Peerless Martial God

Chapter 873: Restore all

Among the palms of Lin Feng, the luster of the road was swaying up, as if to rush to the clouds, on the medicinal herbs, Guanghua kept flowing, releasing terrible effects.

"Lin Feng, this is Tiandan. I will take the medicine to the injured person, or seal it and store it. Otherwise, the aura of this day will slowly dissipate, which will make the efficacy of the medicine weaken." Lin Feng said loudly, let Lin Feng react in an instant. In the palm of his hand, a terrible piece of real power is flowing. It seems to contain a scent of seals, wrapping the five medicinal herbs that have been refining. The beam of sky on the sky gradually converges, and the smell of the drug disappears.

"I am leaving first." Lin Feng's figure flashed and instantly disappeared in front of the crowd.

Seeing Lin Feng’s unparalleled footwork, everyone is still shocked. Tiandan and Lin Feng even have such powerful alchemy capabilities, and refining Tiandan is terrible.

Tiandan is used in the body of the Xuanwu strong, will have an incredible effect, it is simply a magical medicine.

Lin Feng’s figure came to a courtyard, and Moon Dream and Lin Hai were both closed to practice. Try to mobilize their true power to see if they could recover the injury. However, the meridians were destroyed and the body was exposed for many days. The interest rate is declining and the breath is very weak. It is impossible to mobilize the power of the real yuan.

Xin Ye and Xiao Ya looked at each other and were nervous. Seeing that they could not mobilize the power of the real yuan, they could not help but feel lost.

"Xin Ye, I will help Yi Xue." At this moment, a voice came, and I saw a figure straddle from the void, it was Lin Feng.

"Good." Xin Ye heard Lin Feng's words and immediately ran to a house, and Lin Feng came to his parents' side, taking out two Luo Shendan from the palm of his hand and said: "Father, mother, you serve." ”

Lin Hai and Yue Menghe looked at each other. Could it be that this small medicinal medicine could still make them recover and not have much hope, but they still swallowed the medicinal herbs.

When the medicinal herbs entered the body, a terrible force suddenly flowed in them, especially Yue Menghe. Her cultivation was not as good as Lin Hai, but Xuanwu, so in fact, although the two were equally abolished, she was The injury is not as heavy as Lin Hai, and the effect of medicinal herbs on her is naturally stronger.

Her seemingly rude blood flowed wildly, like a pool of stagnant water suddenly turned into a wave of ocean, blood tumbling in his body, blood gas filled into every corner of the body, making her pale face instantly rosy Up, the whole body appeared a healthy luster, and even triggered her bloodline, making the blood tumbling, **** and powerful.

In addition to the **** atmosphere, the internal interest of her body has gradually grown. The already weak and weak inner atmosphere has roared at the moment, and it is as strong as a dragon and a tiger. The blood gas becomes strong and the inner content becomes strong. The soul power is also like It was repaired. At the same time, a strange medicinal force flowed through her limbs and flowed through her numerous meridians. The discovery of her dreams, her damaged meridians, recovered a little bit. .

"It’s a terrible drug effect." Yue Menghe’s eyes showed a shocking color, and she glanced at the son who brought her surprise. Then her eyes closed and began to seduce, and she spoke the power of the real power. Recovery of the injury.

Lin Hai’s body also showed the same change. Although he was more seriously injured, his body’s self-regulating power was stronger. Especially after feeling the horror effect of Tiandan, he also cooperated with him to make the injury recover quickly. The medicinal herbs brought by Lin Feng are too horrible. It is definitely a healing sacred product, and it can make the blood flow strong, the internal interest grows, and the soul power becomes stronger.

Seeing that my parents are gradually getting on the right track and starting to confidently run the real power, Lin Feng also spits out the gas, revealing a rare smile, it is worthy of Luo Shendan, good anti-day effect.

At this time, Xin Ye had already brought out Yi Xue, and Lin Feng took Yi Xue to the side. She was still in a coma state. She was shot dead on the spot by the young master of Tianyin. Fortunately, he arrived in time to save for Yi Xue. A life.

The palm of the hand slaps on Yi Xue's body. The real power of Lin Feng's body rushes into Yi Xue's body to help her adjust the body. At the same time, Luo Shen Dan is fed into her mouth, and at the same time, the force is used to guide the medicine. The effect gradually becomes effective.

Yi Xue's cultivation is weak, and Tian Dan can exert a more horrible effect on her body. The effect of the drug is exerted. Her body has all appeared a ray of sunshine, and the strong medicine has penetrated out. Yi Xue’s body, She is also constantly undergoing self-repair, and she has the shortest time to be injured, so she has not left her stubborn illness and recovered quickly.

It didn't take long for her to open her eyes. When she saw Lin Feng, she couldn't help but scream, and muttered: "Young Master!"

"I... Is this a dream, am I not already dead?"

"How can I be dreaming, Yi Xue, you still live well, don't talk too much, adjust the internal interest, I will help you recover from the injury." Lin Feng said with a smile, Yi Xue carefully felt immediately and immediately discovered that Lin Feng is now Helping her to heal, she really did not die, was saved by the young master, it is like a dream.

Without spending too much time, Lin Feng helped Yi Xue's injury recover, and after a few days of conditioning, the body can heal.

I also glanced at the parents who were mobilizing their own interest and recovering their injuries. Lin Feng smiled and the figure flashed instantly disappeared here.

This time, Lin Feng came to a place where the ice was lost. All of them were cold ice. When they entered, Lin Fengmei suddenly condensed a layer of frost.

On the cold stone bed in the secret room, there was an ice-covered figure lying there quietly. It was a girl who was injured in the past and then dreams of ice, her body was frozen, her life They all stopped, still maintaining the original pure face, with a slight smile on his face, as if it was very serene.

"Luo Shen Dan, I hope you can be useful." Lin Feng murmured, such a simple girl, she should not die so sadly at her most beautiful age.

When he stepped forward, Lin Feng placed his palm on the ice, and a terrible hot gas infiltrated from the palm of Lin Feng, melting the ice.

Now Lin Feng’s flame is so strong, but this ice melts slowly, showing how powerful the dream was when the cloud’s life was temporarily frozen. It’s no wonder that after that night, the dream was again The erosion of the cold.

Finally, all the ice was steamed, Lin Feng took the girl out of the secret room, and then the cold secret room was closed, the cloud was put down in the room, and the palm of the hand was placed on the girl's body, with the power of the real yuan to divert, Yunxiao It has been frozen for so long, although it has preserved the gas of life, but it must be expelled from the meaning of this ice, otherwise it will leave an incurable cold disease.

Finally, the coldness of the girl's body was completely removed by Lin Feng's drip, and her body and meridians were warmed up by the Yanghuo Zhenyuan. Finally, Luo Shendan was given to her and guided Luo Shendan to exert its effects.

Soon, Lin Feng finally relaxed in one breath. In addition to the cold and cold chills on the body, the other injuries with Yi Xue were not much different. The dream is really a powerful means to make Yunxiao The life of the whole has stopped running, and the complete ice is frozen, so that the injury has not deteriorated. This means that even Lin Feng seems to be extremely shocked.

Finally, when the effects of the drug were all effective, the girl’s face showed a strong vitality, and the blood was rosy, as if it was full of vitality, but she did not wake up immediately.

Lin Feng quietly placed her on a bed in the room, watching the simple glory, his mouth showed a smile, then walked out of the room, closed the door, the cloud body has no problem, When time is up, I will naturally wake up.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately spit it out. Lin Feng took the last remaining Luo Shen Dan. This medicinal medicine is really a magical effect. It is worthy of healing the holy product. All four people have been rescued. This also puts down a piece of his heart. Big stone.

At this time, Lin Feng's gaze looked at the sky and looked at the direction of the Black Wind Ridge. Luo Shendan was able to recover their injuries, but dreams.

Dreams, definitely more powerful remedies, in order to reshape her body into people!

Ps: I finally got cool. I didn't force it yesterday. I asked for flowers in the morning!

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