Peerless Martial God

Chapter 878: King's man

Lin Feng certainly understands that he can't reach the other side in one step. The middle-aged woman has a terrible temperament on this snowy road. I want to finish this seemingly short-lived road. Lin Feng doesn't know how long it will take. But he did not choose, looking at the petite body in front, his foot lifted, and then slowly stepped out.

Every footprint shows Lin Feng’s tenacity and perseverance. As he expected, after many steps, the figure is still within easy reach, but their distance is just above Without a slight shortening, Lin Feng could not see where his road was.

This snowy road seems to be desperate.

"Hmmm?" At this time, Lin Feng's footsteps were slightly stunned, and his body shuddered. It seemed that there was a chill in his body, so that his body could not help but squat down, so cold.

"I actually felt cold." Lin Feng's eyes were stiff and revealed an unbelievable look. Now his cultivation has already entered Tianwu. He can feel the temperature and feel the cold and heat. However, he is in this realm. The feeling of being invaded into the body by the cold has not been seen for a long time.

Today, he is the strongest person in the realm of Tianwu. He has a cold smother invading his body. It can be seen that among the unconsciously, the chill in the snowy road is so strong.

However, it just paused for a moment, Lin Feng's footsteps were lifted again, still so calm, and determined to step on every step.

The chill is getting stronger and stronger. Lin Feng has no ice and snow, no frost, only a trace of cold chill, infiltrating into Lin Feng's body, so Lin Feng finally understands it. This snow road is just a long way to go. At the same time, it also contains The horrible coldness of the cold.

The chill, as he stepped out, continued to intensify over time.

I don’t know how many steps I took. Lin Feng found that he was still at the same distance from the end of the snow road. It’s still a long way away. However, it’s as far away as the world. It seems that he can’t reach that. The other side of the road to snow.

Dreams like the water of the eye-catching eyes have been watching him, in the dream of the two scorpions, there are a little bit of tears, it seems to be distressed Lin Feng.

However, whenever Lin Feng saw her, no matter how cold, no matter how heavy the footsteps, he would still step forward without hesitation.

Gradually, under the terrible chill, Lin Feng’s body was slightly trembling, cold and trembling, and he was only able to understand on the snowy road, how cold it was.

"Oh..." The dream of the middle-aged woman is sobbing, it seems to be telling something, but the beauty of the woman's face is always so indifferent, watching Lin Feng in the snowy road.

There is no way to dream, but I can only look back at Lin Feng. He still hasn't stopped. He is still struggling. Although Lin Feng has already discovered it, as long as he stops, the chill will stop, but he can't stop. Next, his footsteps stopped, meaning that he gave up on the other side of the snowy road, meaning that he gave up his dream.

No matter what the road is, he will go on without hesitation until he falls, or he walks to the end of the snowy road.

Time is slowly moving, the terrible air-conditioning has turned into essence, emerged from Lin Feng’s body, with an illusory transparent light. At this moment, Lin Feng’s footsteps are already cold and stiff, and his body is frozen. The stiffness, his breathing, has also become a rush, as if every step of the way, you must use all the strength.

This snow road, it is called the end of the world, no matter how Lin Feng walks, there will never be an end.

Lin Feng also understands, but whether it is the end of the earth, or the world, he will not give up, every time he takes a step, he will have a wonderful feeling, he is a step closer to the dream.


The stiff legs seemed to be unable to support the stability of the body. Lin Feng fell to the ground. However, Lin Feng just grinned and looked up. Looking at the watery scorpion, it seemed to be full of endless power and then climbed up. The pace is once again taken, as long as life is still there, it will never stop. As for the illusory chill, the body of Lin Feng has been wrapped.

"Hey, hehe..." Tears continued to slide down the corners of her dreams. She continued to make a whimper against the middle-aged woman. It seemed to be an expression of anger. The middle-aged woman’s eyes are still the same. Firm, staring at Lin Feng's eyes is still so cold, there is no sense of color.

"Exquisite, do you know why you call Fox Zhongxian, Xue Lingzhen?" At this moment, the middle-aged woman slowly opened her mouth, let the dreams condense, and immediately asked.

"In our snow fox family, there has been a legend, exquisite, in the ancient times, not a demon, but a fairy, the birthplace of the world, and she, created a snow fox, and a taboo love, exquisite and snow fox The birth of the child, is the snow, the legendary fox fairy, is the demon fox emperor, later, the blood of the demon fox emperor passed down, but very few pure demon emperor blood, many sons, are with me The same snow fox, body, there is a blood of the demon fox emperor, only countless years, will occasionally give birth to a royal family, is also the most pure blood, foxes, snow, and you are the king of our snow fox family The blood flowing through the body is the blood of the demon emperor, and even the descendants of the legendary immortal."

The middle-aged woman slowly tells the story of the ancient legends that the snow fox family has spread to the present. No one can tell the truth about everything that is told in the legend. The fairy is only circulated in the legend. However, she never doubted Xue Ling's status as a royal family, which has been handed down from generation to generation, Xue Ling, is the fox in the fairy, flowing the blood of the demon emperor, she is the royal family, she has a future that cannot be achieved.

"Exquisite, you should understand how important the exquisite sacredness in your body is, but you have even combined with a human being, and even you have surrendered your exquisite sacred spirit to a human being." The voice trembled with anger, and her beautiful and noble face turned out to be a twisted color, the same as the last time she saw the dream and Lin Feng.

She really wants to kill Lin Feng directly, but she can't, and Linglong Shengxian is transferred to Lin Feng by Lingling. Therefore, Lin Feng can't die, but unfortunately, she can't take out Linglong Shengxian directly, otherwise even Yulin Feng's Heart, she is not hesitating.

Exquisite and sacred, only the king of the snow fox family, the fox in the snow can be mobilized.

"Oh..." The dream is also whining to the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman hears the voice of the dream and keeps shaking her head and sighing. At this time, the dream is not about the exquisiteness of the fairy, but she will still be embarrassed. Lin Feng.

"I really want to kill him, but I can't, you have already given Lingling Shengxian to him, what else can I do." The middle-aged woman looked cold and indifferent, slowly said: "But, a common pass How can humans qualify for the fairy of my snow fox family, Xue Ling."

"So, exquisite, you don't need to stop me, I won't let him die." The middle-aged woman said coldly, let the dream heart relax a little, at least, she knows that Lin Feng is safe. However, seeing Lin Feng suffering in the snow on the road, she still feels extremely worried, can not wait to replace Lin Feng.

"Since things have become settled, then, my snow demon family, the king's man, can be ordinary." The middle-aged woman stared at Lin Feng in the snowy road, flickering, the cold breath is still strengthening, endless The chilling chills shrouded Lin Feng’s body, letting Lin Feng step out of every step, and felt that the feet were tied with megaliths.

The coldness that invades into the body will freeze the flesh and blood of Lin Feng, and freeze the meridians in Lin Feng's body. Under this terrible coldness, the vitality will be frozen and dead.

This cold is too terrible, can not stop, Lin Feng, he even does not know that he can continue to take a few more steps!

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