Peerless Martial God

Chapter 806: First person in the ages

"Boom!" Seeing the statues, Lin Feng and others only felt the tremors in their heads, as if there was no magic force directly printed into their minds, so that their souls would tremble and shudder.

"It’s terrible." Lin Feng whispered and turned his gaze away, but his footsteps entered the hall, and the four statues and the stone walls behind them were engraved with written records.

Looking up again, Lin Feng’s eyes burst into a powerful edge, staring at the four statues, only feeling a sigh of suffocation, trembled and breathless, as if he had been caught in his throat. To be alive and destroyed by human beings.

The statues, with their terrible will, are so powerful that they just look at them and let their souls tremble, too much.

"Is this the statue of the ancient emperor?" There are five people walking into the hall, Lin Feng, Jun Mo Xi, Yun Fei Yang, Tang You You and Huang Yu Long. Yu Tianji is alone, walking with them, these five people After entering the hall, one by one trembled fiercely, and opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Too powerful and horrible, the will of the gods in a statue makes them dare not look up. This is the real power, the emperor, and the sky.

The first statue, holding a sword in his hand, is full of arrogance of the power of the universe, his eyes to pierce the heavens and the earth, in his eyes, lawless.

Looking at the statue, the swords in Lin Feng’s body are unconsciously blooming. The six-way kendo will be saved at the same time. However, when it is close to the statue, it is instantly wiped out and dissipated invisible, as if it never existed before. In the same way, in front of the statue of the ancient emperor, his sword is weak and pitiful. The statue of the other side contains the supreme sword. If there is a sense of killing, he has already died countless times.

"There is no heaven and sword, the continent, the lawless, never heard of people who are afraid of him, no matter who is against him, they are all killed by a sword, the real arrogance, no one in the world is in his eyes. I will mold the statue of the Emperor Shouhuang to the place and appreciate the brilliance of the sacred kendo, in order to help the Emperor ask."

A vigorous handwriting is engraved on the stone wall behind the innocent Sword Emperor. Even after thousands of years have passed, the handwriting is still so clear. Through the handwriting crowd, you can feel a terrible force to spread out and let them The heart is shuddering, as if through the handwriting can see the supreme power possessed by the masters of the former Imperial Palace.

The second statue is a woman. It is so beautiful that it makes people feel trembled. If they look at it, they will be unable to extricate themselves. They will fall in love with her deeply. However, her beauty is indescribable. The nobleness in her statue makes people look up. In the end, he couldn’t get close to his life.

"This woman is also an emperor. If she is alive, she must invert all beings." Lin Feng and others whispered, and the beauty of the emperor itself had a strange charm.

Lin Feng and others looked at the introduction of the woman to the back. The above was engraved with the handwriting: "Yu Huang, how many emperors have been bent over for thousands of years, want to break her into the palace, before the emperor becomes the emperor, the same Have a wish, that is, one day, you can take the Emperor as your own, and achieve the ultimate arrogance, but unfortunately, after the emperor became emperor, a generation of red, fragrant Xiao Yu, for the avenue, not hesitate to die, I wonder if she can Once again, the emperor, but unfortunately even if it became a emperor, it is no longer the same."

This passage is quite vague, and it reveals the meaning of great regret. A generation of empresses, powerful and incredible, upside down all beings, the emperor of the temple also loves her, but she seeks the avenue to die.

Lin Feng can't understand it. It is not only seeking the avenue, but also why he does not hesitate to die. Also, the next sentence is that he can't know whether he will become emperor again, and he will die. How can he become a emperor? In the last sentence, it seems to be revealing, even if it becomes a emperor, it is no longer the same.

Very vague voice, people can not understand, can the emperor die by his own supreme power, reincarnation? Continue to seek the avenue?

These, Lin Feng can not understand, now he, too far from the emperor, high above, can not climb.

His eyes fell on the third statue. When he saw this statue, Lin Feng only felt a tremor, and there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Although it is a statue, the statue is shining

A brilliance, as if it would change itself, once became a demon, once became a Buddha, and then became a deity, as if this is not a person, but three people, but the Buddha and the devil are together, and so harmonious.

"Nine turns to Buddha magic!" Lin Feng immediately thought of the familiar feeling from where he came from. At this moment, the nine-turned Buddha magic on his body involuntarily flowed up, let Lin Feng tremble.

Is the owner of this statue really connected with the nine-turn Buddha?

Lin Feng’s gaze turned around and looked at the introduction behind the statue. I saw that it was engraved: “The Three Great Emperors, who have the talents of the heavens and the earth, the unpredictable energy, he cultivated the Buddha’s devil with the human body.邸 以 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Not dead, the three great emperors are immortal, the creation of the heavens, the Sansheng Sutra, is the most peculiar emperor of the royal classics that I know.

Lin Feng saw this introduction of the inner madness of the instigation, the three births, the Buddha, the devil, the people, the three students, can be turned into three, too strong, the body of the Buddha, there are people, not exactly Is it a kind of power contained in the magical work of the Buddha? Is it the power of the magical powers that the descendants of the Buddha turned from the Supreme Masters?

Lin Feng has an endless yearning in his heart. If one day, he can also get the Sansheng Sutra and cultivate into the three bodies of the Buddha. It will be so powerful, one will not die, that is, it will not die.

Moreover, the three great emperors, the emperor of this hall became the emperor, do not know whether this emperor and the emperor, is it at the same level, or that only the powerful emperor can seal the emperor?

These Lin Feng are incomprehensible, can't understand, but the heart is trembled. The four statues of the emperor of this palace are placed here. Just like the handwriting engraved outside the temple, they are asking for the supreme power of the four emperors. Tao, as can be seen from the words, the emperor of this palace is awe-inspiring to the four emperors. The four emperors must be more powerful emperors. The masters of this palace will worship them here, with their statues. Asked.

The last statue, Lin Feng only looked at it, was deeply attracted to it. This statue seems to be the most common, no strange, but whether it is its charm or gaze, it has a true arrogance of the spirit of the universe. The world, without him in the eyes, the dark scorpion, as if it is a konjac, the celestial beings are not put in his eyes, under the heavens, only I am alone, whoever commits me, wants the world to bleed, killing and ruining.

"Magic!" Lin Feng's pupil suddenly slammed for a while, this is the devil's will, ignoring the sky, arrogant and smiling, the silent look, seems to trample the heavens and the earth under the feet, fearless.

"Magic Emperor!" Lin Feng's mind naturally appeared a name, rumors that the owner of this palace is being chased by the devil to the heavens no way, this statue, is it the demon emperor?

"Hmmm?" Lin Feng's heart trembled, and he felt faintly, his martial arts, as if they were shaking, the martial arts that had not been moving for a long time, Tianshu!

The brow is crumpled, how can this statue make his martial arts shake?

Looking at the stone wall behind the statue, there is still a line of writing: "Nine continents, the first in the world, the talent is absolutely, is called the demon, is the taboo of countless people, is also the first one is not a king, can be married The imperial master of the emperor!"

"Nine continents, the first in the ages!" Lin Feng's body shuddered up, the demon emperor, it is the devil, the same as the emperor, but the palace owner, but he became the first in the ages, but countless people taboo, visible this magic How terrible the emperor is.

Lin Feng’s heart was ups and downs, and there was a gust of wind and waves. It was like seeing the imperial hero’s heroic attitude. This is the real demon, not controlled by the killing, and the way of arrogance and trampling on the universe, I am the devil. The world, only me alone!

If you are not an emperor, you can be the emperor, the first person in the ages!

Ps: As a writer, I care more about the quality of the book than the speed. So even if everyone is jealous, if I don’t think it is good, I won’t write it. The problem, but I am afraid that some people are of poor quality, I believe most writers are like me!

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