Peerless Martial God

Chapter 904: Entering the shrine

The snowy area and the lost city seem to be covered by a layer of fog. At this time, in this mysterious snowy city, an ordinary old man stepped into it.

The figure of an old man is flashing, and every time it flashes, it seems to be far away, which is incredible.

"Well?" The people on the side of the road flashed their eyes and widened their eyes. They clearly saw that there was a phantom passing by, but when they looked carefully, they found nothing, no one.

Soon, an old man came to the void, the rolling clouds rolled, the old man stepped on the cloud, came to a place to stop, without any words, just looked at it casually, then stayed there quietly, steady Standing in the void.

It seems that it was a long time. In front of the old man, the clouds rolled wildly. Immediately, in the void, there was a door, and a figure appeared there.

This figure saw the old man could not help but look at it, and asked indifferently: "Who are you? You know where it is."

The old man did not speak, stepped in and walked directly into it. The man seemed to want to stop. However, he found that his body was stiff and there was no way to move. When the old man disappeared, his body gradually became cold. The ice was frozen and directly blocked by the ice.

The old man entered this space and was immediately discovered.

"Stand up." A voice of anger screamed at the two men, and many of them flew and killed, and there was an uninvited guest who dared to come to his shrine.

However, at this time, the snow slowly fluttered in the void, and in the space, a sudden cold wind blew, where the cold wind passed, the space was frozen, and everything was sealed and frozen.

The old man's footsteps are constantly moving forward without saying a word. However, the atmosphere of the frozen world seems to flow with their bodies, and the sound of the cymbals continues to spread. The snow and white frost in the sky seems to be like a human being. Walking, wherever you go, everything is frozen, without exception.

"Hey, hey!" Those figures who came forward were instantly eroded by frost, their bodies were frozen, and they were sealed by ice, turning into a statue of a transparent ice, motionless.

No one can escape. As long as the old man walks, all of them are frozen. The crowds in the distance are stunned. They are scared of violent shudders. The horrible strong, this old man has directly entered their gods. Palace, to seal their vast shrines.

"Fast, inform the Sayādaw." The crowd went crazy and saw that countless figures were sealed by ice. No one dared to go forward to die. No matter who stopped them, they would not be waiting for them to get close to the old people. Become a statue in the frozen world.

A panic atmosphere spread in the shrine, and the endless chills covered the vast space. People didn't arrive, and the cold came first.

Countless strongmen broke through the air and looked in the distance. When they saw the frozen world in the distance, they became eclipsed one by one. No one dared to stop it. Who the old man was, it was so terrible.

And such a strong man, alone, has now entered their shrine.

The crowd feels faintly that their shrine is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. This person walks into the shrine and freezes the world. This is to completely destroy their shrine!

In the shrine, countless Tianwu strong people came in and some people wanted to stop it. However, even the high-ranking Tianwu people, when they came, could no longer escape. When the old man stepped out, the moment of the ice-filled world They shrouded them, and in the frozen world, there was a statue of statue.

Those who are sacred, finally being alarmed, even if they are in the retreat of the shrine, they are also interrupted, ending the retreat, and there are people who come to destroy the shrine.

The old man walked in a stroll, as if walking in a random walk, it was very easy, but every time he stepped out, he would make the heart of the Jingu beating. Do they want to completely seal the entire shrine?

"Which friend came to my shrine to be a guest, without prior notice, let me wait for the first time." At this time, in a distant place, there is a voice coming to this side, let the crowd of the Jingu One hi, the sage, their shrine finally sent the sage.

Soon, a robes figure appeared in the air, and the horrible atmosphere of the release was released. The storm was rolled up, as if there were countless hurricanes roaring toward the frozen world, to separate the ice.

"The nameless person is not enough, but the shrine is not a forbidden place. I have to come here, why do I have to inform anyone." The old man said calmly, his footsteps did not stop, he still stepped forward steadily, indifferent. There is an unparalleled confidence in the voice, the shrine, he wants to come, need to be notified?

"Friends are too much to put my shrine in the eye." The Shrine of the Shrine rushed to the face, the wind raged, the heavens and the earth smothered, the endless wind smashed toward the ice of the old man, and the sound of screaming came out. The ice was smashed.

The crowd in the distance is happy, and the Supreme’s shot is really extraordinary. It instantly breaks the chill of the frozen world, hoping to block the old man and even kill him. It’s so rampant and alone into the shrine. This is simply despising his shrine no one.

Seeing the hurricane that ushered in the hurricane, the old man looked indifferently and directly rushed toward the hurricane of fear. The endless chilling chill came out. When the old man approached, the hurricane stopped roaring. It was frozen in the chill, and even the hurricane that was destroyed was frozen.

The icy meaning of the ice, to seal the whole world.

The sage of the sage is condensed, the old man is not good, and the old man dared to enter his shrine, and the strength was terrible.

"Dragons are smashing!" The shrine of the shrine screamed and danced with both hands. It suddenly turned into a dragon, and in the body of the old man, it turned into a storm of tearing of the thigh, and swooped from all sides to the old man, tearing the old man away. .


In the old man's mouth, only two words were spit out. The horrible ice-cold aussie sealed the wrath of the head wind and made the gods of the shrine look stiff.

A terrible sinister force, the other party’s understanding of the righteousness is much deeper than him.

"Hey, hey!" Around the Supreme Court of the Shrine, the heavens and the earth began to freeze, and the horror of the righteousness would freeze his sage.

His face changed, his footsteps straddle, and a palm slammed into a frozen space. There was a terrible whirlpool in his hand, strangling the frozen space, and suddenly there was a crack in the huge ice. As if it could be broken at any time.

Almost at the same time, the old man’s footsteps also leaped out, and a floating palm of force slammed into the other end of the frozen space. The space violently trembled, and an invisible icy force smashed from the eight sides, and instantly The shrine of the shrine is wrapped in it.

The face of the lord changed greatly, and the storm of destruction shrouded his body. However, the palm of the old man trembled violently, the sound of screaming was endless, and the frozen space began to penetrate into his palm. His palm seemed to have a share. The terrible suction, swallowing the ice, swallowing everything, just in an instant, the ice and the body of the Shrine of the Shrine are moving toward his palm.

"Kill!" The devastating storm of the reign of the shrine is skyrocketing, and the sky is dimly dark. However, the old man’s palm is slamming on the hurricane. The frozen esoteric infiltration into the tornado storm suddenly condenses into a layer of ice. Slowly stopped, the body of the shrine of the shrine was also frozen with the storm, and the horror of his eyes appeared in his eyes.

"Hey!" The old man patted the palm of his hand, and suddenly a voice came out. The face of the shrine of the shrine was instantly pale and the heart was frozen.


The old man's palm gripped, and the heart of the shrine of the shrine was suddenly broken and cracked like a piece of ice. In the eyes of the shrine of the shrine, there was a desperate color.

"Death!" The old man took a shot, and the iced tornado was also like a piece of ice, pierced and broken by the palm of the old man. The horrible power of the horror was on the head of the shrine of the shrine. The frozen mind and the gods are turned into ice cubes and shattered in this horrible power.

In the distance, the heart of the shrine is beating and almost unable to breathe.

A sacred person of the shrine is killed by the old man on the spot!

Ps: second, continue to seek power!

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