Chapter 1982: Lin Feng's helper

The Holy Emperors of the four ancient saints left, but they did not go back, but stood outside the Warlord College like four statues, making the entire entrance and exit of the college feel a terrible oppressive force. The Great Holy Emperor, even outside the War King College, the sense of oppression, can be imagined how strong.

Lin Feng apparently did not expect this situation, the other party could actually find out the death of Ji Qingsong, and he and Xiao Lao Xiaoya together know each other, this is simply unimaginable.

In addition, the four ancient saints joined forces and the mighty presence of the four saints was oppressed. This kind of battle was also too much for Lin Feng's expectation.

"It’s all gone." At this time, Haotian’s ancestors waved and said to the people around him, and immediately took Lin Feng to the waterfall vacant land. “Lin Feng, the four ancient saints at the same time did not speak. Yu, I am afraid that it is for your Tianzhu Bible, but you gave them an excuse to say, your relationship with Xiao Wutian, and killing Ji Qingsong, how to let them know."

"Old ancestors, this thing is secretly done, they can't know, and when I was with Xiao Lao, Xiao Lao said that someone felt peeping. It is impossible to have this situation according to common sense. If they are Really able to have these abilities, when Xiao Lao can not escape the winner's pursuit." Lin Feng can not see clearly, doubts said.

The ancestors of the celestial celestial glory flickered, revealing the meaning of thinking, and this matter is indeed revealing.

"Old guys, is it possible that they invited the people of Hejia?" Xuantian ancestors opened their way to the ancestors of Haotian, making the ancestors of Haotian condensate and nod their heads: "It is possible, the four ancient The saints have joined forces. For the sake of the Bible, they may indeed pay the price to the people of the family. Moreover, the winners would have wanted to kill Xiao Wutian."

"It seems that these four families have made up their minds, and things are a little troublesome." Haotian ancestors whispered, making Lin Feng feel a powerful oppressive force to breed, the four ancient saints, this power It is not at the moment that he can contend with it.

"Lin Feng, you should not leave the college for the time being. Even if the four ancient saints are under pressure, they dare not take people in the college. We are imagining countermeasures." Lin Tian’s father yelled at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng nodded. This can only be the case. Relying on his strength, it is too small in front of the four ancient saints. It is insignificant.

The news of the four great ancient saints of the Holy Emperor joined forces to go to the War King College and took the news of Lin Feng. The entire state of the Holy City was suddenly awkward. This was too much, and the four ancient saints joined forces and four emperors. The strong people in the world oppressed, even if no one can compete, the Central City of the Holy City is afraid that only the college can stand up in front of this pressure.

After receiving this news, Yin Yinrui only felt an invisible feeling of innocence. Is his decision wrong? He acquiesced in the relationship between Yinyue and Lin, which led to the silver moon being taken away by Lin. I don’t know where to go, and the four ancient saints have to take Lin Feng together. Of course, he also understands what this means. For Lin Feng, this is definitely the end. The four great ancient saints of the Holy Emperor also shot at the same time, and they can foresee four. The determination of the great ancient saints is so strong that they cannot give up.

Yinrui stood in a courtyard of the silver family, and looked away from the front, revealing a sense of confusion. If the four ancient saints succeeded in winning Lin Feng, they took the Bible and gave him the silver. In terms of it, it is definitely a huge blow.

"The genius Lin Feng of the War King Academy is probably over."

Many people in the Central City of the Holy City conceived that in the land of Zhongzhou, the major forces are intricate, the four colleges are **** for tat, each has its own edge, the ancient saints are introverted, but the bottom is unfathomable. Now the four ancient saints join hands, the war king The pressure on the college can be imagined. If you don't pay Lin Feng, the four ancient saints will not give up. One day, it will be a blow to the reputation of War King College. Many young people will involuntarily choose to go to other colleges. Instead of going to the Warlord College, long-term words will definitely lead to the decline of the college.

The four ancient saints are famous, find an excuse, and insist that War King College should hand over Lin Feng, unless the War King Academy is dare to declare war with the four ancient saints, otherwise the four ancient saints can The War King College has been dragged to death.

The people on the rooftops have returned to the college one after another. They are very angry. They did not expect the four ancient saints to be so shameless. In order to spread the Bible, they did not hesitate to join forces to dispatch the powerful existence of the Holy Land.

"It is not a way to go on like this. Lin Feng can't always go out in college. Besides, who knows what the four ancient saints will do later." Lin Feng and other core disciples gathered together, all of them are rooftop brothers, the closest people. They gathered together, but they all felt powerless. It was the ancient saints and four.

"The four ancient saints did this, and it was absolutely unfavorable to the War King College. Now, the entire holy city is staring at this side."

"My grandfather's I went back to the tribe, let the tribe's strongman come to the holy city of Zhongzhou, plus Xiaowutian, and the college, and they came to a hard battle." The platform is very unhappy, he did not think of it in the past. Lin Feng was so familiar with the legendary character Xiao Wutian in his tribe.

"Let the War King College and the four ancient saints declare war, the War King College has to bear the pressure too much." Yun Qingyi said slowly, after all, the Holy City Zhongzhou has four colleges, if the War King College is taking a wrong step, maybe From now on, it will go down. Even, they can’t predict what attitudes the other three colleges will hold, but at least they will definitely not support War King’s College.

"How can this situation be solved?" In the meantime, if the college does not fully protect Lin Feng, Lin Feng is probably worse.

"Maybe the college is now discussing this matter." Yun Qingyu whispered.

"Hey!" A whistling sound came, only to see the distance, a few figures step by step, a **** bird Jinwu, covered in fire, body is huge, and next to him, 狻 and Qingfeng flashed, fast If lightning strikes, it suddenly falls to this side and picks up a piece of dust.

"Qingfeng, you are back." Yun Qingxiao smiled and stepped forward, Qingfeng nodded, his eyes fell on Lin Feng's body: "I heard the situation in the holy city of Zhongsheng, then I came back."

Some time ago, Qingfeng and Wu returned to Wangtian Ancient Capital. They had not returned to Wang’s College for a long time. Now, when Lin Feng was in distress, they reappeared.

"The demon world will come to help." Uygur turned into a human form, and took a step forward, his eyes were still so sharp, and the light of flames lingered in the pupils, as if they would never go out.

"You have to bother a few seniors." Lin Feng said, his eyes fell on Qingfeng, Qingfeng looked at him: "You can also greet the college and tell them some of the power we have, so Let the college be more emboldened."

"But it's still not enough." Yun Qingying frowned, looking at the demon world of the ancient capital, she naturally heard that the three brothers in the demon world are horrible big-level monsters, but in the face of the four ancient saints, there are still some Weak.

"Lin Feng." At this time, the dream on the side came over, and the beautiful smile with a shallow smile, said: "Lin Feng, the ancient family, promised to shoot."

“Ancient nationality?” Lin Feng’s look slightly condensed, and then he only listened to the dream and nodded: “Well, I am not a teenager in the ancient world, I am familiar with some of the predecessors of the ancient circles, and I have some contact with them, telling They had things in their holy city, and they promised to help us."

"Great, the ancient people are very old ancients, mysterious and powerful. The ancestors of the ancestors were said to have created interfaces. Nowadays, they have disappeared for so many years, and the ancient kings’ spirits have come out, and they are finally willing to come out. I am afraid it will be a blockbuster."

The eyes of the ring are sharp, some excitement, the demon world, the ancient family, plus Xiao Wutian, even without the help of the tribe, may be able to convince the War King College to declare war on the four ancient saints.

"Well, the ancient peoples are indeed a terrible force. They have been silent for so many years. Since they want to move around, they will inevitably want to tremble the entire state of the holy city, so that others can remember his ancient family. The ancient race." Yun Qingyi nodded and said that the ancient people, this mysterious and powerful ancients, have disappeared for too long, and since they are coming out, it is clear that there is enough evidence.

This is undoubtedly good news for Lin Feng. The heart expresses a faint gratitude. I didn’t expect the ancient people to be willing to help him. In this way, there are demon circles, ancient people, plus War King College, even the Big Four. The ancient saints should also retreat.

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