Peerless Martial God

Chapter 817: What is Yuhuangxin?

The crowd was thinking about the color of doubts, but they were thinking, but they saw Lin Feng’s other laughter and continued: “There is still something to forget. After the Yutian royal family stepped into the Jade Emperor’s Hall, the outer world was collapsed, and the Yutian royal family collapsed. To seal the only entrance, let all others die outside, or let our Tianchi people die to make the entrance impossible to close, but in the end there are still countless outstanding young people who died in the storm of destruction."

Lin Feng’s voice was calm, but the Yutian royal family was pushed into the abyss in an instant. The eyes of countless people all gathered in the crowd of the Yutian royal family. Some of them were cold drinking: “It seems that for many years, everyone has been jade emperor. The family was blinded, in order to use the many forces of the cadre to find the tomb of the emperor for them, but in the end, I wanted to enter alone, let other people die outside, the Yutian royal family, a good means."

Many eyes of the crowd descended on the Jade Emperor's group, and the people of the Yutian royal family suddenly felt the strong pressure to oppress, staring at Lin Feng, and his face was ugly.

"Huangfeng, the leader of the Yutian royal family who entered the secret world, was killed. Can he still win the treasure?" The strong leader of the Yutian royal family swept the crowd with cold eyes and immediately stared at Lin Feng: "You, I emphasize again." Once, in the end, after this person refining the Jade Emperor's heart, all the talents came out. You think about it, the Jade Emperor's heart is what is a powerful thing, maybe it contains the secret of Tianda, otherwise there will be big changes, you are at least Let him take out the refining jade emperor heart."

The crowd swayed, Yutian and Lin Feng, who got the treasure.

"In my case, at the last moment, our people in the East China Sea Dragon Palace are also in the Jade Emperor Hall. For the time being, no matter if the Yutian Emperor deceives us, this can be settled, but Lin Feng does refine the heart of the Jade Emperor, and then everyone I feel that the change of heaven and earth has appeared here. At this point, the empty nine nights of Jiuyi Jianmen and the valley Qianqiu of Xiaoyaomen can be used as evidence. I boldly guessed that Lin Feng must have received a heavy treasure."

There was a voice in the crowd of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. The person who spoke, the endless stage, saw his eyes cold, staring at Lin Feng and others, and continued: "And, in addition to Lin Feng, he refines the jade, their Tianchi Everyone else, everyone got a strong treasure, and even the magical footwork of the Happy Gate seems to fall into their hands, I saw the woman used."

"Those treasures are obtained from the Supreme Lord's Mansion. They are extremely powerful. I am afraid that all of you who are strong in heaven will not have such powerful treasures."

A few words in the end of the paragraph, suddenly let Lin Feng and others completely fall into an unfavorable situation, the crowd stared at Lin Feng them, eyes greedy, in addition to the jade emperor, there are other treasures.

"Oh, I agree with the disciples in my door, let them hand over the jade emperor and the heavy treasure." Zijinlong Wang smiled lightly, and the people in Tianchi got the greatest benefit.

Everyone is thinking at the moment. It seems that this time entering the secret world is the biggest one for everyone. The tomb of the Jade Emperor has appeared, and the mystery has collapsed. Someone has the treasure of the Supreme Lord, but the Supreme Master in the Zongmen I don't know the news. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will all come in. The treasures of the Supreme Supreme, if in the hands of the Supreme, may be able to exert terrible power.

"Killing the people of the Yutian royal family, winning the crown of my family, and returning." The people of the Yutian royal family took the lead and went straight to the front of everyone in Tianchi.

"Hey, I am walking away from the door, so big and courageous." The people at the door of the door also spoke up and flashed.

"I heard that you killed my Donghai Dragon Palace, hehe."

Zhong Zongmen found an excuse to gather in front of the Tianchi crowd, faintly encircling the crowds in Tianchi. Of course, others would not be outdone, and they all flickered, all around here, they all wanted to share a piece of cake. The treasures, as well as the jade emperor, who does not want, and Lin Feng, what he got through the Jade Emperor.

The face of Tianchi Seven Snow Eagles suddenly sinks down, and the blessings and blessings are interdependent. This is true. The people in Tianchi have got a heavy treasure, but they have been forced by so many powerful strengths.

"You, do you want to cause the killing between the sects?" A snow eagle said coldly, the sound chilled to the freezing point: "Don't forget, the Tianchi Empire has never been bullied by others."

"It doesn't have to be so serious. It's just that Tianchi has gotten so many treasures. You don't feel much like it. Let's take a few pieces to share it, and the jade emperor of Lin Feng's refining, let everyone see it."

The strongest of the Yutian royal family said with a smile, these sub-sectors have a delicate balance between them. They will not endanger the life and death, cause massive massacres, and the consequences of strangling between the powerful forces will be too serious. These people of Tianwu can't afford it.

But this time, for the treasures of the Supreme Lord, there is also the Jade Emperor's heart. Even if they are offended by the Tianchi Empire, they must do a big job.

"Yes, we don't mean to be enemies with the Tianchi Empire. It's just that the treasures of this Tianchi Empire have gotten too much. Jade Emperor's heart, we are also curious." Zijinlong Wang also said, this time, they will not stop. .

"It's a shameless face." Huangfu Long screamed: "To make these things, you still say that you don't want to be enemies with us. You are really shameless."

"Shut up." Zijinlong Wang screamed and stared at Huangfu Longdao: "Is there any qualification for you to speak?"

"Call..." Huangfu's mouth spit in the mouth, staring at the Purple Dragon King, angry.

"Come on, everyone is waiting." Zijinlongwang urged a voice, everyone, are approaching the crowd in Tianchi, I am afraid that Lin Feng they will not hand over the jade emperor and many treasures, they will be hands-on.

"If we don't hand it out?" Lin Feng glanced at the crowd and asked faintly.

"If you don't hand it out, we have to do it yourself. Of course, some flashes are inevitable when you start it. You can't wait for the people in the Tianchi Empire." Zijinlong Wang Xiaoxiao said, with a gloomy atmosphere in his tone.

"To put it bluntly, it is to kill our lives, right?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, and did not seem to care.

"I haven't said it." Zijinlongwang denied, but the cold smile in his eyes was undoubtedly the default Lin Feng's words.

"Well, you want the jade emperor, I will hand it over." Lin Feng's voice made the crowd look condensed, revealing the color of doubt, Lin Feng, willing to hand over.

"That is the best." Purple Dragon King smiled.

"You all retreat, retreat to the kilometer, and give us a retreat, no one will stop, I will put the jade emperor on this land." Lin Feng asked, the crowd stared at each other, then nodded, look Lin Feng is afraid to be killed and killed. Of course, they are many people, only kilometers, they do not believe Lin Feng they can run off.

The crowds have retired, and after a kilometer, the original place, only Lin Feng and other people in Tianchi, and a retreat, no one guarded the retreat.

"You go first, the farther the better." Lin Feng said to the people in Tianchi, everyone in Tianchi stared at Lin Feng.

"No, how can you leave alone?" Tang Youyi took the lead.

"Reassure, as long as you are gone, I have a way to get out and believe in me." Lin Feng looked solemn, and Tang looked at Lin Feng's eyes, and then nodded with compromise. Lin Feng said that it should be true.

"In this case, well, let's retreat first, you be careful." The snow eagle turned into a monster, holding everyone up, leaving the road, others staring at the snow eagle, blinking, killing But they didn't do it. I don't know how much distance there is from the Tianchi Empire. After I solved the Jade Emperor's heart, I went to find them.

Lin Feng looked at everyone and left, only smiled, his eyes glanced at the distant crowd, and immediately in his hand, a heart, Jade Emperor.

"take it."

Lin Feng smashed the jade emperor's heart and went to the crowd in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. At the same time, his body quickly retreated, and he did not know how many meters away.



All the terrible breaths bloomed at this moment. Everyone rushed toward the direction of the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The heart of the Jade Emperor first got it.

Lin Feng's body turned into an arrow, and instantly retreated a few miles to the land, watching the crowds madly fighting for the Jade Emperor's heart, all gathered together, a mouthful of meaningful smile.

"Boom!" The majestic atmosphere blooms between the heavens and the earth, and a horrible sound is heard. Many people are hit by this mouth and vomiting blood. I saw a vast palace in the space far away. The palace of the imperial spirit, majestic, spectacular, Jade Emperor Palace!

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