Peerless Martial God

Chapter 921: make trouble

"It’s a disciple of the Emperor Wu. You don’t need to do your best to easily fight in a levely battle. It’s amazing.//Welcome to read //” The doorkeeper praised, and the crowd deeply agreed that these Wuhuang disciples have not used all of them. The power comes out, but it is already so powerful. I don’t know what the realm of the realm can force them to fight all the way, and how the power can defeat them.

Tianwu Wuwu can't do it, then Tianwu Liuzhong?

"The opportunity is rare. I don't know if anyone else is willing to learn from these disciples." The owner of the Happy Gate laughed and asked everyone, but at this time the crowd was silent, so the discussion was meaningless and the gap was very big. Even if the people in Tianwu Wuzhong had no way to force others to make up all the fighting power, Tianwu Liuzhong When the strong players appear and lose, they are too embarrassing. They are defeated by three major realms. Whether they are geniuses or not, at least they seem to be too wasteful.

“No one wants to?” The owner of Xiaoyao smiled and looked at the crowd: “This cadre holds a 10,000-strong conference, and it is necessary to collect some leaders. Although it is quite prestigious in the cadre, I’m afraid It’s hard to convince the public. After all, the cadre is so vast and the powerful forces are inexhaustible. I will not greet this fame, and I will give up the leader’s position. These martial arts disciples are true geniuses and identity. Noble can serve the public, I am the master of the door, recommend these young talents, the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor is the leader of the Wanzong Assembly, I do not know what you mean?"

“Well?” The crowd was quite surprised. They thought that the owner of the door would use the disciples of the Emperor to make a springboard and let them recommend themselves as leaders. But they did not expect him to let these martial arts disciples become leaders.

"I agree with the advice of the owner of the door." The dragon owner of the East China Sea Dragon Palace said.

"I also recognize that Wuhuang disciple, this status is so honorable, willing to help me to crusade in Tianchi, is a good fortune." The Emperor of the Yutian royal family agreed.

"Agree." The sacred palace of the Jingu Palace said faintly, the three of them took the lead in supporting the decision of the owner of the door.

"Although I don't deny the talent of the Emperor of the Emperor, but compared with the patriarchs, whether the cultivation of several geniuses is weaker." The crowd whispered, some people directly questioned.

"The talents and identities of the Emperor Wu’s disciples are here. As for us, we can be deputies and assist a few geniuses. It’s better to order Wanzong.” The owner of the door responded and said, let the crowd see it. In this way, they still control this huge army.

"Good means." Lin Feng snorted, these people themselves did not come forward, pushed several disciples of the Emperor to the forefront, so that no matter what decision the Wuhuang disciples made, they came to perform, they were righteous and righteous, in their Between these and the disciples of the Emperor Wu, it is clear that there is an inside story and it has already been well negotiated.

"It is indeed a good means." A voice came, let Lin Feng look stagnation, turned around and saw the old man behind him, his face showed a smile.


"Xiao Feng, or do we both want to destroy it?" The old man's eyes picked up slightly and looked at the high platform.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and then he said: “Teacher, was it just you?”

The old man smiled and nodded. It was indeed that he was talking and humiliating those people. He was desperate to unite with the power of the cadres to deal with Tianchi, but he still said that it was so grand, as if his Tianchi was not evil.

"Well, teacher, let's go play." Lin Feng also voiced, and then looked at Gaotai, and said with aloud: "The owner of the door, why do I feel like you are acting?"

Lin Feng’s voice fell, and all the eyes of the people suddenly solidified. They all searched in the direction of Lin Feng. When they saw the sick man who was sallow, they all showed a trace of disdain. The look, this guy is not tired of living, even dare to speak so openly, to know that some words, even if you know, must be rotten in your heart, can not say.

The owner of the door, but not everyone can offend.

"I will make it clear." The owner of the door was watching Lin Feng, his eyes were sharp and sharp, and there was a chill in his eyes. The sharp eyes seemed to pierce Lin Feng.

"If you want to be a leader, if you want to be a leader, you can directly say it. Why do you have to say what Wushen disciples are, but they are talented people who are relatively talented." Lin Feng said faintly, let the crowd The eyes are a stiff, but the talent is relatively powerful?

"You are questioning these geniuses?" The eyes of the happy door are cold and cold.

"The identity of the disciples of the Emperor Wu is illusory. How come to question, even if they are really disciples of the Emperor, and what is the work of the cadres, the real facts are clear to everyone, they are just a few talents, fighting because of their strength. After a few games, I was sealed as a leader. How do you serve the people?"

Lin Feng continued to speak in the crowd: "If this is the case, I will challenge several people to the next level and say that I am a disciple of the Emperor, can I also become a leader?"

The owner of the Happy Gate stared at Lin Feng. He did not expect that there would be people who dared to question the destruction. It was a great courage.

"You stand above the high platform." The owner of the door is facing Lin Fengdao.

"Well, today is the Wanzong Assembly. I believe that the owner and the patriarchs will make everyone convinced." Lin Feng stepped slowly and walked over to the high platform.

I saw Tianlin’s gaze gazing at Lin Feng, revealing the coldness and indifference: “It’s you again.”

"It's me." Lin Feng smiled at Tianlin's son, and immediately looked at the owner of the door, faintly said: "The doorkeeper, they just fought a battle, proved that their talent is strong, they are designated as leaders. If so, will I fight a few games to prove my talent and be a leader?"

"Let me see first, do you have the qualification to stand here?" The owner of the door sneered: "Your cultivation is a heavy weapon, I will not bully you, let Tianwu triple people fight with you, if you Death is your incompetence."

After all, the owner of the door looked at the crowd, and suddenly there was a step in the foot, and went to the high platform, staring at Lin Feng, with a cold killing on his body, the meaning of the door, he certainly understood, and This person's cultivation is exactly the same as Tianwu.

"Since you said that you can fight with several geniuses, then I will try some. If you can't do it, you will deliberately confuse the General Assembly. I will kill you by hand." Speaking, the body is more intense, the doorkeeper will not be out of the manual Lin Feng, but Lin Feng threatened that he can fight more than level, he came to kill Lin Feng, it is upright.

"Boom!" This person stepped into the footsteps, stepping out of step by step, lightning fast, very happy, it is the footwork.

Lin Feng stared at the other side, the gods saved, the mind was moving, everything around it seemed to become clear, he could see every little movement of the other side, although the speed was very fast, but in his mind, It seems to slow down a lot.

"Kill!" The man quickly fell to Lin Feng's side, seeing Lin Feng's breath, but he was indifferent, could not help but deceive, and a fist hit, the wind blew, blowing on Lin Feng's body.


The smashing palm had a terrible hurricane, but it was buckled by a very powerful palm. The horrible breath bloomed wildly and seemed to want to tear the palm away. However, the palm of the hand did not move.

And practicing the nine-turn Buddha magic, taking the magic Bodhi Lin Feng to fight the body, this is looking for death.

"Boom!" A terrible fist slammed into his throat, as if there were countless swords whizzing past and tearing everything, the man's body flew back and flew in the void.

"This is a study, but you have to take my life, of course, I will not be polite." Lin Feng said indifferently, then a muffled sound came out, the man fell to the ground, died, let the crowd shrink.

Tianwu one kills Tianwu triple, one hit!

Lin Feng proved his words with action, and the leap challenge, he also!

Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at the owner who was not very good-looking. He asked: "The doorkeeper, I can do it, since they can be leaders, can I also?"

Ps: Four more, add up to yesterday, and ask for a few flowers!

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