Peerless Martial God

Chapter 870: Rongguang

"Yeah, he has already surpassed us far." Yue Menghe seems to be a lot younger in a flash. Her son, who has entered Tianwu, can kill Tianwu strong in the hand, which is easy.

"Lin Hai, this is your credit." Yue Menghe smiled at Lin Hai, from small to large, Lin Hai will raise Lin Feng to raise an adult, she did not do anything to do this mother.

"Dream, you are nonsense, without you, I have a good son in life." Lin Hai apparently had a good mood at the moment, and actually laughed with Yuemeng, and let the moon dreams flash a shame.

"Lin Hai, just now they talked about the shrine, the shrine is a powerful force to organize the snowy month, and there are countless strong, I did not expect that they have to deal with Xiaofeng, although today's Xiaofeng is powerful, but facing the shrine These powerful forces may not be hostile. How should this be good?"

Moonshine's image is suddenly thought of something, and there is a shallow worry in the eyelids. The shrine they just said makes her feel like a thorn in her heart, like a throat, very uncomfortable, very worried .

"If it doesn't work, we will leave the snow moon with our loved ones and go far away from home, so Xiaofeng is also unconcerned. I don't believe that the shrine has such great ability, the world is big, it is not so simple to find someone." Lin Hai’s eyes flashed a cold mang, Jingu, apparently at the moment they also hated the shrine.

"Why do you have to leave the country, if you are willing, you can go to my Tianchi empire." Lin Hai, the snow eagle sitting down, said, let Lin Hai gaze.

"Tianchi Empire!"

Lin Hai blinked and muttered: "I have heard of this empire. It has a great reputation in the dryland. It is one of the hegemonic forces. It is extremely strong. Among them, Tianchi is home to countless powerful people. It is the Tianchi Empire. faith."

Speaking of this Lin Hai deeply glanced at the snow eagle sitting down and asked: "Predecessors, do you and Xiao Feng are from the Tianchi Empire."

"You don't want to call my predecessor. You are the father of the young master. We can say that we can have a eagle brother." The snow eagle's big head swayed and said: "We did come from the Tianchi Empire, and it is from Tianchi. Come on."

"Tianchi, turned out to be the Tianhu of the Tianchi." Lin Hai looked shocked, they came from Tianchi, and even called Xiaofeng as the young master, then Xiaofeng got what happened.

"On the top of the Tianchi, there are seven main peaks, and the seven stars are the life. We are the one of the main peaks of the Tianzhufeng leader. After the young master stepped into the Tianchi, they shocked the Tianchi with a strong talent. The leader of the Scorpio has been positioned as the leader of the future, and the leader of the future Tianzhu Peak, so if you are willing, you can go to Tianchi at any time."

The Snow Eagle seemed to know Lin Hai’s curiosity and explained slowly, but his words were to silence Lin Hai and Yue Meng He.

Tianchi, divided into seven main peaks, their son Lin Feng, is now regarded as one of the main peaks of the Tianzhufeng inheritor, one of the seven leaders of the future Tianchi, this ... which gives them a dreamy feeling, dry One of the dominating forces of the domain is definitely a super-horror existence. For them, they can only look up, and their sons have already been designated as one of the leaders. In the future, there will be a number of orders, and there will be countless powerful players.

No wonder, it is no wonder that there are so many powerful demons follow Xiaofeng, no wonder they call Xiaofeng a minority.

After the shock, Lin Hai and Yue Meng looked at each other and looked a little excited. Even if they saw Lin Feng’s talent, they still did not really realize the horror of Lin Feng, and realized the future of Lin Feng, but now Snow Eagle explained to them. Let them re-examine their beloved son. One of the leaders of the future of Tianchi is definitely not just as simple as Tianwu. In the future, their son is destined to become a sage. For the snowy month, the soldiers are extremely shocking. The sage can easily destroy a empire.

The sage can turn blood into blood and create the power of bleeding and benefit future generations.

Moon Dream He is the blood of the sage, and she is called a genius in the snowy country. The sage is a ancestor to her. She is a high-ranking, need to look up. But now, their son, will Destined to be a sage.

The heart hanging by Lin Hai and Yue Menghe suddenly relaxed a lot. As the leader of the future of Tianchi, such as the young master of today’s pool, Lin Feng’s life is related to the Tianzhu, Tianchi, will not let God The palace is so easy to succeed, I did not expect Lin Feng, it will involve two confrontational forces.

If they know that the big forces in the entire dryland want to capture Lin Feng, I am afraid it is not so calm.

The bloodshed is still going on. At this moment, the sun in the sky has been tilted to the west. The setting sun reflects the **** red former palace, which gives birth to a bit of desolateness. Once this land was the Xueyue Palace, but now, screaming The sound of the constant, blood stained every inch of land, killing still did not stop.

"Hey, hey..." Snow Eagle returned to Lin Feng's front, Lin Feng's account has been completed.

"Snow Eagle Big Brother, you sent two, one went to the hunting cloud country, one went to Tianfengguo, the royal family of the hunting cloud country, the royal family of Tianfengguo, and the Tianfengguo one called Vientiane. Zong Zongmen." Lin Feng said to the snow eagle, the snow eagle's terrorist strength Lin Feng also knows that a snow eagle is enough to destroy one of its country.

He said that he would let Hunting Yunguo and Tianfengguo repent of their actions. They will pay an irreparable price for everything they do for Xueyue and for Lin Feng’s parents. This time, Lin Feng To scribble the roots, destroy their royal family, and never suffer.

"Yes, less master." There are two snow eagle dying, the body is volley, and the huge wings are flying away. Hunting Yunguo, Tianfengguo and Xueyue belong to the snowfield. Although the distance is quite distant, With the horror speed of the Snow Eagle, I believe that it will not take long.

The figure is flashing, Lin Feng will take some of the monsters back into the snow demon tower, and then return to their parents, some awkward words: "Father, mother, baby let you be wronged."

"Xiao Feng, what do you say? Just come back, just come back." Lin Hai looked at Lin Feng. The more he saw, the more Lin Feng grew up, and the angular lines on his face were full of fortitude.

"Xiao Feng, you come over." Yue Menghe waved at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was slightly moving. He came to the side of Yue Menghe and sat down and waved.

"Xiao Feng, I have eaten a lot of bitterness outside." Yue Menghe's right hand caress Lin Feng's face, some sad feelings, this persevering face reveals the fortitude and maturity of Lin Feng's age, the deep and deep eyes I am branded with the vicissitudes of the years.

Many people still live in a small sky at the age of Lin Feng. They have not experienced the cruelty of life and death. They have not experienced the watering of blood. However, Lin Feng has experienced too much, and the delicate face will be full of years. Traces underneath.

Lin Feng’s talent and strength shocked her and made her happy, but she also knew that this was the result of Lin Feng’s innumerable sufferings. Only after suffering and frustration will she be able to obtain it.

"You see you... The man does not experience the storm, how can he stand between the heavens and the earth." Lin Hai shook his head, although he also hurt Lin Feng, but as a father, as a man, he certainly hopes that Lin Feng can stand up and support A sky of its own, especially in this world of martial arts is full of cruelty, with a terrible rule of survival, if today Lin Feng is not strong enough, they will die, Lin Feng, also sent to death, this is the reality.

If the strength is not strong, others can play them between applause. However, those people underestimate Lin Feng, and the return of Lin Feng is extremely powerful. Under the anger, the blood flows into the river. This is the world of the warriors, the world of the nine continents, and many times. They are all involuntarily, the strong and the weak are dead.

"Father, mother, let's go back to Yangzhou City, Grandpa, they are still waiting for us to go back." Lin Feng's eyes showed a bright smile, said.

"Well, back to Yangzhou, my father should still be worried." Moon dreams nodded, Lin Feng waved, and suddenly the wings of the Snow Eagle flickered and headed for Yangzhou City.

Lin Feng looked at the injury of Yi Xue, and he was very hurt, but fortunately he timely protected Yi Xue's vitality and had a chance to live!

This former imperial city man, watching Lin Feng's family return to the volley volley, the heart can not be calm for a long time.

Lin Feng, he returned to the once imperial city, with his hands, slaughtered the blood of the city, proving his glory, his light, King Lin Feng, he is the hegemon of this country, no one can shake, hunting Yunguo and Tianfengguo jointly launched a terrible force, but they stayed forever in the snowy month.

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