Peerless Martial God

Chapter 911: treasure

Leaving the trading floor, Lin Feng asked the stranger: "What do you want me to change this picture?"

"This emperor has a useful meaning, what do you know.//Welcome to read //" said the poor and contemptuous, let Lin Feng somewhat depressed.

"Hey!" The strange jumped up, grabbed the scroll in the hands of Lin Feng, and immediately placed it on the ground, his eyes flashing.

Lin Feng didn't talk when he looked at the strange movements. Isn't there anything special about this picture that doesn't have anything.

"This is the breath of the flames. The flames between the heavens and the earth can be overtaken by the Emperor's eyes." He looked at the scrolls and watched him, and then he pointed to Lin Feng: "Use your flame to burn him, though Your flame is too weak, but you can only use it."

"Since you suspect that my flame is weak, then you should do it yourself." Lin Feng looked at the strange look, this guy became a temper of the animal or not.

"If the Emperor is restored, a breath can burn you to death." Poorly proud, said that Lin Feng was too lazy to care for him, could not help but change the tone: "But now the Emperor is in deep trouble, you are also clear, this picture The volume may hide big secrets, if you don't want to know, then forget it."

"I haven't asked for help for a long time." Lin Feng said disdainfully, but he did not forget that this guy used to be Yan Emperor. Since he is the Emperor Yan, he must be the best at the flame power. The rumor in the flame is probably extremely terrifying. Is it horrible? In this blank scroll, is the mystery of the flame really hidden?

Slightly crouching down, Lin Feng put his palm on the blank scroll, a flame burst from the palm of Lin Feng's palm, the fire is really hot and boundless, the sun's light shines down, melts into the flame, all printed On the scroll, however, as the old man of the transaction said, the picture is not invading, even though Lin Feng’s yang fire is extremely powerful, but the blank scroll has no signs of being burned, and it doesn’t move.

"It's useless, you won't feel wrong." Lin Feng was so flustered, the scroll under the palm did not move, and there was no change.

"It's too useless for you." Looking at Lin Feng with a contemptuous look, his claws were placed on the palm of Lin Feng, and he swung with the palm of Lin Feng, as if he had a special rhythm. Lin Feng clearly felt that following the movement of the palm of his hand, he seemed to be depicting the trajectory of the road. The flame power in the palm was even more crazy. The blank scroll actually released a terrible The light of the flames.

Lin Feng’s hand plucked back, only to feel a terrible burning pain in the palm of his hand, staring blankly at the blank scroll on the ground.

"It's hot!" Lin Feng wondered. He cultivated the Great Day to burn the Book of Heaven. He is good at the flame and understands the will of the flame. He can generally ignore the general flame. However, in a picture, he actually feels hot. Burning sensation.

Lin Feng and his gaze stared at the scroll, only to see that the scrolls on the ground were burned, but not all of them were burned, but a line appeared, and the lines of the lines showed a terrible flame. Power, the thread on the scroll, is like a flame ditch, clear and incomparable.

"A terrible flame power." Lin Feng said with a sigh.

"Nature, the Emperor's induction of the flames will be wrong." The arrogant and proud said, revealing a bit of smug look, the flames in the flames smashed out the hot flames, burning themselves up, until after a long time, that hot The flames began to go out, and on the blank map, there were many trajectories cast by the flame ditch.

"This is a map." Lin Feng's eyes are frozen. At this moment, the pattern drawn by this blank map is actually a complicated landscape. There is nothing wrong with a map.

“Worry-free ancient city.” Lin Feng carefully looked at the map, then moved his mind and took out another map to find the landform of the worry-free ancient city. It was very similar to the map portrayed by the flame ditch, which means The whole picture of this flame map is actually a worry-free ancient city.

Although the whole picture is very similar, many details are different. The map he purchased is a general map, but it is the most recent one. The map drawn by this flame ditch is probably a long time ago. If it is not surprisingly found, he It is unlikely that the mystery of this blank map will be revealed.

"The owner of this map should be a powerful martial artist who is very good at flame power. Otherwise, the flame on this picture cannot be so powerful." Lin Feng murmured.

"I didn't see it, it was a nonsense." The poor and contemptuous sweep of Lin Feng's eyes, and Lin Feng's foot smashed toward him, and the animal even satirized him every day.

However, the strange seems to have already figured out Lin Feng’s stinky temper and jumped away directly. Lin Feng said: “The time of this picture should be three hundred years ago, and the material of this picture is one. A kind of monster animal skin, and it is a very powerful flame monster, it should be a demon statue, and if the rumor of the gunpowder is not high, it is impossible to find the mystery in this picture, it is because of this picture It’s been so quiet for so long that it’s not discovered. This portrays his master, obviously looking for a very powerful flame martial arts. In this case, he will be poorly trained.”

"You mean that there may be flame-like treasures in this scroll." Lin Feng's understanding is not bad, this animal is really powerful, even the time and other people's cultivation can be inferred.

Looking down, he looked at the map carefully. Sure enough, the last point of the map seemed to be a secret place. The person who made this picture was probably trying to get the flame of the map to go there.

"It’s nonsense. If there is no treasure, then someone else has nothing to do with a mysterious map. But I hope that this treasure is a flame." The strange eyes released a splendid color, but he was the emperor, only a powerful flame, which made him the fastest. Growth.

"Flame?" Lin Feng whispered in confusion.

I was so curious to see Lin Feng’s sly look and swept Lin Feng’s eyes and scorned: “You guys know a fart, you don’t know what a real flame is, only a flame, that’s the supreme treasure, though The big day exercises you practice are quite good, but in terms of your current fire repair, if you encounter a really terrible flame, you only need a trace of flame to swallow your flame."

"Amount..." Lin Feng’s eyes are stiff, and he knows a lot less than the bastard. But he is quite a powerful means of flame, is it really so bad? What a real horrible flame, what is the flame?

"Fast, pick up the map, we find the place marked in it." The poor is a little impatient, he needs flames very much now.

Lin Feng’s heart moved, and the picture was taken up directly. Then he turned and walked back, facing the strange saying: “Let’s go back.”

“Hey!” Poorly screamed at Lin Feng and said, “What do you mean?”

"My business has not finished yet." Lin Feng said a faint voice.

"Hey!" The poor man rushed toward Lin Feng, and his cockroach's mouth directly biting into Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned around and slammed it out. He sneaked out the singularity and whispered: " Even if you are the great emperor, then I am now your boss, and you are a fart."

Said Lin Feng swayed to the center of Wuyou City, let this guy pretend to be arrogant, arrogant in front of him, now who is the boss can figure out.

"Hey!" In the eyes of the poor, the fierce light blooms, and I can't wait to tear Lin Feng, this abominable bastard.

The Wanzong Assembly is just around the corner. Lin Feng hasn't figured out the situation. How can he find a treasure with a good time? Since it was a strong man who stayed a few hundred years ago, I am afraid that even if it is found, it is not so easy to get a hand. At that time, he Worried that Tianchi was destroyed, Lin Feng could not allow this to happen.

Lin Feng came to the center of Wuyou Ancient City, which is the place where the Wanzong Conference will be held. It is found that the strong is like a cloud. The strong man like Tianwu, who is on the road, will be directly inundated and ignored. It’s too lazy to take a look, it’s too common, and the high-ranking Tianwu can occasionally make people look more, which makes Lin Feng more worried.

Ps: Thank you for your strength. I got the third time last month. I feel a little sleepy. I continued to work hard this month. I broke out eight more yesterday. I said that less than ten is made up today, so today I will be five. Ask for a guaranteed flower!

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