Peerless Martial God

Chapter 840: 轰飞天武

After the Tianzhu Palace at the main peak of Tianzhu Peak, there are many ordinary houses built by snow, which are quite quiet.

The peak of Tianzhufeng is gradually dying, the talent gap is serious, and Tianchi is extremely free. If the disciples under the main peak want to change the door, like Baili, it is allowed, so Tianzhufeng can’t stay, there are Many people will leave the peaks of Tianzhu, so Tianzhu Peak seems quite backward.

The three sages also rarely asked about the events of Tianzhu Peak. They realized that their own strength is strong enough to allow more geniuses to come and rejuvenate.

Before a snow-covered house, it was still very simple. The snow lord moved to the place to practice the road, sitting in the snow, the snow lord is like an ordinary person, calm and calm.

"you're back!"

Snow Zun opened his eyes and looked at Lin Feng, who was walking in the snow, and bowed slightly against Lin Feng.

"Predecessor..." Lin Feng slightly bowed to the snow lord, seemingly want to say something, but listened to the snow sages faintly shaking his head and interrupted him: "I know everything outside, the seven main peaks of Tianzhu, the day If you look down on the situation, those disciples who are arrogant and arrogant will have some contempt, and they will look down on the scorpio, and you will kill the people of their heavenly peaks. They come to you, which is inevitable."

"Just they actually bet the Tianzhu Palace, as a disciple of Tianchi, it is a bit too ignorant." Lin Fengdao.

"The great talents are outstanding. They always think that they want to be superior and arrogant. This is human nature. There are people in Tianzhufeng, and there are people in Tianzhufeng. It’s just this arrogance. It depends on how proud it is, just like Tianchi Xue, the former she and her now, is completely different. She went through a life and death experience, and the people matured a lot. The arrogance also converges, because she knows that there are days outside the sky, stronger than her talent, and many more. ""

Xue Zun's voice is calm, don't care, look free and easy: "Lin Feng, now with your cultivation in the same realm, very few people can compete with you, but can converge on the weekdays because of your experience and Experience, if someone shows pride in front of you, your pride will be involuntarily motivated, proud, not a bad thing, he can stimulate a person's potential, people continue to pursue a stronger realm than their peers .

Lin Feng thought thoughtfully, nodded slightly, and the Snow Lord looked at things, and it was indeed a bit more thorough than him.

"They are blocking the Tianzhu Palace. Your presence is not for them to pay the price. I will get this lesson and hope that they will be ashamed and brave."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, and the snow lord's heart and mind made him speechless.

"This trip to the mystery, I must have gained a lot. After waiting for this, you will have a good time to retreat and practice. You can see if you can impact the realm of Tianwu." Xue Zun continued to say that there is no mention of Lin Feng’s mystery. The refining of the heart of the Jade Emperor did not ask him what treasure he had obtained. What Lin Feng got was his, not to ask, let Lin Feng secretly grateful, Tianchi's prosperity, there are enough reasons for it.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded. The snow lord said, it is exactly what he wants to do. It is imperative to step into Tianwu. The last time he failed to break through. After waiting for the incident, he will close again. Back, gather all the minds to understand, after entering Tianwu, also back to a snowy month, and, also have to go to the black wind ridge!

"Lin Feng, get out!"

At this time, in the direction of the hall in the distance, a rolling sound wandered and passed into Lin Feng’s ear.

Lin Feng's eyelids condensed slightly, flashing a cold light. This sound of humming sound contains powerful power, and it is extremely rude to cover a space around it.

Looking at the snow lord, Lin Feng saw the snow lord's eyes closed slowly, as if not care.

"Come out, come out..." The sound of breaking the drink is like a thunder, and the tremor is in the void. It is like a blue sky, and the space is shaking slightly.

"Tianwu Realm!"

Lin Feng looked indifferently and glanced at the direction of the palace. Then he stood up and walked in a footstep, disappearing from the place, and only after a while, he appeared again outside the palace of Tianzhu.

At this time, the person who called the drink outside the Scorpio Palace was also a young man with a sharp eyebrow and a lingering temper. The cold eyes were as cold as a blade, and behind him, followed by a group of young people. They are all people of the Tianzhu Peak, and many of them are people who were bombarded by Tian Feng in the near future.

"He is Lin Feng." Someone said to the headed young man, suddenly the young man's gaze would lock Lin Feng firmly, cold road: "The person who killed my heavenly peak, let me roll the heavenly peak, Tianchi, for a long time There are no such madmen."

"Do you come to revenge for them, or do you want to arrest me to go to Tianshufeng to ask for sin?" Lin Feng looked at the youth, it is indeed a strong man of heaven, standing there, it gives a sense of mystery, even if angry, breath Still faintly in harmony with the heavens and the earth, there should be a short time to step into the realm of heaven.

"Take you to go to Tianshufeng to sin and revenge for my disciples who died in your hands. It seems that there is no contradiction." The other side sneered and looked sharp.

"How to revenge?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Do you think that you can still live?"

Lin Feng sneered: "It is necessary to kill me, why not do it directly, but also need to arrest me to go to Tianshufeng to sin, so I don't want to do anything."

What the youth did, undoubtedly verified his speculation, Tianshufeng, indeed someone is eager to get his treasure in the Jade Emperor Palace.

"You have a lot of nonsense." Youth cold road: "I heard that you have a good punch, and you have to be weak, so that no one can say that I am bullying Tianzhufeng no one, you shot, I will make you three punches."

For Tianwuqiang, the combination of heaven and man, God and heaven, there is no power to borrow, let Xuanwujing three punches, why not rely on strong bullying, Tianwu and Xuanwu, is not a grade.

However, Lin Feng heard the other party's words but squatted and let him punch three times?

"Then I will be welcome." Lin Feng smiled, and slowly walked toward the youth, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, a man of heavenly martial arts, to make him three punches?

The people behind Lin Feng were all awkward, and they all showed sympathy for the young man. They even thought that the young people were pitiful. When the sunrise was in the dark, Lin Feng unscrewed the Tianwu strongman on the spot and directly refining it into nothingness. How terrible, Tianwu is not afraid, now these days are gone, Lin Feng seems to be a bit stronger, the youth will fight for a full battle, maybe there will be opportunities, however, he has to let Lin Feng three punches, this is undoubtedly self-death road.

In the youth, a majestic atmosphere is rolling and moving, and it goes straight into the sky. Heaven and man are united. It seems that there is a strange brilliance in the body, quietly watching Lin Feng, waiting for the other party to punch.

"Are you ready?" Lin Feng went to the other side and whispered.

"When you shoot, can you deal with a basaltic person? I will not be able to make a comeback." The young man snorted, and in the eyes of Tianwu people, even the basaltic peaks were not enough, and the youth’s eyes were scornful.

His voice just fell, suddenly there seemed to be a tremor in the world, and then the youth felt a hurricane with a fierce tyrant blowing toward him. Lin Feng punched his fist and turned his fist into a terrible dark vortex, to destroy everything. He only felt that the hurricane of a tyrant was screaming in anger, and there was a faint wave of violent waves hitting his body. When he had not yet punched, he felt a crush of destruction.

"Not good." The face of the youth changed rapidly, and the horrible breath burst out instantly. The rolling rushed toward Lin Feng’s fist, but it was too late. The terrible boxing whirlpool instantly slammed onto the youth, the bones burst, and the blood Surging, his body was directly blasted into the air.

The eyes of the Tianshufeng crowd were all stagnation, staring at the figure flying in the void, his eyes stunned and stunned.

What is the difference between Tianwuqiang and them? The same, a punch was blown away!

The crowd saw only a figure flashing, and the moment appeared in the youth, the fist slammed down and slammed.

"Ah..." The youth made a scream of screaming, such as a ghost crying, and all the bones of the whole body were shattered, and the internal organs were tumbling wildly, as if they might be shattered at any time.

"You can only bear the two punches of randomness, leave you a commandment, roll it." Lin Feng spit out a voice in his mouth, kicked his right foot, and suddenly the young figure was shot out, as if to be This foot hits the main peak of the Scorpio.

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