Peerless Martial God

Chapter 851: Wuhun page

Ziyunqing held the soul of the town in the palm of his hand. He suddenly showed a smile on his face. He just saw Lin Feng’s terrible strength. He suppressed the repair. He really couldn’t say that he could beat Lin Feng. I’m afraid it’s better than others. Where to go, but at the moment, with the inheritance of the heavenly peak, Lin Feng will be defeated.

Lin Feng's indifferent gaze swept the Tianshuzi, and then a footstep, a footstep, and a footsteps, immediately came to the front of Ziyunqing, the horror of the palm force directly shot toward Ziyunqing, oppressing the space, issuing a sputum The sound of squeaking.

Ziyun Qing sneered, the power of the real yuan surging, a strange power injected into the soul of the town, and then fiercely slammed the town soul bell, suddenly there was a bell ringing, Lin Feng only felt a fierce body, Then he felt a terrible battle of the town's souls rushing toward him, to keep his soul.

"Dangdang!" The terrible ringtones constantly rang in Lin Feng’s mind, which made Lin Feng’s consciousness become confused. Tens of thousands of souls were mobilized and turned into ancient clocks to guard their soul consciousness. However, the ringtone seemed to be transparent. With a magical force, he constantly bombarded his will, suppressed his soul, and let him have the feeling that his soul would collapse.

Standing and fluttering, Lin Feng's body is lightning fast, his hands are holding his ears, and the body does not know how far he has retreated. The power of this town's soul bell is really terrifying, and it is worthy of the inheritance of the Tianfeng peak.

"The soul of the town can suppress the soul of the person, fix his body, and fight it out, I will help you to fix his soul." A voice into the eardrum of Ziyunqing, this sound is naturally Tianshuzi Emitted, at this moment he is secretly speaking to Ziyunqing.

Ziyunqing heard the Tianshuzi’s words, and then suddenly slammed the town’s soul bell. The town’s soul bell burst into a golden golden light, flew in the direction of Lin Feng, and the bell trembled on the ground. The vast majority of the crowds have covered their ears, even though the ringtones are not directed at them, they still make them feel unbearable.


Lin Feng’s mind was a tremor, and the soul trembled. Many of the remnants of the condensed soul were shattered by the ringtone at this moment. At the same time, the ancient clock of the soul of the soul was cracked, and the head was stinging.

On the soul bell of the town, a glaring golden light is extremely strong, and the bells are getting louder and louder. The golden brilliance seems to cover Lin Feng’s body.

The soul of the town, the soul of the town, can also keep the body of the people, the people have no soul, is the dead, the soul is suppressed, the mind is gone, and how to act.

Lin Feng’s body burst into a terrible anger, and he saw his heart tremble. Suddenly, a terrible seal of the town’s pressure was blooming in the void. I saw Lin Feng’s hand and added a stone tablet. The mysterious seal is a magic stone.

"Give me a crackdown." Lin Feng screamed, and the magic stone was hit, and a loud bang was heard. I saw the rapid expansion of the magic stone stone, turning it into a huge stone monument, going toward the town, and the huge Above the seal, the terrible pressure on the town seems to have made the horror ringtones of the town's soul bells fade.

It also has the power of repression, and the stone of the demon stone is passed down from ancient times. The incomparably huge stone of the demon stone can be sealed and suppressed by the demon emperor. Whatever the strength, although there is only one piece, it is not afraid of the soul of the town. .

A round of terrible cicadas came out, and I saw that the strong town pressure in the stone of the demon stone had to suppress the town’s soul bells.

At the same time, in the hands of Lin Feng, the loud sound of the rumble came out. He used his own hand to carry a mountain, and the high mountains of the Tianzhu Stone were towering and shocking.

"Don't think that only you have a treasure of inheritance." Lin Feng smiled indifferently, stepping out of the footsteps and descending on the front of Ziyun Qing. In an instant, the heavens and the earth seemed to be dimmed. At the moment, in the hands of Lin Feng, he was dragging. A huge stalwart mountain peak, this mountain peak is the sacred stone.

"Stop!" Lin Feng dragged the whole peak and slammed his arm out. The mountain peaks of Tianzhu Petrochemical made a terrible sound of rumbling, and the light of the stars shone on the body of Scorpio. At the same time, the terrible killing power is frightening.

The soul of the town was shackled by the magic stone, and Ziyunqing lost his reliance. At this moment, he felt the terrible pressure of the town on the day of the petrochemical, and he was shuddering. This day, the mountain peak will kill him.

"Boom!" The Tianzhu Mountain was crushed down, and the eyes of Ziyunqing were covered, leaving him in the dark.

A terrible breath bloomed from Ziyunqing's body. The real yuan was raging, vast and powerful. At this moment, he actually untied the suppression of cultivation and restored to the double peak of Xuanwujing.

"Booming in the palm!"

Ziyun Qing roared, and both palms came out together, turned into a terrible palm print, and slammed into the rock of the day. The terrible power made the space tremble fiercely, and the Tianzhu Mountain peak was blown up. The body was also shaken back to the ground, breathing like a cow.

Lin Feng sneered, once again pulled up the mountain, fiercely oppressed the past, the power of terror set off the entire mountain, and suppressed from the void.

"Boom!" The power of terror has won the blood of the clouds, and the blood is raging.

The eyes of the crowd were trembled, Ziyunqing, even if he recovered his cultivation, he would still be suppressed by Lin Feng. This guy is really a enchanting person. It is no wonder that the snow lord will give him the fate of the scorpio. The talent is really terrible.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The giant peaks of Tianzhu Petrochemical continued to move from Zhongzhong to Ziyunqing. Soon, Ziyun’s mouth was all blood, and the whole person was shaken into the ground. The bones did not know how many roots were broken.

The time of a musk will soon be burned out.

"叮铃铃!" A strange ringtone suddenly remembered, I saw that the soul of the town actually broke through the shackles of the magic stone, flying into the sky above Lin Feng, instantly expanded, turned into a huge golden bell, which exudes The terrible colorful light, the beam of light will cover Lin Feng’s body, and a terrible ringtone will become the soul of the town, attacking Lin Feng, letting Lin Feng’s soul shudder, and there are many souls Wipe it off.

At this moment, he felt that his soul was fixed and he could no longer use powerful power.

"Shameless!" Swordsman's eyes burst into anger, and the sword is tempered. The footsteps will step out. This is obviously not the power of Ziyunqing. Ziyunqing has been suppressed by Lin Feng without temper. It is the will of the Tianshuzi that acts in the soul of the town.

"Wait again." Snow Zun will block the body of the sword sage, let the sword sage look condensed, but the body shape does not end out, Snow Supreme certainly does not harm Lin Feng.

The ringtone is still the same, Lin Feng only feels a terrible force constantly bombarding his soul, so that his martial arts are shaken up, as if to be shattered.

The horror of the celestial celestial spirit in Kowloon rushed into the void, but was suppressed by the town soul bell, and soon it fell. The purple snake martial arts also bloomed, still suppressed by the town soul bell.

The celestial stone was turned into a stone by Jufeng, and returned to Lin Feng. A wonderful power bloomed from the scorpion stone, and Lin Feng felt that there was a kind of power that blended into nature and melted into the heavens and earth. It was extremely wonderful.

It seems that this moment stone is a bridge that allows him to communicate with nature, let him comprehend the mystery of the heavens and the earth, an extremely mysterious feeling, and everything around him becomes clear, he can feel the breath of heaven and earth. The flow, he can feel the signs of life, he can feel the whole of the vast snow peaks, a little invisible force is slowly flowing.

This seems to be the unity of nature and man, it seems that Lin Feng entered the dark state, but it seems more wonderful than that, he can even feel the wonderful trajectory of the sun, the moon, the mysterious road looming, seems to be close at hand, Can't touch.

"Jingle Bell!"

The ringtone is still the same, and Lin Feng’s last martial arts trembled in his mind. Above the celestial martial arts, the dazzling colorful light exudes more and more.

The open book of the martial arts, the closed page seems to have a sigh, every time the ringing bell trembles, the martial arts move, the page, it seems to be a little relaxed.

"Hey!" Finally, a ringing sound like a distant sound, the colorful light of the hustle and bustle is dazzling, another page of the book of martial arts, slowly open!

Ps: Amount, sorry, yesterday Nima sat here and the code word fell asleep, wake up in the middle of the night, otherwise it would not be notified!

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