Peerless Martial God

Chapter 923: False defeat

"The dog doesn't stop." At this time, an insulting voice came out, letting the crowds stagnate, and then their eyes slowly turned and fell on Tianlin's son. The disciples of the Emperor finally spoke. It is.

Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at Tianlin's son. His eyes narrowed.

"Who are you jealous?"

Lin Feng asked indifferently.

"You think that a husband has a support for you, a waste, a last time did not kill you, you really thought you could not kill you." Tianlin son stared at Lin Feng proudly, his eyes flashed a killing meaning: " The two are here, shit, what are you, do you want to be a leader?"


A violent tyrant's violent waves suddenly burst out, only to see Lin Feng's body as the wind, lightning fast, and instantly rushed to the Tianlin son.


An angry drink spit out from Lin Feng’s mouth, and the golden light of the eyebrows blooms. The gods turn into ancient clocks and rush toward the eyebrows of Tianlin’s son.

Tianlin’s eyes sank and Shen Shen attacked. Lin Feng’s Tianwu had a realm of realm, and he even understood God’s attack. Moreover, the power of God’s thought seemed to be very powerful.

"Hey!" Tianlin's son read the bloom, but like his martial arts, he rolled out from the eyebrows and threw himself at Lin Feng.

"Roll!" At this time, Lin Feng was already in front of Tianlin's son. One palm shot, the space trembled fiercely, and a vigorous and powerful force was oppressed on Tianlin's son. This palm seems to contain boundlessness. The power of the heavens and the earth, with an invisible and terrible sharpness and its own powerful physical strength.

All of this force oppressed Tianlin, let him have the feeling of suffocation, the breathing was tightened, and his heart trembled. How could Lin Feng’s palms be so powerful, he was only a realm of Tianwu, but this one The power must definitely exceed the power of Tianwu.

"Bang!" The gods suddenly slammed together, the ancient bell screamed, and the **** of Tianlin’s **** read the storm, letting his head tremble slightly, no time to think, raising his hand is a palm Force to kill Lin Feng.

"Boom, boom!" The space trembled a few times. The power of an extreme tyrant fell on Tianlin's son. Even though he was two higher than Lin Feng, he was still mad by this terrible palm. Retreat, the foot rubs against the ground, making a harsh, sharp sound, even giving the flame of light because the speed is too fast.

"Kill!" Tianlin Gongzi's footsteps are not stable, but also a rolling anger and roaring, the ancient bell screams, to crush his gods, the wind is angry.

"Looking for death!" Tianlin's son roared, the martial arts bloom, and the horrible storm strangled the space.

"Booming!" is another terrible power against the bang, the martial arts of Tianlin's son is still able to release the power in the future, and then it is slammed and the footsteps slide on the ground.

When his body stopped and retreated, Lin Feng stopped. God remembered that the ancient clock was still blooming, and he was shrouded in his eyes, while his eyes were coldly staring at Tianlin's son: "Wu Emperor? What garbage waste?" I am still swearing in front of me. I am really shameless. If I am a trivial person, you are already a dead person. You can easily crush you. What qualifications do you have in front of me?"

Lin Feng’s overbearing voice sounded in the space, making Tianlin’s face ugly, and Lin Feng blew his two hands against him. He twice slammed him back. He knew that his cultivation was Tianwu San, Lin Feng Tianwu. A heavy, the difference is huge, if Lin Feng is also a three-dimensional weapon, can you really kill him?

"Call me waste, Wu Emperor disciple, would you feel ashamed?" Lin Feng continued to insult Tianlin son.

The crowd is quite shocked. This person is not only a powerful teacher, but also dares to directly take the shots of the masters. The disciples are also very talented. With the repair of Tianwu, the disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor are relegated. This Tianlin son can easily kill Tianwu IV. Heavy, suppressing the terrible existence of the strong people of Tianwu Wuzhong.

Of course, Lin Feng is also lucky, rushed to shoot, Tianlin son has not had time to react, but also have to admit that Lin Feng's strength is terrible.

"The few disciples you are looking for are really not very good." In the void, the old man said a faint voice to the owner of the door, with a bit of irony.

"You let this so-called martial arts disciple become a leader, you help, why can't my disciple be a leader, I will assist."

The old man laughed and said, both men and women, arrogantly laughing here.

"The doorkeeper, if this is the case, let us play with their old masters and apprentices." At this time, Tianlin Gongzi looked up and said to the owner of the empty door.

"Good." The owner of the door nodded, staring at the old man, fighting, he would like to see today, these two people come to trouble, can turn up any big waves.

"If I and my teacher have won, this leader is not to be taken by our mentor." Lin Feng Zhang laughed wildly, no one in sight, and even ignored Tianlin and Ziyao.

"You are going to die today." Tianlin's son said coldly, the martial arts storm raging wildly, and the gas of the world is getting stronger and stronger.

"Yes, I would like to see how you can kill me by the disciples of the Emperor." Lin Feng sneered, then looked at the old man in the void, laughing: "Teacher, we have to fight well."

"Well." The old man nodded.

"Teacher, wait for me to lead them to a place, you cooperate with me, don't go all out, just make sure you have nothing to do." Lin Feng suddenly yelled at the old man, let the old man see the micro-microwave move, Did not ask why, just responded to a few words: "Well, you are also careful, this person's martial arts strength is very strong, and I am afraid there are some very powerful means."

"I understand." Lin Feng said, the two people read the sound very fast, others can not see anything, turned around, whether it is the empty doorkeeper or the Tianlin son on the ground, are releasing horror Cold, I can't wait to kill this pair of men and women on the spot.

"I see how you want to be arrogant." Tianlin Gongzi said indifferently, the martial arts vacated into the void, releasing the horrible power of the horror, the horrible storm of a round seemed to lock Lin Feng, and pressed against Lin Feng. Tears everything away.

Lin Feng looked at the terrible storm of the round and came to himself. His eyes were slightly lifted, and his heart was integrated into the heavens and the earth. Among his hands, the real yuan rolled and roared.

"Get out of the way." Lin Feng screamed, his palms slammed into the void, and the power of terror blasted the storm, as if to spread.


Tianlin’s son looked cold and cold, and spewed out a cold voice. It was a round of horrible martial arts storms that smashed and smashed toward Lin Feng. In the void between the Wuhun Storm and Lin Feng, a ruin was formed. Sexual black storm power, nothing can be seen clearly, only endless repression, tearing and destruction.

Lin Feng’s real power was released wildly, but it was only killed in an instant.

As the foot trembled, Lin Feng’s body was like a wind, and he fled away in the distance.

"Can you escape?" Tianlin’s son said coldly, stepping out of the footsteps, and the speed was so incredible. He was a man of the gods, and he practiced the footwork.

The battle in the void also broke out, and the power was even more fierce. The main realm of the door was strong and the power was strong, but the old man was not warm and the soldiers came to block, and the owner of the door could not help him.

The wind blew over the head of the crowd, and the terrible storm power hangs over the head of Tianlin's son, killing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, he is constantly rushing toward the last mountain in the worry-free mountain.

"You can't run away." Tianlin's son said coldly, the martial arts storm over the top of the head burst into a round of strangled storm.

"Roll." Lin Feng turned back to be a piece of palm power, and once the palm of the hand was finished, he immediately fled, and it was very fast.

"Well?" The old man who was fighting in the void with the owner of the door saw Lin Feng's situation. He frowned slightly, his heart was fascinated, and he walked in the direction of Lin Feng.

"Do you think you saved your disciple!" The owner of the door sneered, chasing the past and threatening: "If you dare to take the disciples of the Emperor, we will join forces to kill your mentor."

The shape of the four people was so fast that they rushed to the distance in an instant, and the bodies of the crowd shook each other one by one. Follow them and see how the ending of the battle would be, but the realm of Lin Feng was finally When I was weaker, when Tianlin’s son really fought with him, he still suppressed him steadily!

Ps: Amount, how can it be so difficult to ask for flowers, tears!

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