completely restrain the old man.

The eyes of the crowd were stiff and they did not expect that the Wanzong Congress had not yet been held. Here, it has been a mess and has evolved into this situation.

The person on the main side of the door seems to have to win the position of the leader of the 10,000-strong conference. He wants to control the 10,000-strong conference, but Lin Feng and his men have shown their intentions to the leaders of the Wanzong Congress. Now that there is another battle, there will be a situation at the moment, and it will be killed first.

However, they did not know that Lin Feng and his men really wanted the leader position of the Wan Zong Conference. The two of them were eager to give the Wanzong Assembly a squad, and the more chaotic it was, the more the fire would be.

The owner of the door, they want to easily control the Wanzong Assembly to destroy the Tianchi, Lin Feng, of course, they will not agree, and try to do everything to destroy.

"A group of people who are at the door of the door are also qualified to be arrogant here. There is no future for such an old dog lord. How about following me with my mentor and the disciples?" Lin Feng pointed at the people who were at the door. The madness is incomparable, and the popularity of those who are at the door is watching him coldly.

"Are you still not convinced? If you disagree, you can come out and fight. Under the five-fold situation, you will stand up casually. My teacher will never intervene. It is as simple as killing pigs and dogs."

Lin Feng pointed to those humanities, and at this moment the old man and the uncles have already fought completely, using the terrible power of God, and even can not be distracted.

"I am fulfilling you." A figure walked out on the footsteps and rushed toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered, stepping out of the footsteps, and screaming at the horrible breath of his body. He held the scorpion stone in his palm, and it contained a piece of power from the heavens and the earth. The sound of a burst of bursting sounded, he and the door of the happy The Tianwu Wuzhong realm that came out fought.

"Kill!" Lin Feng screamed, and the ancient bell bloomed.

"You are looking for death!" The other side of Tianwu Wuzhong, the use of God to read the power will be afraid of Lin Feng, his gods read power into a feather, to Lin Feng's ancient clock.

"Hey!" The ancient bell screamed and trembled as if it were going to crack.

"Bang!" is another whistle, the ancient clock is fragmented, the endless golden brilliance blooms, and there is a palace plaque in the void. The gods read the palace, and the outline of this palace is obviously not solid, but it is directly Binding the other's feathers to the inside, God chanting the feathers and bombarding the imperfect palace, seems to want to come out.

"Hey!" Lin Feng raised his hand, and a golden brilliance flew toward the other side, letting the man tremble, and the gods chanted the madness of the feathers, and wanted to smash the palace, but they were trapped inside.

The golden brilliance directly fell into the other's eyebrows, and a slight squeaking sound came out. The man instantly turned pale, and the gods read the feathers gradually lost their brilliance in the palace, and the blood blew.

"You are mean." One person screamed, but did not expect Lin Feng to use other forces to attack and kill each other.

Ps: Six more, don't owe it more!

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