Peerless Martial God

Chapter 931: Eight deserts and ten domains, nine secluded twelve countries

In the Wanzong Conference, the disciples of the Emperor Wu appeared, and the fire of the virtual fire appeared. The news that the Magic Youth took away the flame was quickly spread out after that day. It was a sensation in the dry field, and there were countless people moving toward no. The direction of the ancient city of grief came, I heard that the disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor even wanted to ask his brother, the more powerful Emperor of the Emperor, to become the leader of this 10,000-strong conference. //Update the fastest 78xs//

It seems that this time, Tianchi is really in jeopardy.

The people in Tianchi actually hide in the crowd and secretly help others to take away the smoldering inflammation. The disciples of the Emperor Wu will not let go of Tianchi.

Wushang Mountain Villa, there are countless strong gatherings, and the worry-free mountain in the mountain village has become extremely lively. Many people practice in this flaming mountain, especially some flame monks, and even heard that many people get Some powerful flames, the powerful flames that were born from the smoldering inflammation, although these flames are not as powerful as the virtual fire, they still have a great effect on many flame monks.

Today, only seven days after the Wanzong Conference, there is only one last day. In the flaming mountain of Wushang Mountain Villa, there is a figure that straddles from the middle. This person looks sallow and has a sick scent, but he is surrounded by him. The beast of the beast is a strong shock.

This is a huge body of ancient savage beasts, and the face is fierce, and the flames and thorns on the body make people feel the chill. Moreover, this fierce beast is full of flames and hair, with a hint of dark red. The color gives a strong visual impact.

"Well, it is him, he is still here." Someone recognized Lin Fenglai, the sick man who used to be in the last 10,000-strong conference, scorned the disciples of the Emperor, he and his master even returned Want to compete for the position of the leader of the Wanzong Congress.

"This beast is actually an ancient beast, a strong atmosphere, this youth you know?" Later, the crowd did not know Lin Feng, asked other people.

"Of course, I have known that those who have participated in the last 10,000 conferences do not know this person. You must not underestimate his morbid complexion. This person’s fighting power is extremely terrible. Although only Tianwu has a realm, he dares to and Tianwu. The battle of the Emperor of the Three Emperors in the triple realm, as if the disciples of Wu Emperor had nothing to do, and even despised the disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor, not only him, but also the master of this man was also rampant and overbearing. The two, want to win the position of the leader of this 10,000-strong conference." Someone said with a flying look, the thought of Lin Feng and his master's arrogance on the stage of the Wanzong Congress.

"So powerful? But his repair is for me to see how it is a heavenly environment."

"Well?" The person who spoke just looked at him, and then he took a closer look. He couldn’t help but tremble: "It’s really in the realm of Tianwu. In just six days, there was a breakthrough. This person is really terrible, I am afraid his now. The combat power can really fight with the disciples of the Emperor Wu. I don’t know if the Wanzong Conference of tomorrow will show up again. The masters and the men will compete for the position of the leader of the Wanzong Congress."

"It shouldn't be possible, this time Lin Gongzi, I don't know what a strong person will come to help."


Many people have been discussing Lin Feng afterwards. After all, this Lin Feng’s day is really outstanding. It’s hard to be recognized by anyone. Just look at the person who attended the Wanzong Assembly and recognize him.

Lin Feng was very calm, his body flickered in the flame mountain, and he didn’t care at all. On that day, he won the smoldering inflammation as a young man, and no one recognized it. I am afraid that there will be no other than Snow Master and Poor. People know that Lin Xue is absolutely trusting to Xue Zun, the teacher once broke out for him and Tianshuzi when he came out of the secret. He was the leader of many Tianchi, and he was designated as a sacred person. The treasure of Tian Yi, the treasure of Yi Yi, gave him, and this kind of kindness, Lin Feng will forget.

"Lin brother." At this moment, a voice was introduced into Lin Feng's ear. Lin Feng turned his eyes and saw the Chinese brother and sister appeared there. His face showed some smiles.

"Hua brother."

"Lin brother actually practiced in this flaming mountain without leaving." The Fahrenheit youth was quite surprised. Lin Feng had already offended Tianlin son, and that the words made the other Wu Emperors disciples unhappy, such as Lin Gongzi today. To ask for a powerful disappearance, he thought that Lin Feng would leave silently, but did not expect Lin Feng to appear in high profile.

"Lin brother, you are a strange partner of the beast, it seems that the realm has improved more than one." Fahrenheit youth smiled at Lin Feng, the last time I saw this strange time, it was still a weak mysterious demon, but now, even It has become a demon directly, and this span is too big.

"If you want to see it, I can let my partner return to the mysterious demon now." Lin Feng smiled indifferently, let the young people of the Fahrenheit glimpse, and then smiled heartily: "The original, Lin brother's partner They have cultivated such a powerful means of concealment. That Lin Xiong’s cultivation was only one of Tianwu’s weights, but now it is the same as Tianwu. It seems to be reasonable.”

The Fahrenheit youth did not doubt Lin Feng’s words. It’s impossible to become a demon from a mid-level sacred demon. It’s impossible for him to think that the sacred demon can swallow the smoldering inflammation. At the same time, he It is also natural to think that Lin Feng’s day is also hidden and cultivated. In this way, Lin Feng’s powerful strength can also make him relatively calm.

The magical youth of that day had a great impact on his soul, and Lin Feng had despised the disciples of the Emperor. If they were so perverted one by one, they really hit their disciples.

Lin Feng didn't make a smile, but he didn't deny anything. He didn't have any deep friendship with the other party. He didn't even know what character the Wuhuang disciple was. He didn't have to explain so much with the other party.

"It seems that tomorrow's Wanzong Assembly, Lin Xiong will still participate?" Fahrenheit asked tentatively.

"If someone is arrogant, I naturally can't help but want to do it." Lin Feng did not deny it.

"The teacher of Lin's brother should have not left. Forgive me, Lin Xiong is still not good to participate in this time. The strong person who Tianlin's son invited this time is probably even more powerful than the owner of the door. This leader's Position, Tianlin son is inevitable."

"Look again." Lin Feng did not answer. If he had nothing to do with Tianchi at this time, he would not bother to participate. However, the purpose of the formation of the 10,000-piece conference was to destroy Tianchi. How could he stand by and watch, and Lin Feng clearly knew that The ultimate goal of the other party is actually him, Lin Feng.

I did not expect that the strong person invited by Lin Linzi was even worse than the owner of the door. It seems that this is really difficult.

"Lin brothers have a good mind in mind, don't talk about it, Lin brother, this time there are some young talents coming from where we came. You are like us, a rare genius, walk with me, also It’s good to make some talented people, and it’s convenient for Lin’s brother to be outside.”

The Fahrenheit youth said with a smile, he intended to make a relationship with Lin Feng, and it is worthy of his attention with Lin Feng’s strength.

As for Lin Feng and Tian Lin's grievances, he does not care much. After all, he and Tian Lin are not so harmonious.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded slightly, just waiting for nothing, but also to see the so-called young talents, what kind of powerful role.

The Fahrenheit brothers and sisters and Lin Feng walked side by side, and the strangeness followed by Lin Feng’s side, facing Lin Feng’s voice: “The kid, quickly leave the broken area, the emperor took you to the outside, the eighty outside the holy city Ten domains, nine secluded twelve countries, which one is not more powerful than this cadre, you go to my old territory with the Emperor, to ensure that no one dares to bully you."

"Don't be embarrassed, I will go when I want to go." Lin Feng replied that he was so ugly, this guy is afraid that he will be strong all day long, and he will see the enthusiasm of the devastating inflammation. I have to be a little too concerned about it. This guy means more than ten million, but he can't get rid of the technique of Feng Ling. When the time is high, no one knows what will happen, and he must be able to suppress him.

The ninth thirty-one chapter eight eight ten years, nine nine countries

The ninth thirty-one chapter eight eight ten years, nine nine countries

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