Chapter 1964: The ghost is defeated

In Lin Feng’s mind, a respectful ghost king is constantly stepping on, or holding a big knife or a night fork. This is a ghostly spirit, and the ghosts and gods that come out of the mind can kill the soul.

However, at this moment, in the mind of Lin Feng, there is a demon king suddenly appearing. The overbearing demon king reveals the incomparable spirit. Like the **** of the same ancient, holding a black giant sword, he directly smashed toward a ghost king. In the past, the black giant sword burst into a horrible blade of death. The ghost king collided with a big knife, but directly turned into nothingness, directly shattered, and a fierce scream in Lin Feng’s mind, the sword of death lingered in his body. On the top, the body of the ghost king disappeared.

"Oh..." The ghost king madly smashed toward the soul of Lin Feng, but he saw the demon king holding the giant sword and the sword of death swept out. It was the death of the Tao, wherever he went, the ghosts and gods were destroyed. No one can invade his soul.

Outside, the ghostly eyes were colder, staring at Lin Feng, but at this moment, a light of death burst out, and suddenly a horrible demon **** was directly in his mind. I rushed in, making the ghosts gaze slightly, and the battle began in my mind. The sword of death of this demon **** is terrible. A sword smashes a ghost king. This is the way of death. The way of ghosts and gods must also be retreat. Escape from the scope of death.

Ghostly choose to fight with Lin Feng in the spirit of the soul, it seems not a good choice.

The crazy killing of this demon **** made the ghost roar and the whole body turned into a ghost, and rushed to the forest with Lin Feng.

"Oh..." In the void, a ghost **** claws from the sky, like a black shadow, grabbed toward Lin Feng, the speed is too fast to be seen with the naked eye.

"Kill!" Lin Feng burst into a bang, the sword of death is madly killing, and the palm of the hand slammed into the sky. It was directly a floating world, and the world was screaming, and the ghost figure disappeared, but Seeing Lin Feng step by step, flashing light in an instant, a line of crazy lines intertwined, rapidly deriving, as if to be intertwined in a short moment.

A dark phantom continued to grab Lin Feng, as if in a flash, many ghosts of tearing the void, Lin Feng snorted, standing like a mountain, two palms shot, purple river car scream, chariot 辘辘The mountains and rivers are turbulent, crushing the heavens and the earth, and at the same time, a dazzling sword light passes through the sky, making the creaking sound in the void, as if it is a sharp blade collision.

A terrible airflow directly rushed into the body of Lin Feng, making Lin Feng the whole person with a violent, cold, killing atmosphere.

"Death!" Lin Feng thought of a move, death morally crazy to kill all the airflow invading the body, while the lining under his feet is getting more and more sturdy, the huge map of life and death seems to be drowning the void, the force of life and death is more and more terrible. stand up.

"He is engraving a complete big battle!" Everyone's pupils contracted, staring at Lin Feng standing there. This road was rapidly deriving, but it was not fully formed. Lin Feng was engraving a complete battle, once he was portrayed. The power is absolutely super horrible.

Ghostly ghost attack is very evil, but on the simple point of view, Lin Feng’s death is absolutely no worse than the power of his comprehension, and even a strong point, plus the way of death can erase the ghosts and gods, making On the top of the Taoist confrontation, Li Feng was engraved by Lin Feng. Even though the demon in his mind, Lin Feng’s thoughts still raged in his mind, he wanted to destroy his soul and let him die.

Ghost Li naturally understands that dragging down the battle is not good for him. Suddenly, the whistling sound of a ghost crying and screaming shocked the world and trembled Lin Feng’s power of mind. At this moment, Lin Feng discovered that his spirit was in turmoil, and the endless monsters and monsters were crazy towards him. Killing it, let him dazzle, as if to be directly eaten by these demons to kill.

At this time, Lin Feng closed his eyes, and the Lingtai was clear and clear. In the middle of Lin Feng's body, there was a strong light. It seemed that there was a statue of the King. This King of Law was cast by the golden body. It was as tall as seven feet, and the whole body was bright and boundless. The devil and the devil must be invisible under his reflection.

"Do not move the king curse!"

At this time, on the top of the Emperor's Tianzhu, fighting and gazing at the micro-condensation, looking at Lin Feng, a golden golden pupil burst into a dazzling golden light, this is not to move the king of the law to respect the body, do not move the king to curse the Buddha The power is endless, and the demons and ghosts are all invisible, and they must be cursed.

"Lin Feng is not a Buddhist monk, he will know how to smother the curse." The gaze of the war is blinking, and the phantom body of the devil and the ghost is completely destroyed. The golden body of the king does not move, but also slams and smashes. At the same time, I saw a horrible demon grabbing his face, and if it was caught, Lin Feng’s head would be caught and burst.

"Dead!" Lin Feng burst into a bang, the sword of death without madness strangled, and a shocking voice reveals the power of the curse. Although it can't curse the ghost, this horrible voice is enough to make the ghosts shake. In addition, the sacred death sword and the stalking demon gods in the minds of the ghosts are also enough for the ghosts.

Lin Feng’s footsteps, all the moments of life and death, all turned into death maps, madly rushed to the ghostly body, and his deity has not retreated, the sacred seals of the world, with infinite power All of this happens in the electric light and flint, and the ghost wants to scratch him, but it must pay a painful price.

"Boom!" The floating world seals were torn open by the ghostly ghosts and claws. The ghosts directly tore into Lin Feng’s mind. As long as he was caught by him, he would want Lin Feng’s life. Those attacks naturally solved the problem. Lin Feng’s horrible punch seems to be carried out with infinite force, and the hole is worn in the void. The strengths of all the laws are all gathered on this fist. There is no need to fuse, but all attached to the fist, the torn space, the flying hurricane, The thick earth, the magic of the tyrant, the flames of the sky, the cursing of the sinister, etc.... The fists at this moment did not know how many artistic conceptions gathered together.

Although Lin Feng has communicated with the outside world, it is only his strong foundation. It is not enough for him to soar up in a short period of time. If his combat power and realm are equal, the multi-system is also recognized by the outside world. His own world law blends, of course, can make his strength have a qualitative leap, but his battle has a terrible gap compared to his realm. He is dealing with more people than he is stronger. The genius character, then even the multi-system of the blending, really want to deal with these people with this pure attack, is also very difficult, but this blow is still turbulent, huge ghosts tear Off, the ghostly body rises to the sky, the meaning of death rushes into his body, seemingly endless, so that he is all dead.

"Let's go down!" Lin Feng screamed and grabbed the palm of his hand. The heavy earth power suddenly fell on the ghostly body. At the same time, the prisoner directly imprisoned the ghost, and Lin Feng rushed straight.

Ghost screamed and blew the prison directly. The ghost figure once again wanted to leave. However, at this time he saw Lin Feng’s pupil, and the death of the madness rushed into his eyes, endless death. The sword comes from nothingness, plus the madness of the madness that rushes into his body. This moment makes the ghost feel really dying, and has no intention of fighting. This feeling of dying is too uncomfortable.

"Hey!" The body of a palm of the ghost is magnified in Lin Feng's pupil, clear and horrible, making Lin Feng slightly retreat, and at the same time, the ghost is as bright as a ghost, leaving away from the distance.

Lin Feng looked at the figure of the ghost, and a sensation directly rushed out of his mind, and then did not enter Lin Feng's eyebrows. I saw Lin Feng's gaze looking at the ghost, and asked indifferently: "Do you still need to fight? ”

Ghostly face is still black, and the haze of death seems to have not completely dissipated. He feels that he really has gone away in the ghost gate. He feels extremely wrong in his heart, and he lost three battles. The third person in the Imperial League lost to Chu Chunqiu and lost to the battle, now, but also lost to Lin Feng!

"No war, three years, you will not see me again!" Long sleeves wave, the ghostly body rises into the sky, like a real ghost, stepping into the void, even directly toward the distance Going, as if there is no face to continue to stay, this makes the crowd look at Lin Feng's eyes reveal a splendid, Lin Feng, he actually defeated Ghost Li, stepped into the fifth place of the Imperial List.

Even if it is a singer, he still wants to kill Lin Feng with a handcuff, but he did not expect this ending!

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