Chapter 2011: Sage sealed world

The day when the sacred site was officially opened, the whole day was full of sacred sacred priests. Many powerful figures emerged from the dynasties and went in a certain direction. Lin Feng was naturally no exception. The emperor of the dynasty personally led the way, with Lin Feng and others came to an ancient mountain wall.

At this time, Lin Feng was in front of him, as if the giant mountain from ancient times stood there, full of heavy feelings, this mountain seems to never collapse.

In addition to Lin Feng and others, there are countless figures standing on the cliffs in the front of the mountain. For the people of the emperors and the helpers they invited, they entered the holy land with the princesses of the emperors. Of course, In addition to the emperor's princess and the invited people, the respective emperors themselves also have a group of very tyrannical characters accompanying them. Lin Feng also has them. These people are all snow princesses, and they are personally selected by the emperor. Out, all are old people, although these old guys are not as talented as Lin Feng, after all, they are not the same generation, but they have stayed in the realm of Wuhuang’s peak for many years. Some of their means are also unfathomable. Some people even want this action. And prepared.

Looking over the crowd, Lin Feng actually saw a lot of acquaintances, Chu Chunqiu, Ji Yun, needless to say, the top ten characters of the imperial city of the state, almost all were invited, only in different camps, they are in the emperor After asking, I left, and after that, there was no news, and now I am gathering in the Holy Land.

In addition, Lin Feng also saw some old people in the past, the king of the body and the evil spirits, the **** of the king of the gods, the unbeaten, the undead king, the sorrowful and the ancient witch, and the ancient witch also arrived, both of them are The ancient descendants of the ancient capital of Wangtian, the sad son of the past gave an extraordinary feeling, the temperament, so that countless women are sad, and the ancient witch has been quite mysterious, after Lin Feng and others went to the holy city of Zhongzhou, they did not idle However, I went to the ancient capital of Tianyuan and entered the college to study hard. They all have their own opportunities. Now I am here, and I am sure that it is not weak now.

"The three kings have stepped into the upper realm." Lin Feng looked at the evil spirits, and looked at the evil spirits and the monarchs, nodded for a long time, they were not seen for a long time, they are unbeaten, and now they are the upper emperor. The situation, a little faster than him, and the sad son and the ancient witch, the sad son gives a feeling of demon, the ancient witch is unfathomable, in the ancient world there is rumor that he may be the witch king.

The fighting power of these people may not be top-notch in the countless geniuses in front of them, but they are all willing to come and experience them. This is the opportunity to compete with all the geniuses of the martial arts. Even if the combat power is still lacking, it is necessary to come. Of course, the combat strength of the king body cannot be measured by common sense. Maybe they are not the top, but at least they can compete with many people.

At this time, I saw a figure coming by Lin Feng. This person is a person of the Holy Spirit.

"The Holy Prince, my Holy Spirit dynasty, has chosen the most outstanding beautiful woman for you. You are careful in this matter. When you come out, come to the dynasty." The man said to Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked slightly condensed, then nodded slightly, this matter is inevitable, he can only be sorry for the woman of the Holy Spirit.

"Then I will retreat first." The old man returned to the direction of the Holy Spirit, making the eyes of the Holy Emperor of the Tianci Emperor sharp, watching Lin Feng, laughing: "Lin Feng, the Holy Spirit Dynasty respects you as the Holy Prince?"

"Well." Lin Feng nodded slightly, did not say anything, making the godsend emperor a touch of color, but he did not ask this matter, just laughed.

"You, unblock it!" At this time, a statue of the emperor of the emperor stepped out and said to the people. Immediately, the emperors of the emperors flashed out, and before the fall of the mountain wall, suddenly, a horrible breath Pervasive, I saw that the emperors kept smashing the ancient seals and hitting the mountains on the front of the eyes, causing the crowd to flash in the eyes. This mountain bears the ancient Indian bombardment of the emperors, and it seems that it was cast by the ancient holy king. Made of.

A moment later, the terrible sound of the rumble came out, and I saw that the mountain wall was pulled out from the middle like a sky, and there was a mural, which seemed to have a cosmic flood, a thousand miles of mountains and rivers, and a dazzling boulevard. The crowds stared at the mural, revealing the color of shock, the curious murals, as if there was a sense of truth.

"You, release the power of your Tao, and make it penetrate into the murals, you will be able to open the remains of this ancient era." The holy emperor turned to face Lin Feng and other humanities, and even if they saw Lin Feng, they all came forward, in an instant, as if There are thousands of kinds of avenues of force to roll out at the same time. The three thousand roads are meant to be endless. There are countless avenues in the world of martial arts. As long as the talents are strong enough, they can find a way to suit themselves, and even open up a kind of never-appearing. The avenue.

When the boulevard rushed into the mural, the mural turned into a whirlpool, and the devastating power of the avenue was swallowed into the mural, as if the whole mural was moving, madly spinning, a hurricane appeared, and the mural began to produce whirlpools. The whirlpool engulfed thousands of ideas and turned into a terrible black hole power, as if to swallow everything.

"To open this holy place, it is necessary to have a strong morale, and only the people of the martial arts can get close to him. Therefore, you can only rely on you, don't keep your hands, just need to release the power of your madness, you can sometimes murals. Open the passage to the Holy Land." A voice rang in the eardrum of the crowd, and everyone suddenly released their own way.

"It is no wonder that as the years passed, the descendants of the dynasty itself could not open the secret of this holy place, and it was terrible." In the hearts of the people, the swirling vortex opened and twisted, and the vortex disappeared, and the mural was in the middle of the line. There was a door that seemed to lead to the ancient door, the gate of the Holy Land, and opened.

"You, please enter the secret place of the Holy Land." The emperor said faintly, only the celestial beings were divided into different camps and stepped toward the door.

"If the people of the emperor are going in, what will happen?" At this time, Lin Feng asked the snow princess.

"The people of the emperor can't even get close to the murals of this mountain. This package of our power can make a terrible attack once you feel the emperor. Someone tried it and died very badly." The Snow Princess responded. One sound, Lin Feng nodded, no more, a crowd stepped into the door, the snow princess opened: "We also went in."

After all, they stepped forward and stepped into the door of the mural. Suddenly, when they reappeared, it was a desert land, an endless desert, filled with ancient wildness, the vicissitudes of the years. Feelings, as if they can all be felt, this is a world that has been sealed since ancient times.

At the same time, when they stepped into this world, a stream of light seemed to radiate from the sky. In the distance, a white ancient palace, only a young man with a demon-like look toward the desert, eyes Shooting a terrible man.

"It’s been another hundred years!" The voice of the vicissitudes of life blew through the baptisms of the years, and the bells sounded. The palaces seemed to echo the sounds that had never sounded in this hundred years.

At the same time, above an ancient mountain range, a strong man looked up and looked out into the void. This man's eyes showed a cold evil, saying: "At last, someone came in."

At this moment, the vast and endless space, countless people have looked up, looking towards the desert, full of expectations, a hundred years, and finally another guy arrived.

Here is the ancient world, the abandoned world, and the world of sin.

At the edge of the desert, the crowds flickered and began to move forward. For the time being, there was nothing to worry about. Now there is no friction of interest. They will naturally not kill for no reason. Now it is necessary to preserve the strength to cope with what will happen in the next holy place.

Suddenly, the wind was raging, and a terrible dust was set in the distance. The crowd looked up and saw a group of black spots in the distance constantly approaching, and the mad rushing over, making their pupils a stiff.

"Wicked beast, what are these monsters!"

"Half-and-a-half demon, and the first person of the snake, the golden Dapeng bird's head is actually a human figure, all monsters."

These powerful monsters are full of bloodthirsty, brutal and terrible breath, madly rushing towards the crowd, and the pair of demon eyes make people feel the fear in their hearts.

"The world of secrets of the sacred seals has evolved in the end for many years." Lin Feng’s heart whispered, undoubtedly, this is a small world, and the sacred priests personally sealed up, countless years, this small world may be degraded A very terrible situation, you can feel the terrible things in this world by watching these ugly monsters.

"Kill out!" I saw a line of shadows suddenly vacated and rushed to the sky, and rushed toward those monsters.

Especially one of them, full of golden light, the body seems to have turned into a pure gold, and his head has a terrible golden storm.

"Kill!" Zhuo Qing rushed into the monster group, a horrible golden rifle with a handle to kill, and if lightning, the sound of the screaming is constant, a headed monster will be bursting directly after being pierced by a golden rifle. .

There are also some powerful monsters who can use the claws to resist the golden rifle. However, they see Zhuo Qing’s cold screaming, and there is a dazzling golden disc in the void. I saw him stretch his hand and suddenly the golden disc turned into a golden storm that strangled the heavens and the earth. All the monsters that have passed are bursting and are torn by the storm!

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