Peerless Martial God

Chapter 836: Dry field storm

Lin Feng's footsteps slammed into a sneak, stepping toward the void, and unwinding in the footsteps. Lin Feng's whole person turned into a shadow of contempt, and he was so happy that he was flying above the void.

"Hey!" The group of crows and beasts sealed the sky and oppressed Lin Feng, turning into a terrible network of death, and could not escape.

The face of Jade Emperor in the hands of Lin Feng appeared, violently thrown into the void, and the horrible imperial spirit burst out, and the gas of death was scattered. The terrible palace suppressed the demons and blasted them.

Lin Feng held the vast Jade Emperor's Palace, skyrocketing, highlighting a road, and then the palace was once again turned into a heart, disappeared, Lin Feng's body turned into a shadow, and the footsteps were unfolded to the extreme, crazy toward the death valley. The direction of the periphery goes away.

"Hey, hey..."


A terrible sigh of death came to the fore. This time, Lin Feng really saw the terrible death valley. Many of the huge monsters with their heads were full of irresistible death. When the monsters had not arrived, he felt The vitality in your body is withering, as if to die.

Picking up the magic Bodhi from the Bodhi tree, suddenly swallowed a magic bodhi into his mouth, and suddenly a terrible force flowed through Lin Feng’s body. Lin Feng felt his body bursting, and his body was full of heart. Trembling magic light.

"Hey, hehe..." The bones of the body trembled steadily. Lin Feng’s mind was clear and his eyes were filled with terrible coldness. The gas of death could no longer erode his body. He seemed to feel the dead. Interference, long hair flying, the whole person is like a demon statue of the gods, not the demon of the demon, the body is full of endless power.

"Boom!" Lin Feng's body skyrocketed, becoming even faster, but those terrible monsters are faster, especially when they see Lin Feng swallowing the magic Bodhi, it is even more crazy, and flew toward Lin Feng.

"The Bodhi tree planted the magic Bodhi, the magic Bodhi tree is here, you take it." The light flashed, Lin Feng's hand appeared Bodhi tree, slammed out, and there were two black magic Bodhi trees on the tree.

The monsters saw this scene crazy, and they stared at the magic bodhi tree and the magic bodhi tree on the tree. No matter which one, it was a treasure.

Turning the direction, all the monsters seem to have forgotten Lin Feng, and rushed toward the Bodhi tree, and a fierce battle broke out in an instant.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Feng's body flashed wildly, turned into a residual image, and quickly left, and pulled a shadow in the void.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the edge of the Death Valley, rushing to the sky, rushing over the cliffs and out of the valley.

"Well?" There are many people outside the valley. It is the strongest of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The people from the East Sea Dragon Palace near the Death Valley saw the Death Valley Devil head empty and suddenly gave birth to a strong death valley. The peek of the intention, they want to spy on what is inside the death valley, the magical emperor who left the empty space, whether left anything.

At this moment they are waiting, waiting for the strongmen of the East China Sea Dragon Palace to come together, but the strongmen of Zongmen have not waited, but they are waiting for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who entered the valley of death, did not die yet. He came out alive and broke the precedent of the Death Valley.

"You didn't die."

The strong man of the East China Sea Dragon Palace has a sense of killing, revealing a few cold smiles, and stepping toward Lin Feng. This guy may have a royal treasure, perhaps because of this, he saved his life.

"Kill." This person is a day of Wuzhi, the arm explored, turned into a dragon's claws, suddenly a terrible gas grabbed toward Lin Feng, the shadow of the dragon appeared, as if to tear Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly slammed a punch, this punch was indifferent and silent, and the magic light haunted.

"Boom!" The sound of a terrible collision came out. The shadow of the dragon was broken. Lin Feng’s terrible fist blew directly on the other side, and the sound of the cymbal came out. In an instant, the terrible physical strength would be the other body’s body. They all smashed.

After Lin Feng smashed the other side, the body did not have any obstacles, his body flickered, and he left in the other direction. The footwork was happy and it was incredible.

Other people are still there to blaspheme, did not respond, Lin Feng, a fist directly killed the Tianwu strong?

How could this be, Lin Feng’s fist, how could it be so terrible.

When they realized that they were chasing, they found that Lin Feng’s figure had disappeared. The terrible footwork was so drunk that it was so incredible that there would be no more people in a flash.

"Follow, chase." Someone screamed out, but then a terrible death gust came, let them tremble, and turned back, and saw a terrible monster from the bottom of the Death Valley. Appeared in front of them, the smell of this head monster is terrible, the cold scorpion stares at them, let them feel that they are dying, and the breath of life is passing.

"Call..." A terrible death gas spit from the mouths of these monsters, pounced on them, instantly shrouded their bodies, their vitality began to wither, life began to shrink, and soon, gray was gray The gas of death.

"Escape." They finally thought of running away, fleeing away from the distance, and then the gas of death still wraps around them, not taking a few steps, the life is gone, clean, all turned into dead bodies, lying on the ground, died.

As for the terrible monsters, they stare at the distance, they want to rush out of the boundaries of the Death Valley, but they seem to have deep fears. They dare not step further and there is no monster to dare to step out of the Death Valley. As if they were subject to any restrictions.

These monsters are very clear. When the Death Valley was born, the powerful and powerful tycoon made them become the dead spirits. It seems that this valley, no one is allowed to step on it, and a demon is sealed in death. Deep in the valley, their destiny is destined, they must never leave the valley half a step. Once they leave, they will become dead. In a sense, they are not living creatures at all, only in the valley of death can be eternal. .

In the Valley of Death, there is a demon emperor breaking the seal. The news of the departure of the sky shocked the world, and countless powerful people in the dry field rushed in the direction of the Death Valley.

In the Valley of the Devils and Death Valley, it was really a seal of a terrible demon emperor. This disappearance is undoubtedly shocking. It is even more shocking than the fact that many forces have entered the secret world. After all, the secret is just a rumored tomb of the emperor, and the Death Valley, It is the true emperor.

The emperor, who was sealed in the valley of death, left nothing in the valley of death. This time, not only the disciples of the major gates, but the strongmen of the Zongmen forces, together, toward the valley of death. Go and go.

This time, the giants of the cadres must join forces and step into the valley of death to get a glimpse of it.

At the same time, there is another thing that seems to be in the throat for the major forces. All of them who have gone to the secrets have disappeared. One has not returned. Whether it is entering the secret or waiting for people outside the secret, this is the case. The door is shocked.

However, there have been news that some people have seen that many people who went to the secret place in Tianchi have returned to the snow-capped mountains of Tianchi, so that all the major sects have given birth to some ideas.

As for the news that Lin Feng won the Jade Emperor, it was sealed by the East China Sea Dragon Palace. At this time, they could not be publicized. What they had to do was to kill Lin Feng. Once Lin Feng got the news of Jade Emperor Baobao, they were in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It is even harder to win the heavy treasure. No one will let go of it. Even they can't guess the Tianchi itself. Will it start with Lin Feng?

Jade Emperor Heavy Treasure, which strong can not be tempted, the sage will be crazy, although the people of Tianchi are not the same as many forces, but in front of the heavy treasure, no one will know whether there will be some people with dissatisfaction, Tianchi strong Those who are noble, may not be able to withstand the terrible temptation to get the Jade Emperor.

The terrible whirlwind in the dry area is related to Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng at the moment is in a mountain cave house in the dry area. He is temporarily retreating. He needs to break through and enter the Tianwu situation. He has so many The tyrannical means, once it enters Tianwu, his strength can leap!

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