Peerless Martial God

Chapter 875: Cheng Dan

I have experienced the storms outside, and I have seen friends who have struggled together and have trouble together. This feeling is especially kind, even if you don’t speak, you can feel the warm feeling.

"Maple brother, I must drink a few more cups today." The broken army seems to still remember the burning of the spirits, and grinned.

"No problem." Lin Feng took off and smiled, not bad wine.

"Xiao Feng." At this time, Yue Menghe came to Lin Feng's side and asked: "You gave me and your father the medicine, is there?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and let the moon dreaming a glimpse of what he wanted to say, but he heard a voice interrupting her.

"Dream, my old man is a young man, maybe when it is time to reach the limit, that precious medicinal medicine, or stay in Xiaofeng's side, maybe a life-saving day." Yueqingshan knows that Yue Menghe wants What he said, sighed in his heart, he also knew that he had owed a lot to Lin Feng. Even he had a woman who had a fatal life but grabbed Lin Feng. He did not deserve to be the grandfather. Lin Feng did not give him the medicine, he could understand.

Lin Feng looked at her mother and grandfather, and could not help but smile, knowing that they understood the meaning of their own mistakes.

"Mother, don't think about it, the previous things have passed, and the grandfather is hurt for us. How can I not give up a remedy, but my grandfather's injury is different from yours. This Luo Shen Dan can really treat his grandfather's injury. But I want to refine another kind of medicinal herb instead of Luo Shendan, which is more useful to the public."

Lin Feng explained, Yue Menghe only revealed a smile, blood is thicker than water, no matter how it used to be, Yueqingshan is her personal father, she also knows that Yueqingshan has always loved her the most, but the stubborn old man has been insisting My own belief, if Lin Feng refused to help the restoration of Qingshan, she must persuade Lin Feng, but at this time she also felt that she thought more, and her son was not narrow-minded.

Yueqingshan also squatted, but the wrinkled face showed a gratifying smile. Seeing that Lin Feng helped others recover their injuries, his grandfather was excluded, although he could understand, but It would be impossible to say that he did not lose.

"Fire is old, red old." Lin Feng shouted at the two old people not far away. The two old men immediately came over and watched these young figures repaired and overtook them, making them feel embarrassed. Old is old, not convinced.

"Fire old, red old, have you ever heard of a kind of medicinal medicine called Chenghua Dan." Lin Feng asked the two people.

"Huahua Dan." The old man whispered a whisper, and then the pupils shriveled for a while, and the old man looked at each other, and both of them saw the shock from the other's eyes.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Lin Feng understood that the other party had apparently heard of the creation of Dan.

"Lin Feng, do you have a Danfang that refines and manufactures Dan?" The old man recalled the dialogue between Lin Feng and Yue Menghe, and the body could not help but tremble slightly. It seemed very exciting.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded. In the memory of the sacred person left in the Forbidden City of Zijin Mountain, there is a method of refining and refining the medicinal medicinal dan, which is very valued by the sage. .

"Hey!" Huo Lao and Chi Lao both clenched their fists and made a squeaking sound. They looked at the shallow smile on Lin Feng’s face. They were very excited and made Dan, and Lin Feng actually had Dan Dan.

"Huahua Dan, which means to capture the creation of the heavens and the earth, is at least a celestial medicine. It can reshape the vitality, the blood of the human body, the internal organs, and all gain new vitality, wash the bone marrow and soul of the human body, enhance the world. The induction of power is that countless Tianwu strong people can't ask for the holy Dan, but for those under Tianwu, they can play the role of reversing the life, let people complete the transformation, for those who are old, Let their body function regain their vitality and continue to have the potential to impact the stronger realm."

The old man of the fire said slowly, let the crowd look stunned, and the powerful medicinal herbs, if Luo Shendan is healing the holy product, this is the sacred medicine, it can definitely be called the cultivation of holy medicine, the creation of heaven and earth.

Yuemenghe and Yueqingshan heard the fire and introduced the heart of Dan, and couldn’t help but be amazed. Then the heart of Qingshan was more gratified. Lin Feng had already thought about it. Lin Feng wanted to refine and make him Dan. Let him completely regain his new life, and he has the same vitality and vitality as young people.

After all, Xuanwu is a basaltic martial art. Life is limited. When it reaches a certain age, its vitality will become weaker, its physiology will be worse, and cultivation will be harder to go up. This is the aging of martial arts. If martial arts are stronger, the aging period Later, if it is like Lin Feng, so young is already a strong man of Tianwu, how can there be aging.

"Fire old, red old, here is the material needed to refine the chemical, it is not easy to find, the second old can extract enough Yuanshi to put on the body, if you find the medicine inside, you must get it, then I will refine Make Dan, give it to the second old man and my grandfather."

Lin Feng took out a piece of paper and handed it to the old man. The above medicinal materials for the manufacture of Hua Dan were clearly written.

Huo Lao and Chi Lao took over seriously. Of course they will go all out to find out. This is related to their achievements. Lin Feng, I really started to surprise them. An alchemy teacher who can refine the celestial medicine, no matter where it is. The forces will be highly respected. As long as there is Dan Fang, you can refine some of the remedies that are extremely effective against the sky. For example, if you want to have such a medicinal Dan, you will never be simple. Lin Feng I am afraid that it is also possible to get a big chance.

"Lin Feng, let's go." The second old man said, let Lin Feng smile, this is too anxious, but Lin Feng can understand the mood of the two old, seeing the younger ones beyond themselves, this mood will never be better, Therefore, he did not stop, let the old man and the old man leave, and he hoped that the two could find the medicine soon.

On the side of Yuemenghe heard that Lin Feng wanted to refine and make Dan, naturally he would not say anything, but his face was full of laughter, and Yueqingshan was very pleased.

As for the other side, Yixue chatted with Yunxiao, Yixue was snowy and clever, while Yunxiao was innocent and simple. The two men also fell in love. Through Yixue’s words, Yunfeng also learned that Lin Feng did not lie to her. When she was in a coma, it has been a few years since she was in a coma. The Xia Zongzong has long ceased to exist. It is not only the Xiongzong of the Han Dynasty, but the Zongmen, which was once flourishing in the past, is gone, and the whole snowy country has turned over and over, and many major events have taken place. I felt shocked and didn't expect so many big things happened during her coma.

"Ie Xuejie, then where am I now, Lin Fengjia? Lin Feng, is he a big family child?" Yun Yun asked curiously.

Yi Xue smiled and said: "It can be said that it is in the home of the young master. Of course, in fact, here is the palace of the snowy country."

"Snow Moon State Palace!" Yi Xue eyes stunned and said: "Lin Feng, he is the emperor of Xueyueguo?"

Yi Xue still smiled and shook his head: "Not a prince, but a king."

"Jun Wang!" The cloud was blind and was completely shaken. Lin Feng, he is the king?

Yi Xue took the cloud to sit down and talked about Lin Feng's story slowly. The cloud had to listen to it, as if listening to Yi Xue telling the legend. She never imagined that Lin Feng had such a wonderful life.

On the other side, in the sun, the men’s songs are rolling, the rough mines are still free and easy, and the spirits of the spirits are filled with fire, like a flame.

Above the ground, Lin Feng, Han Man and others sat in a row, and they sat directly on the ground. In front of them, they were all wines and extremely fierce burning spirits.

"Maple brother, when we think about it, we are together in the Black Wind Ridge, killing the monsters, hunting the demon nucleus, what is the quickness, then, you are taking care of me and Jing Yun, but now, we Even the qualifications for your care are gone, you are getting farther and farther away, brothers, of course, I am happy, but this distance is also doomed. In the future, our brothers are not the same people in the world, Feng Ge, in fact, sometimes I don't want you to be so powerful, so you and my brothers, as well as the static military rhyme, can sway the mainland together, drink fast, and kill the enemy."

Han is a big mouthful of wine, and the spirits burned the body, hot and hot, and the mouth was unobstructed, but because it was a brother, it was unrestrained and dared to say anything.

Lin Feng looked at the distance, silent, Han said, why is it not the truth, the greater the distance, is to open the space invisibly, the opportunity to shoulder, less and less.

Jing Yun seems to be said to be sad by Han Man, and he doesn’t speak with his head down. He even drinks alcohol, and his pretty face is slightly red!

"Han Man, you are such a barbaric man, saying that these are not happy, this morning, there is wine drunk today, first drink and then say it." The broken army snorted, Han Man sneered, said: "Yes, I am a bastard, don't say this. , Feng Ge, drinking."

Han Man continued to drink, Lin Feng drank quickly, but when they saw them, some of them were not taste.

Ps: I am dizzy, and I fell asleep when I finished the code. I suddenly woke up and continued to make up, speechless!

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