Peerless Martial God

Chapter 894: Questioning evil spirits

The people of the snow moon below, when the magic cloud dissipates and the snow is no longer falling, the mind still has no way to calm down.

The people of Xueyueguo can't see even the strongest people in Tianwu on weekdays. He has seen such a gorgeous battle, the power of such destruction, the vast and endless terrible magical means, they can't imagine, Lin Feng sketches a sword with a magic sword. What is the terrible means of slashing and killing words?

Also, why did the West want to escape and leave, but it seems that it has been unable to get out of the snow?

These, they can not understand.

They can't understand, even the Tianwu strong people in the shrine do not understand why Lin Feng has such a powerful means, how did he do it? A blow to kill the West, under the Sayādaw, who fights.

But they did not know that Lin Feng’s sword smothered the West, and it was a powerful tool. The sword is a horrible sword.

The depiction of the attack is the power of the sacred pattern. This sacred pattern is portrayed by the high-ranking sages of the Jade Emperor's millennium. It is not as powerful as the Tianwu strong.

There is also the magical power that makes the West impossible to escape. It is the Nether Magic, and Lin Feng gets the exquisite sacred temperament before he stays in the snow and realizes that several talents can barely condense a void snow. The creation of the West, so that the West can not be taken away in a day, then a strike to kill, if he is slower, I am afraid that the West will be able to break his hollow magic to leave, after all, his strength is still too weak, the world is worse Too many days, the power of the Netherstorm is not strong enough.

The magic sword, combined with the power of two horrific magical powers, was set to die in the dead.

The light of the demon light completely faded from Lin Feng’s body. I saw his cold mangling sweeping through the Tianwu strong people of the West Shrine. The cold spit out the word: “kill!”

Lin Feng’s voice fell, the monsters roared, and those demon began to kill, and the blood of the beast was boiling.

The people in the West Shrine have completely lost their war, and several people have begun to escape. However, they can escape the demon, only a dead end.

The blood continually spilled from the void, the roar of the beast and the scream of screaming, this is a **** massacre, the people of the Jingu Palace are coming from the mighty, thinking that Lin Feng is easy and casual, many people think that Taixing’s faculty moved, and even a palace of the Jingu Palace was dispatched, but this decision was made because of the importance attached to the treasures in the secret.

But who would have thought that the ending would be so miserable and sad for the people of the shrine, and they will stay here one by one. This is the result they never thought of, and there is no consideration at all.

Lin Feng is just a cockroach ant in Tianwujing. However, this ants annihilate them.

When the last strong man of the shrine was torn by the celestial demon, the celestial demons were surrounded, and it seemed that they had not yet enjoyed themselves. The demon was bloodthirsty and warlike. Today they are so so happy that they ignite their blood. There are still strong battles in Peng’s sharp scorpion, and the demon bear is still roaring and screaming.

"Enough." Lin Feng faintly spit out a voice, those monsters were quiet, Lin Feng looked at those intimate intimidating said: "Dapeng this time to follow me, do my best, today, I no longer bind your freedom with the Snow Demon Tower, but if you dare to make a rebellion against me, you will be imprisoned forever in the Snow Demon Tower."

When Dapeng heard Lin Feng’s words, the big eyes of the eyes burst into a fascinating look. The body was shaped like a human being, and the demon was sharp and sharp.

"Xie Shaozhu." Dapeng also called Lin Feng like Snow Eagle. He was not bound by the Snow Demon Tower. He was of course happy.

Other monsters are staring at Dapeng, very envious, Dapeng, free, and will not be imprisoned in the Snow Demon Tower all day long.

"You also have a chance." Lin Feng looked at other monsters, palms waving, and the Snow Demon Tower reappeared. The monsters were dejected one by one, and they took the initiative to walk into the Snow Demon Tower. They secretly decided to perform well in the future. He was also smashed by Lin Feng like Dapeng.

The seven-headed snow eagle returned to Lin Feng and turned into a human figure.

"Small master, although the people of the West Palace are extinct, but I am afraid that after the Jingu knows, there will be stronger people. I am worried that the shrine will send out the sage, we will not go back to the Tianchi." One of the snow The eagle said next to Lin Feng, Lin Feng showed a shocking talent, but they even more concerned about the safety of Lin Feng, Lin Feng, it takes time, he must not die, as long as there is time, Lin Feng's talent is not afraid to become a big device!

"I am afraid that it will be a while until the Jingu Palace finds that these people have not returned. I will consider it for a few more days." Lin Feng responded that Snow Eagle is worried that the truth is that the strong man of the West Shrine is missing again. There are only one palace left in the four major palaces of the Jingu, and it is inevitable that the sage will come. With his current strength, even with the help of the magic sword, I am afraid I will not be able to deal with the sage, and the other is that the sword Can not be used all the time, although the body will be enchanted, but the magic sword will still erode, the meaning of the magic, can not completely isolate the power of the magic sword of the magic sword, once the magic power is eroded for a long time, I am afraid he will re-empt Break into the magic.

Lin Feng, he can't make this happen, so he doesn't have many chances and must kill.

"Today's business, everyone has never happened, completely forgotten, don't rumor everywhere, and provoke unnecessary dangers. You also see the despicableness of the people of the Jingu Temple. Don't suffer a crisis because of inadvertent words." Lin Feng The sound rolled, and the crowd said to the sky. Everyone suddenly nodded, and they could not rumor that the power of the palace was destroyed. They could understand it in their own hearts.

If it is known to the gods that they are rumored, then * ask, it is dangerous.

Lin Feng said, waved his hand, stepped forward, left the void, and stepped toward the palace in the palace.

Most of the people in the palace saw this vast battle, but they all buried the shock in their hearts. Lin Feng’s strength is terrible.

"Xiaoya." Lin Feng came to Xiaoya next to the pool and shouted.

"Brother, you are getting more and more powerful." Xiaoya smiled sweetly, revealing two dimples.

"Xiao Ya, when I was in danger outside, I saw Xiao Lao. Your grandfather saved my life. I realized that his strength is so powerful. You should follow Xiao Lao’s world. You should also be well-informed. I let you see one thing."

Xiaoya heard Lin Feng’s words and smiled. She knew that Grandpa had left a layer of protection on Lin Feng. She also had her body. If she encountered a death crisis, she would trigger, but she could not use it herself.

I saw Lin Feng waved his hand, and a golden little man appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"This is an evil spirit." Xiaoya eyes condensed, did not expect Lin Feng actually there will be evil spirits, this thing is a very powerful strong man to die, the soul can not be destroyed to be able to consolidate into evil spirits, extremely rare.

"Well, it is an evil spirit. He can also eat away the human gods and take the human body as his own." Lin Feng nodded.

Xiaoya nodded. "There is a powerful evil means outside. It is called the shackle. After the body of the powerful person is destroyed, if you cultivate the sorcerer, you can take the body of others and the ability of evil spirits. It is the same as winning."

"Quiet." Lin Feng blinked, then looked at the evil spirits: "If you occupy someone else's body, will you change your body often? Is there any difference between your means and the choice?"

"Of course, we can capture the human body and directly erase the other person's mind. But this time, the control of this body is not strong enough to control it completely. Therefore, we generally eat slowly, but we take it. It’s not the same, it’s more overbearing, you can directly erase the other’s gods, and then slowly merge the body with the technique of winning, until it is completely integrated.”

Although evil spirits are born from the sorrowful soul, they are actually like human beings. Some people have the same thinking ability and the same language as human beings.

"The evil spirits will change their bodies from time to time unless they choose the first one. Otherwise, if they choose the second type or win the house, they will not change. When choosing the body, they will pay great attention and will choose a very good body, but completely It takes a while to occupy the flesh and to completely integrate with him, so unless you encounter a strong crisis and a more perfect body, it will not change."

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