Chapter 1985: Terror war

The holy emperor of the Ji family burst into a sigh of relief. It was like the horrible blue light from the palm of nothingness, and the whole piece of heaven and earth was wrapped in an instant. Then, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Boundary!" The strong man of the Jijia Shengdi condensed his eyes and looked at the blue light that wrapped the world. He stared at the figure of an old man who appeared in front of him. There was a voice in his heart, the people of the ancient circles.

"That is the boundary." The pupils in the distance have also shrunk slightly. The power, some people with broad knowledge have thought of the mysterious and powerful ancient race, the ancient people.

"Destroy!" I saw the palm of the ancient elite who appeared in the palm of the hand. In an instant, the burst of the light storm that wrapped the Jijia Shengdi strong, like a dead hurricane, killing the other side, the interface collapsed. The blue stream of light seems to be ruthless.

The strong man of Jijia Shengdi snorted, and suddenly his body rushed out of the endless green dragon, and came out of the face, smashed through the void, revealing the power of horror, the burst of blue light, the air blown up. The light of the dragon is as immortal as ever, and it bursts together with the light, and eventually it disappears.

At the same time, there was a strong figure beside Lin Feng's side, standing side by side with Lin Feng, and the blue light shrouded the bodies of both of them, as if they were in another interface.

"Ancient nationality, what is this matter with you?" The strong emperor of Jijia and the emperor of the ancient world confronted the strong, and asked coldly, only in the void, there were several blue-light packages. The figure, standing there, looming, as if at any time may fall into nothingness.

"Lin Feng is a friend of my ancient family." The ancient Emperor of the ancient emperor faintly said, making the Jijia Shengdi look cold, said: "In this case, I would like to see, in this holy city Zhongzhou, can you keep the ancient people?"

Whether it is the demon world or the ancient world, they are all foreign visitors, and the Ji family, the winners, they are the oldest ancient people in the holy city of the holy city, the master of the holy city.

"Then try it." The ancient emperor's strong emperor's indifferent channel, has not come out for so many years, I am afraid that some of the younger generations have gradually forgotten them, this is not good.

The people in the distance heard the conversation between the two people, and they stared at Lin Feng, who was watching. A person in the middle of the realm of the realm actually caused such a terrible battle wave, all of which were ancient saints. The terrible forces, even the top-ranking powers of the Heavenly Emperor, did not even have the ability to intervene. Only the Holy Emperor had the qualification to participate in the war. The state of the Holy City has not experienced such terrible movements for many years, and all this is from Lin Feng was born.

The strong in the void suppresses the attack and does not cause extensive destruction. Otherwise, it is not known how many people will be affected.

The ancestors of Haotian and Ji Dangtian madly collided, and saw the land above the ancestors of Haotian, turned into a gray, as if the end of the day, a phantom of fear, from the dark void, like the same respect From the ancient king, he walked toward Ji Diantian.

Ji Dangtian snorted, the palm of his hand crossed, and there was a blue dragon divide between the heavens and the earth. It seemed to separate the heavens and the earth into two segments. The terrible force of collapse went straight to the sky, and all the attacking forces that wanted to step through this gap would move toward destroy.

"Printing and killing!" Hao Tian's ancestors snorted, and his eyes seemed to have a glimmer of light, disappeared instantly, and stepped directly into the eyes of Ji Dangtian. At the same time, his footsteps stepped forward, palms. There was a day of painting in the middle of the day, and there was a terrible storm power on the painting.

"Oh..." Fang Tianhuai smashed through the heavens and the earth, and a horrible Qinglong River that was swaying in front of it was opened from the middle. Wherever Fang Tian’s paintings passed, a gray ancient road was opened. Heaven kills.

Ji Dangtian’s body squatted slightly, his eyes closed, and his mind seemed to be experiencing a terrible battle. However, his footsteps stepped forward. Every time he took a step, the heavens and the earth seemed to be beating, and the roaring green dragon sent out. The ancient roar, rolling forward toward the front, it is the ancient dragon god, in the opening of the ancient road, the collapse force contained in the dragon battle vehicle, the void will collapse, even if the distant ground, the buildings are The madness collapsed and turned into nothingness. At the same time, there was a dark crack in the earth.

Ji Dangtian did not know how many steps he took. The whole piece of Tianzhu was an ancient Qinglong. All of them went to the ancestors of the Haotian, and the crowd looked up at the empty battle, as if watching the ancient battle of destruction.

"Retreat!" The bodies of countless people are still exploding, away from here, and the ancestors of the heavens seized Fang Tian's paintings and shouted: "Ji Dangtian, I will ask you again, this matter No, what?"

"Lin Feng, my four majors have to be fixed." Ji Dangtian said coldly.

"Well, since you are so arrogant, I would like to see how you can get people." Haotian ancestors snarled, and Fang Tian's paintings in his palms were separated from his hands. In an instant, all the worlds were together. Daofang’s paintings appeared, and the Qiankun turmoil, all of them went to Jidang’s slashing and ruining the past, breaking the void, as if all the pieces of heaven and earth were coming, and the horrible Taoism fell. It was the ruined avenue of the sky, without any Defense can block the power of this.

The robes on Ji Dangtian’s body roared, and the dragon was crazy and roaring. I saw his hands and seals, and the turmoil and turmoil. There was a collapsed airflow in the void, and every airflow contained the mark of the collapsed avenue. The airflow passed through the heavens and the earth, and suddenly it turned into a ferocious collapsed river, and flew to the heavenly painting of Fangtian.

"Hey!" Haotian ancestors stepped out of the footsteps. At this moment, his whole person is like a sharp sword. He holds a hand-painted celestial painting, which contains the supreme power, killing the past, step by step, and moment. The assassination came to the front of Ji Dangtian.

“Go back!” Ji Dangtian’s body drifted away, and at the same time, a sacred glare dragon swallowed the other side, and the air would roll and kill, and the heavens and the earth would all be cracked. However, this moment’s ancestors were all The brilliance of the peerless and sharp, without any power can stop his killing of the sky, the void was cut off, the dragon was cut open, and the river collapsed and disappeared from both sides.

Jidang Tianzhu’s emptiness, the horrible blasting sound of the rumble sweeping the world, the space below bursts wildly, and a terrible crack tears appear, covering a lot of space, and Ji Dangtian’s one The palm seems to contain the light of the Qinglong Dragon, and the heavens and the earth collapse and destroy everything.

Fang Tianhuai stabbed on the light of the sacred light. The horrible collapse of Daowei broke on the ancestors of the celestial ancestors, causing his flesh to open and the body seemed to burst. At the same time, Ji Dangtian spit out a blood and body burst. Retreat.

"The two lose everything."

The crowd shrinks and stares at the void. The roaring roar is still sweeping the void and the earth, as if it will never dissipate. It is the eternal immortal power of the ancient eternal, the power of the Holy Emperor, can last forever.

Many people sucked up and screamed, and the ancestors of the ancestors collided, how shocking.

Ji Dangtian looks cold, and the palm of his hand slams into the palm of the sky. Suddenly, the blue light goes straight into the sky, and the indifference says: "Today is your ancestors declared war on my four ancient saints."

"How about that, Lin Feng, I am guaranteed, no one can take it away." The ancestors of Haotian still step forward, and the paintings in their hands are reappearing, as if no one can stop the pace of his progress.

The battle between Xuantian's ancestors and the scorpion Chu also has the power of landslides. The two have already fought to another direction, affecting a few hundred miles of heaven and earth. No one dares to approach the battlefield here. Only Lin Feng is a median emperor. In the middle of the battlefield, there is a strong tyrannical ancient strongman who guards him. As for other people, the strongest of the great emperor does not dare to step into the battlefield, and the consequences they can't afford.

The four ancient saints still have strong enthusiasm to step out, they can not help these people in front of them, only those who mobilize the emperor's realm, when a walk of the body comes, many people exclaimed, ancient It is terrible that the saints have been exposed for many years.

"That was the strong man of the Holy Emperor tens of thousands of years ago. This is circulated in the classics and legends. He is still alive." The old man exclaimed, making countless people trembled and stepped into the might of the royal kingdom. It will have thousands of years, never die, and enter the realm of the Great Emperor. It will not reach the limit for hundreds of thousands of years. If the Holy Emperor is not seriously injured or killed, he does not know how old he can live. The ancient saints with profound knowledge have been passed down for countless generations. Some of them are immortal old monsters, all of whom have shocked the world.

In the distant void, the other great ancestors of War King’s College looked at the scene in front of them, and they also had a huge wave in their hearts. I didn’t expect that because of a Lin Feng, I even set off such a terrible wave, the four ancient saints and the demon world. The ancient ancestors and the two college ancestors fought. This battle really took place all over the body. Now everyone is not coming to Taiwan. This is why these ancient families dare not launch the war easily. Once a terrorist war occurs, It’s terrible to be involved. Once you have suffered a major injury, you can be overtaken by other ancient families. Even for some ancient saints, some of the tragedies that have been destroyed are caused by the war, perhaps themselves. Have never expected how the situation will evolve!

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