Peerless Martial God

Chapter 825: Manic Lin Feng

"The East China Sea Dragon Palace is worshipped as a god, but I listen to your tone. It seems that there is not much reverence for the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It seems to be somewhat resentful." Lin Feng seems to understand the voice of the girl, whispering.

The girl looked at Lin Feng and her lips moved. After all, she did not speak. She was silent. Then she said: "The people in the East China Sea Dragon Palace are overlord in this territory. No one dares to provoke them. Your courage is really big. Now they have provoked them. Just stay here and go out so that you won't be discovered again. When you get to the town, you will leave."

Lin Feng blinked, and then nodded with a smile. His luck was really good. He was saved twice, and with his strong ability to converge, he just escaped a bit, otherwise he was close at hand. The dragon will not be able to feel his presence. Just now he almost completely breathed, and his heartbeat stopped. It was like a dead man who fell into absolute silence and deceived each other.

Now, with the wedding team to go to the town in front, and can temporarily cover up the atmosphere of their own body, it is not a solution.

In the soft sedan, Lin Feng and the girl chatted for a moment, and understood that the other party had no fear of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It turned out that this girl was a person in the town next door and was forced to marry, and this forced her. The family has great power in this town for only one reason. There is a disciple in the family who joined the Donghai Dragon Palace, which makes the whole family prosperous and arrogant in this area.

This makes Lin Feng feel that no matter where he goes, there is no such thing as a bullying behavior. The world of martial arts, the weak people, are only being bullied.

"If I help you solve the problem, will your family be revenged?" Lin Feng said to the girl.

"It’s useless. The person who wants to marry me this time is the brother of the Donghai Dragon Palace disciple. This time he will come in person. It is said that the talent of the person is very powerful. Now it is the strongman of the Xuanwujing high-level. In the small town, I can't find anyone who is his opponent.” The girl is quite a decadent, shaking her head with a smile. In their small town, there are one or two young high-ranking basalists who are through the sky. .

Lin Feng was silent. It didn't take long for the crowd to finally reach the town. Lin Feng's powerful perception enveloped everything around him. He discovered a lot of people from the East China Sea Dragon Palace and patrolled around the town to let Lin Feng His face is not very good-looking, it seems that he is expected to take this route.

The wedding team stopped directly outside a huge manor. There were many people around the huge manor. There were several young people watching them, their eyes were arrogant, and they were covered with robes with dragon patterns. These people are the disciples of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

The soft car opened and the girl walked down from it. One of the youths of the East China Sea Dragon Palace saw the girl's appearance, but also nodded slightly. This girl is very good, barely worthy of his brother.

"Brother, good vision." The young man said to another man standing on the ladder. The man smiled and said: "Brother, you also find a brother for me."

"The martial arts are not successful, so talk about the children's personal feelings." The young man shook his head and let his brother praise: "Also, for the brother can not compare with you."

After all, his gaze fell on the girl’s body and said: “I’m not going through my uncle!”

The girl glanced at the arrogant young man in the robes and said, "You are the brother. If you marry me, I am his jealousy. It should be that he has seen me."

"Shut up." When he heard the girl's words, the man snorted and walked forward, directly slap on the girl's face, and beat the girl's mouth with blood. "You are so bold, my brother is The disciple of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, you can see that he is your blessing. You have to ask my brother to see you, and I have not seen my uncle."

The people around me laughed at the scene in front of them, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Indeed, the young man was a disciple of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. He was tall and tall. Although this woman was a blind man, she saw it as a matter of course.

The girl looked at her future husband reluctantly, with a sneer in her gaze and said, "You want to marry your wife, or you must be a slave."

"Well?" The man's face sank. I didn't expect the woman to be so ignorant of the current affairs. It was bad for him. If she had to look at her beautiful appearance, he would not marry her.

"I am sorry for you, it is to give you a face, you don't give your face a shame, be careful I will sell you into the land of the wind." The man said coldly, but the girl's gaze was still stubborn, staring at him motionless.

At this time, there were several figures in the void that came to this side and appeared directly in the sky. The eyes of the crowd were all trembled. They looked up at these people, and they were dressed in robes. .

The arrogant youth saw these people squatting, and then the arrogance on their faces disappeared instantly, and they shook their bodies to the people who appeared: "I have seen your brothers."

"Sister." The eyes of the crowd are all tremble. It seems that these people are the core disciples of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and their status is noble.

The man did not expect that his nephew actually provoked so many Donghai Dragon Palace strong, could not help but fear.

"Let's go on." One person in the void said faintly, it seems that coming here has nothing to do with marriage. Their eyes have been staring at the figures on the side of the soft car. They seem to be looking for something, and there are many around them. The figure is close, it seems to faintly surround these people here.

The married man nodded trembled and then looked at the girl again, angered: "The people from the East China Sea Dragon Palace come here, you are not ready to please."

"Coward." The girl spit out a voice in her mouth, so that the man's face was sinking again, and the palm of his hand was lifted up, and the slap wanted to pull it out again.

"Stop." At this time, a cold drink came out, so that the man's palm was stiff in the air, and then he saw a young figure walking slowly toward him.

"Who are you, when is it your turn to interrupt?" The man stared at Lin Feng, who was walking forward, and spit out a voice indifferently.

Lin Feng did not say anything. When he walked to the man's side, he raised his hand and suddenly flicked out with a slap in the air. The man's body was directly drawn out.

"Do you also qualify for this kind of donkey?"

Lin Feng’s mouth spit out a cold voice, and even the girl was squatting, staring at Lin Feng’s beauty.

The arrogant youth of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea saw this face suddenly gloomy, and walked slowly to the front of Lin Feng. He said coldly: "You know who I am?"

"You?" Lin Feng glanced at him with a glance, then the palms were lifted again, and the arrogant youth sneered, the breath of the body bloomed, and the terrible real power of Xuanwujing was extremely terrifying.

The face of Lin Feng’s girl suddenly changed her face and wanted to shout it out, but at this time, Lin Feng’s slap was once again pumped out, and the proud young man sneered with his hand, but only heard a bang from his voice, his arm The direct bones were broken by a palm and the body was taken out.

This scene shocked the crowd and jumped up. This... Where did the guy come from, how powerful it was.

Even the girl was stunned. He thought that Lin Feng was just a lonely man like him. He was bullied by the people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. He did not expect Lin Feng to be so strong.

"What **** genius, waste one." Lin Feng snorted, a few figures flashed at the same time, and a few people together with the proud young people came to Lin Feng, staring indifferently to Lin Feng: "The people of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, you dare to move."

"Donghai Dragon Palace is very amazing, I also killed a lot, of course, do not mind killing a few more."

After all, Lin Feng’s palms slammed out. This time, it was a terrible huge palm print that pressed toward the front. The loud noise of the bang was shocking. The people saw the dramatic changes in the big handprints from the sky, but they regretted it. It was too late, and the sound of the thunder of the rumble came out. Several so-called disciples of the East China Sea Dragon Palace were all killed by a big palm print.

The flame bloomed from Lin Feng's body, and then swiftly slammed out. Suddenly the man who was close to him and the crowd behind him suddenly all had a terrible flame, a flame that could not be extinguished, and a scream of screams in an instant. The house that landed behind them, in a blink of an eye, the entire house was burning.

"A terrible youth." The crowd was shocked and unable to speak. Who is this guy, so crazy.

The crowd in the void has been witnessing Lin Feng doing all this, but it has not stopped, just staring at Lin Feng motionless.

Seeing that the people who were burned gradually lost their resistance, Lin Feng’s body suddenly vacated and looked proud of the world. He said: “The East China Sea Dragon Palace is so sinister, I see how many people you will take to kill me.”

After all, his footsteps vain and turned into a terrible sword, and the direction of several people directly torn, and Lin Feng's figure turned into a sword-like look.

"Catch!" Across the sky, they are all people from the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Their purpose is only one, Lin Feng. As for the death of those little people, they didn't care.

The girl’s arrogant figure in the sky, a sluggish, shocked for a long time can not calm!

Ps: Come on, okay, almost died hot, make up yesterday's, and ask for flowers to encourage!

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