Chapter 1979: Eye of destiny

Ji Yuan looked at the harvest and responded, saying: "Lin Feng and my family have a lot of hatred. They may even conspiring to kill me. The family of Ji Ji Tiandi must take him down. Heavenly Bible, if it can It gets better naturally."

Winning the sneer in the heart, Ji Yuan’s words are a bit ridiculous. If there is no Tianyan Bible, Ji’s family wants to shake the Yuwen family and persuade the family to boycott the War King College. Maybe, the three ancient saints join hands to make the entire holy city Zhongzhou It trembled.

"I'm afraid that the price of Ji's family to pay for Yuwen's family and the family is also a heavenly Bible. Otherwise, I don't think they will stand on the opposite side of War King's College because of helping Ji's family. Then, if I win, I can have one." Winning the eyes flashing, revealing the edge.

"Win brother, Xiao Wutian is a big problem for the winner. My Ji Jia and Yu Wenjia promised to go and invite people together, so that the winner can deal with Xiao Wutian. Isn't this enough?" Ji Yuan seems to be not Said pleasingly.

However, the pursuit of cutting is cold, if the Ji family they really got the Tianyan Bible from Lin Feng, and shared with the Yu Wen family, the two ancient saints will be stronger, which is not for his winner. What a good thing, although they seem to have no conflicts in a short time, but the same as the ancient saints, who knows when there will be contradictions erupting, this kind of thing is too ordinary in the state of the Holy City.

"Ji brother doesn't have to say so well. If you can directly deal with Lin Feng, I am afraid I don't need to pay the price to help me win. I am afraid that you also need the help of the eye of fate to condemn Lin Feng." Winning sneer said that Ji Yuan’s pupils contracted slightly, and they secreted the old fox.

"When you become a winner, you will protect it. He does not dare to kill my winners at will. Otherwise, my winner will be willing to attack his tribe. Xiao Wutian is not too big for my winner. Otherwise, my winner will go to the eye of destiny. Since it is to cooperate, I hope that Ji’s family will come up with enough sincerity. If it is beneficial, the various ethnic groups will be divided. If you have a Bible, I must have a winner. Otherwise, Ji brother please please."

Winning the station and getting up, strong said that these characters have been practicing for so many years, who is not a conscientious figure, and will eat a little bit.

Ji Yuan was silent, and the two of them sat in a quiet position. For a long time, Ji Yuancai said: "Well, the Tianyan Bible can be shared with the winner, but if you get other things, the winner can't get it anymore."

Winning the body slowly turned over and smiled: "Ji Xiong is so sincere, good, the deal, Ji brother Hui is ready to go."

In the view of winning, in addition to the Tianyan Bible, Lin Feng should have no other things that will make him win the heart.

At this time, Lin Feng knew nothing about Ji Yuan’s discussion and winning. He killed Ji Qingsong. As long as there is no evidence in Ji’s family, there is nothing to say, even if they guessed what happened to him, how is his mediator’s realm? Killing a strong man in the heavenly realm, Ji Jia, did not dare to move him.

However, Lin Feng apparently underestimated the determination of the Ji family and became the determination of the ancient saints.

Especially in the Huangbang asked, seeing Chu Chunqiu and Lin Feng shine, many people believe that the Tianyi Bible they have cultivated is indispensable and will have a great influence on their talents.

At this time, in a certain place in the central city of the Holy City, among the clouds, Lin Feng and Meng Qing and Xiao Ya are in front of them. In front of them, Lin is harmless and Yin Yue.

After the decision of the silver family and the retirement of the family, there was no longer any opposition to Lin’s injury and the silver moon. Lin Feng said that he is right. Since he has only Lin’s younger brother, he has, Lin’s injury will be there. Lin has no injuries, Yinyue and their future children will also have, and although Lin is not a child of the ancient saints, but he has Lin Feng such a brother, with Lin Feng’s talent, in the future will be able to be in the holy city of Zhongzhou It shines and even creates an ancient family and becomes a top figure. All he needs is time. Since Yinyue also likes Lin Wu, Yin Rui, he is supposed to be the future of Lin Feng.

"No injury, do you think clearly?" Lin Feng looked at Lin without injury, asked.

"Well, brother, you are all alone. If I have been by your side, I will never be able to fly high. This little month is also a touch for me. I decided to leave." Innocent and serious, it makes Lin Feng stunned, although he also hopes that he can have his own achievements without injury, but after all, this is his younger brother, 20 years old to go to the mainland, and here is the main city of 18 days. In the region, the degree of difficulty can be imagined.

"Remember all things to be careful, you must inform me of something." Lin Feng respected the decision without injury, smiled and said: "Remember to take care of Xiaoyue."

"I will." Without a wound, holding the hand of Yinyue, revealing a smile: "Brother, you are more with me, I will not say goodbye to them, or they will not be reluctant."

"Okay, go." Lin Feng smiled.

"Well." Lin nodded a little, nodded, then looked at the dream and Xiaoya, said: "Dream sister, Xiaoya sister, you must be good, come back to see you without injury."

"Bastard guy, if you dare to have anything, look at me, I don't want you." Xiaoya snorted, her eyes were a little red, and no injury could be said that she brought her big, and she kept watching her pets since she was a child. I will leave today without injury, and go out with the silver moon.

"Xiaoya sister, wait for me to come back, then yell at me." No smile, grinned, said: "Go."

Said, turned around without injury, pulled the silver moon to leave, back to Lin Feng, they waved, the figure of the two gradually drifted away, disappeared into the rolling clouds.

Lin Feng sighed for a long time, silently, his dreams took his hand, whispered: "He didn't hurt, he also grew up, you may stay with you forever, so he can't grow."

"I understand." Lin Feng smiled at the dream. Although he and his brother were harmless, he was like a brother. However, like two generations, the people he touched and the surrounding environment are not inaccessible, so there is no The injury is by his side, it will only be a spectator. Since he is willing to go out without injury, Lin Feng does not need to stop it. He just hopes that he will be well.

"Brother, I want to be harmless." Xiaoya red eyes, making Lin Feng sigh in the heart, he knows Xiaoya's feelings of no harm, like a younger brother, but also with a trace of maternal radiance, no injury from birth, small Ya took him.

"Don't think about it, he is not coming back." Lin Feng stepped forward and licked Xiaoya's head, and then the three finally looked at the distance and turned to leave the air.

Lin Feng stayed with Xiao Lao and Xiaoya these days, and did not return to the Wang College. Xiao Lao has now stepped into the realm of the Holy Emperor. There are many opinions on the martial arts that have great use for Lin Feng. Suddenly and cheerfully, the holy city of Zhongzhou is so big, he does not need to worry about being found, and Xiao Lao and his face change, I am afraid that even the winner of the winner can not recognize it.

However, Lin Feng does not seem to realize that the real crisis is already coming slowly.

On this day, the winner, came an old man wearing a white and white robes and full of silver hair, but his spirit is strong and there is no old age. The eyes are as vast as the stars, deep and innocent, and the whole person is thoroughly With an ethereal temperament, on this day, the winners, the Ji family, the Yuwen family, and the family, the top four strong ancient saints have come a lot, just to welcome the old man, this person’s identity extraordinary.

"He brother, first take the wind for you." At this time, the wins are said to be polite to the people in front of you.

"Free, do the business directly." He Wei was directly, put his hand, and nodded when he won the war. He said: "Things have already been talked with the brothers, and he is ready to start."

He Wei’s eyes looked at Ji Yuan, calmly saying: “Take me to the place where Ji Qingsong died, I use the eye of fate to help you restore.”

"Good." Ji Yuan nodded slightly, and then a group of people vacated, came to the emperor, now the emperor has collapsed, and even a mountain shakes are broken, it is the place where Ji Qingsong is in the body, Ji Yuan and others are in In the void, he said to He Wei: "He brother, here is the land where my Ji Jia Ji Qingsong fell."

"Well." He Wei nodded slightly, and then saw his body vacated, standing on a high place, in an instant, the world changed, and the heavens above, as if there were dark nights, the stars changed, and there was a wonderful power between heaven and earth. Make everyone have the illusion, as if in the fate.

At this moment, He Wei raised his eyes, and his eyes seemed to shoot two brilliances, connected with Zhou Tianxing. In an instant, on the stars above the stars, there seemed to be a pair of eye-catching five-color eyes, demon. It is boundless, like the sky, sweeping the entire mountain range.

"The art of destiny, the eye of fate." The hearts of the people are shocked, and the strong man of the temple is extraordinary. This magical technique is shocking.

The glory of the eye of destiny shrouded the entire Emperor Mountain. Suddenly, there was a light curtain in the sky, as if it were all the eyes of destiny. The scene of the scene changed in the eyes of the crowd, and the crowd even saw it. Into the breakthrough of the emperor's scenery, saw the scene of Ji Qingsong against Lin Feng.

"Stop!" At this moment, Ji Qingsong and Lin Feng appeared in a mountainous scene. Ji Yuan drank a sigh of relief, and only saw the light of the scorpion shot, which made the eye of destiny slow down, the light curtain Suddenly became clear, Ji Qingsong and Lin Feng's dialogue, then they reached the canyon, and then an old man slowly stepped over the emperor from the canyon, and Lin Feng came out, then the mountain collapsed , the war is open...

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