Peerless Martial God

Chapter 918: Face

"Hua brother, I see you and Tianlin son, and another young person seems to be a non-domain person? Many words" Lin Feng looked at the eyes of the youth, deliberately asked. //Visit download txt novel //

The young man smiled a little, but he did not deny it. He said calmly: "I am indeed a non-domain person, but a distant place."

"I think the place where the Chinese brothers come must be much stronger than the dry field. Otherwise, the genius of the Chinese brother will not be cultivated." Lin Feng’s inadvertent words gave the youth a faint smile, and the noble meaning on his face seemed to be like More concentrated: "I am a genius. There are countless geniuses in us. There are so many people who are better than me. If there is a chance, Lin can go and see."

"That must also know where the Chinese brother is from, I have a chance to go and do something." Lin Fengdao.

"The holy city of Zhongzhou, I wonder if Lin brother has heard of it?" The young man asked, letting Lin Feng see his eyes, the central city of the Holy City, the central area of ​​the Jiuyi mainland, and the gathering place of endless strong people.

"Of course I heard that the Chinese brother is from the holy city of Central China?"

"It can be said that it can be said that it is not." The youth smiled a little, no longer said more, Lin Feng was curious, but the other party did not say, he would not ask more, but his heart was secretly stunned. This can be said to be, it can be said that it is not the end. What does it mean.

When they spoke, the two people inadvertently came to the area of ​​Wushang Mountain. There were three seas between the ancient peaks and the mountains. From the air to the ground, there were countless people.

There are mixed mermaid dragons, some people are unruly, there is no rules at all, and some people are purely coming to see the excitement, appreciate the grand scene of a million conferences, and, this 10,000 conferences, whether I can really call on thousands of sects and attack the Tianchi.

"Hua Xiong, the Wanzong Conference was initiated by the three major forces of the Yutian Emperor, the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Jingu Palace. However, now the Jingu Palace has been destroyed. You said the leader of the Wanzong Conference, who should be? To be the leader of the Yutian royal family, the Emperor Duanmu, or the dragon master of the East China Sea Dragon Palace? Lin Feng tentatively asked, the young man next to him is of special status, do not know if he knows anything.

"Maybe, it's not." The young man smiled lightly, letting Lin Feng reveal a funny look and asked: "Who would it be?"

"Lin brother will not know soon." The Chinese surnamed youth sold a slap, with a smile on his lips, as if he knew the insider.

There are more and more people coming from the worry-free mountain area. It is a sea of ​​people. Although there are not tens of thousands of gates in the Wanzong Conference, if you add all the ancestral gates, there are still thousands of gates, plus some Many people who come here, at the moment, there are almost a million people in the mountains of worry-free mountains. If they are vacated, it is enough to cover the sky and make the sky dark.

At this time, among the voids, a few eye-catching brilliance lights up, which surprised the crowd and looked at the void. I saw that there were three figures coming in the void, which is the three major conferences of the Wanzong Conference. The initiator, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the Emperor of the Yutian Emperor Duanmu, and the divine palace.

The three men looked at each other with great brilliance. When they saw them, many people were very excited and strong. The three men, but the leaders of the hegemonic forces of the cadre, walked together, and the mighty power could be imagined. Knowing that it’s just a look, it’s enough to make people feel scared. Of course, there are some extremely powerful people in the crowd below. They are just looking at the three people in the void. These people have the door of the Jiuyi Jianmen. The door of the door of the Happy Gate, the lords of the Mozong, and they all came here personally.

At this moment, this worry-free mountain is really a strong person like a cloud.

"You can be invited to come to this 10,000-seat conference. I am very grateful." Several people spoke at the same time, although they were grateful, but their calm eyes did not have a slight wave, making people feel cold.

"We don't have much to say in gossip. Presumably, today, you have got a shocking news." The Dragon Lord of the East China Sea Palace looked at the endless crowd and said: "Tianchi, the means are despicable, and the leader of the love palace is annihilated. When the strong go out, when they are not in the shrine, they dispatched all the strong men of the Tianchi to attack the shrine. They are simply tyrannical and despicable. Moreover, not long ago, the people of Tianchi killed the dead, and there were countless people who killed the dry fields. Tianchi disciples are also very mad, killing many people, and even those who have gone to the secrets in the past are all missing. I don’t know what kind of mean means Tianchi uses. If these forces exist in my field for a day, the dry areas will never have a day."

The crowds are silent, and the vast space is in an absolute silence. The people who are present in the minds of all of them understand that the crusade against the Tianchi is to destroy the forces that can threaten them. Of course, there is an extremely important one. The reason is that Lin Feng, the treasure of the secret.

"It’s ridiculous." At this time, a voice came out of the quiet space, so clear that the eyes of the crowd were all condensed, and some people were ridiculous in the face of everyone, ridiculing the dragon master. This is the face of the top three strong players, the dragon master his current position, but not only him.

Many people look at the person who talks, but the voice just seems to come out from all directions, and they can't lock the source of the sound.

The three eyes in the void also became extremely sharp in an instant, and the terrible eyes glanced at the sky. However, nothing could be found. They could not find where the speaker was!

"There is a gallbladder to stand up and talk, you don't have to hide and hide like a rat." The dragon's indifference spits out a voice.

"If you can't find me, you don't have to find any excuses." The voice came out again, and the crowd trembled, and the dragon in the void was flashing a terrible edge in the eye, toward the air. When people looked at it, they saw that the person stared at by the dragon star trembled fiercely, his face was pale, and he kept shaking his head. The person who spoke, of course, could not be him.

"You call on the people in the domain, want to destroy the Tianchi, is it that Tianchi still has to sit still and destroy the shrine? It can only be said that the shrine is incompetent, and why the Tianchi is mean."

In the eight sides of the land, the rolling voice echoed, and the endlessness of the divine palace became extremely cold. It was also searching for the person who spoke, but he also could not find it.

"There is a gallbladder to stand up and speak." The ruthless palace owner said coldly.

"Stand up and talk, then wait for you to call on the power of Wan Zong to kill, you can't help yourself, you don't have to provoke me." The ethereal voice is still coming from the eight sides, shaking the crowd without words, I didn't expect anyone to actually Do you dare to make trouble at the Wanzong Conference? Is it the people of Tianchi?

The people of Tianchi came to the Wanzong Conference, and even when they spoke in public, the person was too courageous and powerful enough that no one could find him.

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and the voice of the speaker was deliberately concealed. He was not sure whether it was a teacher, but if it was a teacher, it seems that he still underestimated the strength of the teacher.

The teacher dared to kill Tianchi alone, killing countless powerful people, and even two sages. Lin Feng was deeply shocked when he heard the news. He found that what he saw before was only the teacher's side, Xue Zunren. Is it really just a low-key old man?

The three faces in the void are extremely ugly. At the beginning of the Wanzong Conference, some people came to trouble. This is not a few words, but it seems that they gave them a few slaps, and they played without words. There is still no way to resist, because they don’t know who to fight, they don’t even know who hit their faces.

"This person is a strong soul and strength, and the understanding of Tiandi Avenue is very deep. The sound is integrated into the heavens and the earth, and there is no way to find it." The young people of Fahrenheit blinked, but they did not expect to see such talents in the districts. Yes, the three people in the void may be strong, but they are the masters who can't find the sound.

The gods of the three people in the emptiness of the sky swept all the people. The dragon master of the East China Sea Dragon Palace once again said: "If you have the courage, don't hide."

However, after he spoke, the other party was silent. No one answered his words again. It was as if the master of the voice had left, and the void was silent.

This makes a few people's faces more ugly, the other party, just like playing with them.

Ps: I rubbed, more than five o'clock to get up and make up, sleepy, the flowers actually did not have a hundred yesterday, can not afford to hurt!

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