Peerless Martial God

Chapter 868: Trembling Tianwu

After killing two Tianwu, the rolling killing gas is still in the sky, letting the whole space suffocate.

The screaming of the sword of the sword, the people of the hunting cloud country and the Tianfeng country fell in the terrible slashing sword, no one can block Lin Feng, they seem to have only the fate of being killed.

They killed the snowy moon and occupied the old palace of the snowy country. They thought they could be kingd here and they were arbitrary. After hearing that Lin Feng arrived, their first thought was that Lin Feng was finished, and the fate would be controlled by them. In their hearts, they even gave birth to many evil thoughts, and asked Lin Feng how to die.

No one once thought that the situation would be like this at the moment. Lin Feng’s footsteps were empty, and he entered the palace. Everything was empty. No one could stand his attack. The shot must see blood. Tianwu is like a palm, and God is killing God. Even more frightening is because the parents have been abused as fierce. Now Lin Feng has no half pity and compassion. Only killing, no one can escape his killing hands.

Finally, the carrier’s terrible killings, Lin Feng came to the palace of the king in the old palace. At this time, the dark chain seemed to emerge from nothingness, revealing a terrible cold and suffocating air, and stirred the forest toward Lin Feng.

These chains are black and black, as if they are endless. Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, his mind was moving, and the loud noise of the rumble came out. Several palaces were smashed by the sword, and the broken palace revealed a huge bronze beech. At the end of the chain, it was wrapped in the bronze ash, and it was covered with cold cold light.

"A group of things that can't be seen." Lin Feng's eyes are cold, his body is not moving, letting the chain lock his body.

"Hey, rumbling!" The bronze cypress moved and moved toward the four sides. It seemed that he wanted to pull the chain and split Lin Feng.

However, soon, the bronze beech was parked there, and the chain was still wrapped around Lin Feng’s body, but Lin Feng’s body could not be pulled. At this time, Lin Feng’s body, like a mountain, stands in the void. The silk does not move, these coffins want to separate Lin Feng, but their power is not enough.

Lin Feng was pulled apart by the arms that were pulled apart. Two of the coffins were directly driven by the chains, flew toward him, and the footsteps crossed. Lin Feng’s body moved, even with the legs wrapped around him. The chain and the coffin are also brought together, as if Lin Feng’s body has endless power.

In an instant, two bronze beech trees were brought to the front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng’s eyes were cold and cold, and both palms slammed toward the coffin. The loud sound of the bang came out, and the bronzes were shattered and shattered. Juli directly put the bronze cypresses into the hole, and at the same time, the two figures inside, even the screams could not be sent out, they were directly destroyed.

"Boom, boom!" Several other people of the coffin flew out, and the body flew back, standing on a large hall, watching Lin Feng with a hint of deep taboo.

Lin Feng, the power of this guy, how terrible it is.

A shadow of the road descended from the void, standing in the direction of Lin Feng's four sides, surrounded by Lin Feng's body, among which there are many bronze cypresses with chains as before.

In front of Lin Feng, among the king's halls, a group of figures crossed out. These people were all terrible, and their breath seemed to be natural and blending with the heavens and the earth, especially the foremost figure, with a seat on the body. Ordinary gray robes and clothes, but his cultivation is absolutely in the three realms of Tianwu. It is very terrible. One eye is fluctuating, and it seems to contain the power of the will, which makes people feel fear.

"A big big squad." Lin Feng saw this figure, there are more than a dozen people, all of them are Tianwu strong.

"Hunting the cloud country, Tianfeng country, small country only. It is rare to have two Tianwu strong people. More than a dozen Tianwu strong people, such a strong lineup, let alone the area hunting cloud country and Tianfeng country, I am afraid that day It’s not easy for Yuzong to come up with such a terrible lineup."

Lin Feng's heart is like a mirror, so many Tianwu strong people are living in this former palace hall, it seems that he is waiting for him at any time.

The head of the gray robe strong indifference, sneer: "Lin Feng, your talent is indeed terrible, but the talent is stronger, after all, the repair is limited, it is impossible to want to host us. From now on, if you can I am obedient and obey all my instructions. Perhaps, you will have a way to live, and I will not be embarrassed by your loved ones."

"Would you like me to slap?" Lin Feng's gaze flashed a satirical look and said: "Let's say, which big power do you belong to, Donghai Dragon Palace? Or, Yutian Royal?"

"I am giving you a chance to live now. If you don't, don't regret it." The gray robes did not answer Lin Feng's words, but said coldly.

"Repenting? Ridiculous, you are willing to work hard for me, but I came to Xueyueguo early, and started to my parents. You know that once I walk out of Tianchi, I might go home and go home. I will find that my parents are in your hands, so you have been waiting for me."

Lin Feng’s voice reveals the infinite cold meaning. The other party knows him well and investigates everything he knows very well. So, early here, Lin Feng was sent to the door, so many Tianwu, they must think that nothing is wrong, he Lin Feng is difficult to fly.

"You know what it means, I will say it again. If you listen to all my instructions, maybe you have a chance to live, at least your relatives and friends, I have let go." The man said calmly, at the moment He seems to have taken Lin Feng as the object of arbitrary slaughter.

Lin Feng is very strong. Although it is only a matter of Tianwu, it can erase the strongmen of the same level. However, how can Lin Feng be strong? Here, there are more than a dozen Tianwu, and several of them are Tianwu II. In the realm of realm, and even him, the strongest of Tianwu’s three-dimensional environment, Lin Feng could not resist.

"Yes, it seems that you think that you have a lot of people, so good, all show up."

Lin Feng spit out a voice, the voice fell, in the void, above the clouds, suddenly a hurricane screamed, and then a snowy figure landed at an alarming speed, the heavens and the earth suddenly filled a terrible to the demon gas.

"Boom, bang, bang..." The figure was landed on the ground, and all those who were strong in the sky, surrounded by six people, all of them showed the horrible demon atmosphere.

"Tianwu, all are Tianwu, and, still demon, demon!"

At this moment, the eyes of those who are strong in the sky are all condensed there, and my heart is a bit stunned. How can this be?

These people are in the clouds, and they are not aware of them at all. It is obvious that the cultivation of these demons is even more terrible than them.

"Enough?" Lin Feng looked at the eclipsed Tianwujing three strong, indifferent to say, that person has not returned to God, watching Lin Feng's eyes are a bit sluggish.

The crowds in the palace are also there, Lin Feng, how can there be such a terrible force?

"If it is not enough, then come back." Lin Feng faintly spit out a voice, palms waved, the snow demon tower emerged in the void, and then a huge monster appeared in the void.



"Booming!" These monsters roared wildly as soon as they appeared, or beat their chests, or shouted in the sky. For a time, the sky seemed to be shuddering, and the demon gas turned into a terrible black whirlpool in the void. Crazy rolling.

They are all demon, and they are extremely terrible demon, surrounded them all.

For a time, the sky was dark and dark, and the demon gas shrouded the whole space. The non-Tianwu people sat down on the ground one by one, and those strong masters of Tianwu felt their legs tremble.

They are scared and know what the fear is. Lin Feng kills all the way. If he can kill them, he will never let go.

At this moment, Lin Feng obviously has the ability to kill them. Once these terrible demons are angry, they can tear them into pieces in an instant. How can they not tremble or tremble!

Ps: Yesterday's outbreak ended today, it's so deserted, there are no special circumstances, daily updates will not be less, ask for support!

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