Peerless Martial God

Chapter 882: One world

In the ancient temple, the picture floated in the endless flame. At this time, the picture seems to have a gap, and in front of the picture, there is a demon wolf. The eyes are cold and the ice is very cold, full of incomparably strong evil spirits. Qi, however, the smell of this wolf, but it does not seem to be very strong, it seems very weak.

The fire flickering, the body of the demon wolf rushed out of the ancient temple, hidden in the dark place, opened his mouth, and madly swallowed the heaven and earth vitality in the void. Beside the demon wolf, the terrible heaven and earth might seem crazy. A whirlpool, constantly growing his body, strong his breath.

In the ancient temple, there are still continually rushing out of the fire demon wolf, rushing down the clouds and mountains, and even into the black wind ridge, they have seen a whole new world.

Centered on the Yunhai Mountains, the earth is madly swaying, the sky is dyed with a layer of flame red, and even the black wind ridges are beginning to burn. The horrible flame seems to burn all the black wind ridges.

Soon, the snowy country has boiled up, and the area radiated out of the Yunhai Mountains has seen countless terrible bloodthirsty wolves, which are eroding the land, bloodthirsty and killing, red blood of countless people, from the sea of ​​clouds. The city near the mountains panicked, and the people of Xueyueguo formed the Wuxiu Legion and began to resist this natural disaster. This strange beast was all the beast of the wolf demon.

Yangzhou City got the news, the royal family responded in the first time, sent a strong red blood iron ride, began to sweep the fire demon wolf, this terrible fire demon wolf is in droves, endless, and there are even countless powerful demon Wherever, the grass is not born, the villages and towns have been razed to the ground, and even some people in the city have immigrated to avoid this beast, but there are also many martial arts joined the army to fight the fire demon wolf.

At this time, in some places, the powerful red blood iron rider invincible, sweeping everything, in the void, Lin Hai and Yue Menghe stood there, watching the fire demon wolf, feeling extremely shocked.

This is the fire demon wolf in that space. They have been there. In Acacia, there is a passage that leads to another space. These fire demon wolves seem to come from that space.

Is it the channel of Acacia? However, this fire demon wolf seems to radiate around the Yunhai Mountains, which means that there is another passage, which was discovered by these fire monsters, which triggered the disaster.

"A wave of unrest, a wave of up again." Moon dreams whispering in a whisper, a sad feeling in his eyes, this time I do not know how many people will be destroyed in this disaster.

One day later, there was news that there was a terrible demon king in this beast. It was a demon, and the body was huge and extremely powerful. No one could stop it.

Soon, there was news that in addition to the monsters, there are still many humans coming out from the direction of the Yunhai Mountains, but these humans also seem to be hostile to the fire monster, although they are not the people of Xueyueguo, but they belong to humanity after all. .

Of course, there are also some people who have come out and their evils, killing people like numbness, and arbitrarily slaughtering and killing other people. Even, there is a terrible gray robe in the middle age, the strength is terrible, extremely terrible, and everything is empty. Evil, killing people do whatever they want, their eyes are not stunned, even when he sees a beautiful girl who makes his heart move, he will directly rape, then kill and lose humanity.

As if in his eyes, the person of Xueyueguo is not a human being, it is his plaything. He has suppressed him for many years, and he has to play a good time to release all the evil spirits suppressed in these years. This snowy country has no People can stop him.

In addition to these, the crowd does not know that there is a fire demon wolf, he is quietly taking the essence of the heavens and the earth, and even swallowing his kind of demon wolf, constantly growing himself, letting himself change powerfully, this mysterious fire demon wolf seems to have Extremely high intelligence, no killing, only to strengthen their own strength.

The disaster lasted for two days and two nights, and it was still staged. Snow Moon State was covered by a war, and the war between humans and monsters.

On this day, from the Snow Moon State Yangzhou City Palace, there are several terrible demon sluts. When they pass, all the fire wolves are destroyed, no one can stop.

At the same time, in the depths of the Black Wind Ridge, there was a figure with snow falling all over the sky, appearing outside the snow, the shoulders of this figure still squatting with an extremely beautiful little demon.

This figure is of course Lin Feng.

"It finally came out." The snow gradually dissipated, and Lin Feng’s scent of the exquisite sage disappeared, and the footsteps stepped out. Lin Feng’s body vacated, and Tian Yao Dapeng appeared directly in the void, and immediately took Lin Fengchao. The periphery of the Black Wind Ridge flew away.

However, when Lin Feng was flying towards the periphery, Lin Feng discovered that at the moment the periphery of the Black Wind Ridge had been wrapped in a raging fire, all of which were flames, endless, and burned up in the Black Wind Ridge. Among the flames, Lin Feng also saw a lot of fire demon wolves, a pair of eyes and extremely elves.

"Fire demon wolf." Lin Feng eyes condensed, turned out to be a fire demon wolf, once he had reached another space through Acacia, where there are many fire demon wolves, just like him at the moment.

Yunhai Mountain Range!

Lin Feng suddenly thought of the fiery heat of the Yunhai Mountains, could not help but suddenly shrink the pupil, and then let the demon Dapeng crazy in the direction of the clouds and mountains, when reaching the Yunhai Mountains, Lin Feng found that the Yunhai Mountains at this moment are already in the fire. There were always fire demon wolves and some humans emerging from the Yunhai Mountains. When they saw Lin Feng and Tian Yao Dapeng in the void, they were all stunned, especially those human beings, who were shaken and shivered.

Is this the human powerhouse in this space coming?


The terrible demon rushed toward the sky, and the body of Tian Yao Dapeng rolled a hurricane, and then the body landed on the ground, and the wings fluttered. The fire wolves were instantly annihilated, and Lin Feng’s footsteps crossed those humans. In front of.

"Where are you from?" Lin Feng asked coldly.

"We... come from a place called Tianya Haige." One of them trembled in response to Lin Feng, letting Lin Feng's eyes condense, and it turned out to be the world of the sea, that space world, even opened with Xueyueguo.

"If anyone dares to do anything, he will die." Lin Feng's mouth spit out a cold voice, and they were so surprised that the people nodded one by one. Then, Lin Feng's figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Soon, Lin Feng’s body appeared in the ancient temple under the wall of the Yunhai Zongzhong drum. Now the ancient temple has been broken, and it is filled with endless flames. However, when Lin Feng came to the ancient temple, his heart trembled. under.

In the ancient temple, the endless flame burns. In the void, there is a scroll of pictures. This scroll is made up of extremely mysterious lines. The lines on the roads seem to contain infinite power.

This is a picture of the world. The flame is saved from the pattern. In this picture, there is a very small gap. In addition to the flame, there are even occasional fire wolves and humans coming out from inside. .

It seems that this is not a picture, but a world of space, a picture of the world!

A picture, self-contained space, self-contained world.

This is not the first time Lin Feng has encountered this magical thing. The Jingu Palace is floating in the clouds. It seems to be a space world of **. It requires special means to open the entrance. Even if the outsiders pass by, they are all I can't find a space world there.

Also, the secret environment where the Jade Emperor Palace is located, there is also a space of **, it can be said that it is space, it can be said that it is a world, a small world!

Moreover, the mother of dreams, the terrible snow demon, can also lay the ground of the void, let him spend a lot of power, constantly to understand the virtual magic, and finally came out.

All of this seems to tell him Lin Feng that the real power is not only to destroy the land, but also to create a space, a small world, the real unpredictable, thorough!

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