Chapter 1976: Threat

However, even if he entered the emperor's territory, facing a breakthrough that has reached the realm of the Holy Emperor, he still has only escaped his life. After guarding his chaotic sky, the ancient jade is broken, without any stop, he ran straight, the emperor Between, the gap between a big realm is like a gap between heaven and earth. In other words, there is a gap between the two great realms from the Great Emperor to the Holy Emperor. It is impossible to make up for it with talent. As long as you give the other side a chance, the achievements will definitely die.

At the moment, the endless sky, the heavens and the earth turmoil, the sound gradually subsided, and the breath of the man disappeared. In the past, when he was in the heavenly world, he successfully escaped from the battle of the winner. Now the situation of the Holy Emperor, I want to It is even harder to kill him. He does not collide with you at all.

Lin Feng’s eyes stared at the void, and the twins smashed through the road and killed them.

"It is the strong person of the pharmacy." Lin Feng was shocked. The tribe of Fujian and Taiwan, he heard from the mouth of the Taiwanese. When the stage was still young, there was a fascinating figure among his tribes. Joined the War King's College, the name of Hee Hee, and the Tian Shen College's Yu Cheng and called the two college's Gemini, and defeated Yu Cheng, the two became friends, but later, but inexplicably died in the hands of the hands, so everyone guessed is Yu Cheng used a despicable means to kill the genius youth of the pharmacy, Ling Tian.

When I mentioned this in the early days, I was full of anger. A person who is more talented than Yu, can be imagined that it must be regarded as hope by the pharmacy, and many of the strong people of the pharmacy are late, the more they The more terrible the potential erupted afterwards, it is conceivable that if Ling Tian did not die at the beginning, I am afraid that it is now a character like Chu Chunqiu.

"Xiaoya?" At this time, Lin Feng turned his eyes and saw Xiaoya stand up and looked at the void.

"Nothing." Xiaoya woke up, facing Lin Fengdao: "Brother, let's go back."

"Alright." Lin Feng nodded, but at this moment, I saw a figure floating, and it was just Ji Jisong of the Ji family, which made Lin Feng's brow slightly wrinkled and the cold light flashed.

"Don't be nervous, I am coming to tell you a good news." Ji Qingsong smiled and immediately said to Lin Feng: "You said, if the winner knows your relationship with him, what will happen?"

"Well?" Lin Feng looked a stagnation, a sense of doubt in the indifferent pupil, and his relationship?

Ji Qingsong has been staring at Lin Feng, and immediately looked at Xiaoya. I saw Xiaoya at this time showing a nervous look.

"Haha, don't tell me that you don't know Xiao Dance Day?" Ji Qingsong continued to speak, making Lin Feng's pupils suddenly condensed, Xiao Wutian, Xiao Lao!

"This and Xiao Lao He?" Lin Feng was puzzled, but at this moment, his heart trembled, like what he thought of, medicine, medicine, don't bring Xiaoya to the holy city!

Lin Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and her heart beats violently, looking up at the void, Xiao Lao?

"It seems that you think of it, Lin Feng, you said that if the winner knows that the girl next to you is the granddaughter of Xiao Wutian and the sister of Xiao Lingtian, how do you guess?" Ji Qingsong continued to make the sound, making Lin Feng look Stiff, Ling Tian, ​​that is his name, really is Xiao Lingtian, the grandson of Xiao Wutian!

Lin Feng looked at Xiaoya again, and he completely understood it. His eyes were sharp and sharp, and he looked toward the other side: "If you are a strong man, you will confuse a woman with a dreamy world, mean."

"Let's go, this world has a mean word, you are jealous of me, but I tell you, now I am talking to you, if you don't give me the Bible, I promise that the winner will know soon. This secret, even if the War King Academy can save you, but this girl, with the grievance between Xiao Wu Tian and the winner, War King College is also not forcibly intervening, will become a plaything of the winner, used to threaten Xiao Wutian, You can think clearly."

Ji Qingsong has a cold look on his face. Today, this Xiao Dance Day is really timely. Such a good handle is in his hands. I am not afraid that Lin Feng will not give in.

"Do you want to involve the Ji family in the revenge of Xiao Wutian?" Lin Feng responded indifferently to the other side, flashing through the eyes, rumors: "I am not a Xiao family, just recognize Xiao. Ya is a younger sister, no matter how the winner is, I dare not move me. As long as the winner dares to take Xiaoya, I will tell Xiao Dance Tian that this is your Ji Jia Ji Qingsong’s leak. When is your Ji family planning to bear the same as the winner? Xiao Wutian’s anger?”

"Well?" Ji Qingsong looked cold, and Lin Feng dared to threaten him in turn.

"You will ignore the death and death of your sister?" Ji Qingsong chilled.

"With your so despicable character, even if I compromise this time, there will be another time, then, I have nowhere to hide, so I have no choice." Lin Feng said strongly that at this time he must not weaken the momentum, otherwise he will be When the other party seizes the handle, he will never have a place to resurrect.

"Can you think clearly?" Ji Qingsong's look was completely cold, and a chill filled the air and swept to Xiaoya. "If this girl is in the hands of the winner, hey, I don't know what nightmare happened." ”

"You also think clearly. You Ji family opened branches and leaves, the children of the rest of the generations spread throughout the holy city of Zhongzhou, and how many of the holy emperors in your family, can you protect everyone, even if you Ji Qingsong himself, when It is best not to step out of the Ji family, otherwise, it is very dangerous, I will stare at you Jijia for Xiao Wutian.” Lin Fengsen said coldly, then turned back and took Xiaoya’s hand and said: “Let’s go ""

When the voice fell, Lin Feng left with Xiaoya, making Ji Qingsong’s eyes more gloomy. Xiao Dance’s days killed the winners and did not know how many strong people, causing the winner’s earthquake. Later, the winners sneaked down the net and sent people. The ancient tribe where Xiao Dance Day was conquered, and finally the two sides emptied the words, Xiao Wutian no longer arbitrarily killed the winners, and the winners did not wash the medicine valley. Xiao Wutian only allowed the pulse to be formed, and the winner only dealt with Xiao Dance. One pulse.

The method of Xiao Wutian is really terrible. The technique of disguise is even more seamless. Otherwise, he will have been won by the top of the winner by his cultivation of the heavenly emperor. However, the winner has never been able to kill him and finally wound him. When the city of the holy city was blasted, the time was settled for more than 20 years.

Now that Xiaowutian has broken through to the realm of the Holy Emperor, the first battle will almost kill him. If he really targets his family, I am afraid that the Ji family will have the same **** rain as the winners. Ji Qingsong really dare not expose this. secret.

"Xiao Ya, do you know that Grandpa will come?" In the void, Lin Feng asked Xiaoya, making Xiaoyamei flashing, and Lin Feng already knew.

"Brother, I don't know if Grandpa will come, but Yucheng broke through in Dishan. It lasted for a few days. If Grandpa came back for revenge, he would probably choose this one. I didn't expect Grandpa to come back." Xiaoya softly Said, with a faint worry, has passed for so many years, she has always had a hunch that her grandfather should return to the holy city of the state, and now the hunch becomes a reality, really come back.

"With confidence, Shan Xiao is now even more powerful. It is not easy for the winner to deal with him." Lin Feng stunned Xiaoya’s head and smiled. "I will send you back to the small world after I go back, otherwise." If Ji Qingsong reveals the secret, it is dangerous. As long as you are in my small world, no one can find you. The winner can't be like me."

"Well, good." Xiaoya nodded. Of course, she also understood the seriousness of the matter. If she did not have Ji Qingsong, she had grown up for so many years. The winner would not have thought that she was the original girl, but now Ji Qingsong Knowing the secret, Grandpa is back, she naturally can not easily stay outside, if she is caught by the winner, the winner will definitely be used to threaten Grandpa.

The ancient sails shuttled through the clouds, and the clouds in front rolled over. A sudden back appeared there, making Lin Feng's look tremble, and the ancient sails under his feet stopped involuntarily.

"Grandpa." Xiaoya whispered, and then saw the figure in front turning slowly, the wrinkles on his face were still the same, the old look did not seem to disappear with the strength of his cultivation, just like a more ordinary The old man, returning to the truth, Xiao Lao in front of him, is no different from ordinary people.

"Xiao Lao!" Lin Feng also showed a smile, only to see Xiao old figure flashed, came to the ancient sails, hands out, holding Xiaoya's cheek, softly smiled: "My little Yadu It’s been so big, and it’s so beautiful.”

"Grandpa." Xiaoya body plunged into the arms of Xiao Lao, and immediately cried, making Xiao Lao smile, and the kind face was filled with a happy smile, caressing Xiaoya’s head, saying: "So big. The girl is just like a child, and she is not awkward."

Said, Xiao Lao looked at Lin Feng and smiled and said: "Xiao Feng, you have finally grown up. For so many years, this girl is bothering you."

"Xiao Lao, without you, I have no life, and Xiaoya is my sister, how can I say trouble." Lin Feng said with a smile, making Xiao Lao nodded constantly: "Although I knew your roots were wonderful, The future will be extraordinary, but I did not expect that you will grow so fast. For more than 20 years, the name of the Holy City is no worse than my grandson. I hope that one day, you will become the king of the Qing Dynasty."

"Yes!" Lin Feng firmly believes in nodding, the martial arts people, first of all have their own tough beliefs and self-confidence, they do not believe in themselves, how to achieve peerless martial arts.

"But Xiao Lao, now there is some trouble, Ji Jia's Ji Qingsong, who deceived Xiaoya with the magic of dreams, made him know the identity of Xiaoya, and threatened me just now." Lin Feng told Ji Qingsong about Xiao. Old, this trouble must be solved.

Xiao Lao’s old eyes suddenly burst into cold light. “I know that Ji Qingsong is a sacred figure. It looks like a sacred bone. In fact, it’s mean. He can do anything. I’m going to kill him. !"

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