Chapter 1953: Asked about the battle

The death knell of death seems to never go out. It played the people on the stage, the power of death, shrouded the entire space, and the figure madly stepped on the Emperor Tianzhu. They obviously did not expect Lin Feng to be able to play. The tenth bell, this moment, the horrible death storm raged in the body of Ji Yun, and the whole person was bathed in a terrible collapse of the Tao, madly destroying the death force that eroded his body. Whether it is the soul or the flesh.

At the same time, the Qinglong totem is shining, and Ji Yun is as dazzling as the same Qinglong ancient king, making his vitality extremely strong, the green dragon is still there, the vitality is not extinguished, and the power of death cannot be ignored.

"The big words are not awkward." Ji Xiao’s mouth spit out a cold voice, echoing in the air, and fighting against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng’s eyes closed, and at this time he was in the middle of the storm. The idea made him feel that he was already a dead man, his life would be dissipated and destroyed, and everything would drift away from him.

However, in his body, it seems that there is always an inexhaustible vitality, like a beacon, guarding his life.

"When I heard the news, I could die, I heard my own way, and I was on the verge of death. However, I can really die. This is my way." Lin Feng’s voice appeared in his heart, and then he looked at the crowd’s gaze, Lin Feng’s The palms rushed out again toward the front. At this moment, the heart of the crowd followed.

"Roll!" A burst of sizzling, then the twelfth mourning bell played, the rumbling death force rushed into the body of Ji Yun as a tsunami, making him feel that he is going to die, the body suddenly burst out, directly I left the Emperor Tianzhu and looked pale.

Ji Yun, who left the Emperor Tianzhu, escaped death. However, he did not have the excitement of the rest of his life. Some were just cold and humiliating. He smashed Lin Feng into the Emperor Tianzhu. At this moment, he was also bombarded by Lin Feng. He still does not occupy any advantage, which is a failure for him.

"Life and death are difficult, people can hardly understand life and death, but I am both alive and dead, I can be killed by the power of death, then, what is the use of the Tao." Lin Feng muttered to himself, stepping forward again, death dain bombardment On the Queen's Bell, at this moment, the whole person, Huangtai, screamed, and the endless death light column ran down towards the 100-person Emperor Tianzhu. At this moment, the Emperor’s 100-person Emperor Tianzhu had no one figure. Clean, everyone avoids it, only Lin Feng, still standing on the emperor's stage, the front of the emperor's bell, the ruined death force turned into Wang Yang rushed into his body, making everyone only stare Lin Feng’s figure.

"The thirteenth bell, he is committing suicide!" The crowd stared at Lin Feng. At this time, if the forest maple face was gray, he could not move, standing in the death storm like a dead man.

"Dead?" The crowd looked solid and stared at Lin Feng's figure in front of the Emperor's bell.

"I heard early on the day when I was asked on the Imperial List. I didn't expect to see it today. It is a pity that I am so dead." Everyone sighed, Lin Feng was able to ring twelve bells. Already a gift of horror, profound insight into the Tao, but in order to seek truth, he actually sounded the thirteenth bell, and finally died under his own Tao.

However, at this time, I saw a sudden rise in life, and then I was out of control. The horrible vitality swayed into the void, as if Nirvana was born again. Lin Feng’s body suddenly appeared in terror green light. It was the breath of life, and all the power of death was dispelled.

This scene made everyone shrink the pupil, not dead, Lin Feng, he rang the thirteenth bell with the road of death, and all the people smashed the Emperor Tianzhu, and they still did not die.

I saw Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and dazzled, and the endlessness between heaven and earth seemed to turn into a breath of life, madly pouring into his body, and then I saw Lin Feng stepping out and returning. Above the Emperor Tianzhu, where the person is, makes the world quiet.

Others have also embarked on the Emperor Tianzhu, but they are not calm in their hearts. They look at Lin Feng. This guy has a deep understanding of the Tao. It is powerful and powerful. It is definitely not weaker than the top ten of the Emperor. It may even be more Strong, it seems that this is also an opponent, can threaten the status of the top ten in the top of the list.

The strongman of the People’s Palace also blinked. For Lin Feng’s ability to ring thirteen times, the Emperor’s bell was quite surprised. Ren Tianxing’s body shape stepped forward and said to everyone: “There is no one to ring the Queen’s Bell. ""

After a burst of silence, after Ghost, Ji and Lin Feng’s bells, few people were able to do this, especially Lin Feng, who rang thirteen times. In this case, there is no need to ask again. The Taoist Queen’s Bell.

On top of the golden list of the emperor, there are already more than 20 vacant seats, all of which are fallen and strong. I am shocked. This time, the emperor asked, it seems extremely cruel, but no one who died, but all After feeling the heart and understanding, and comprehending the powerful forces of various Taowei, their concept of the Tao has become more and more clear, especially Lin Feng’s death, let them feel the power of death, let them deep It is a terrible force to realize the power of the Tao.

The strong man of the People's Palace fluttered and took away the Emperor's bell. Then he let the Tianxing whispered: "Removing those fallen people, those who rank 50 seats behind the Emperor's list will lose their next qualifications. set."

The voice of Ren Tianxing fell, causing many people to sigh in the heart, more than 20 fallen strong, plus 50 seats, more than 70, meaning that the next person who is qualified to ask each other for the testimony is only There are more than 20 people left, and these more than 20 strong people will all be the powerful who understand the power of the Tao. This situation makes the people watching and watching can not help but sigh, even if they understand the Tao. The strong powers have lost their qualifications, and the emperor asked, the stage of the genius.

"East to the younger brother, then, let's host it." Ren Tianxing's eyes fell on Jidong, and he said to him.

Jidong nodded slightly, stepped out and looked at the crowd, saying: "Asked, ask, you must feel the way of others. Anyone can release the power of your Tao to the person in front of the Emperor. Who is the first to be bombarded by Emperor Tianzhu, he and all the following positions will move backwards, and your ranking will be determined according to the strong person you can beat the rankings, if one can not blast Directly place the last seat."

"Now, let's ask the person who ranked the last one." Jidong came to the strongest of the 26th place in the Imperial List. He said, suddenly the person stepped out and stood in front of the crowd. If one person could not blast, He will stay in the 26th place of the Emperor.

Lin Feng and others stood on the top of the Emperor Tianzhu and saw the madness of the strong man climbing up. In an instant, a horrible battle of madness swept the world and fell on everyone.

"A good and strong spiritual will, this person is a student of the ancient college."

"Boom!" Suddenly, the crowd saw a phantom shadow rolling toward the past, such as the same horrible battle king, only heard a cold voice, the person is filled with horror of the golden body, In an instant, the power in front of him violently burst open and set off a horrible wave.

"Destroy!" The attacked strongman screamed, and suddenly the phantom seemed to burst.

This made the attacking strongman look down slightly, his eyes swept to other people. Immediately, his eyes fixed on Lin Feng’s body. Although Lin Feng’s morality was strong, he cultivated a relatively low level and could not leave. The Emperor Tianzhu, as long as he leaves, is considered to be his victory. This is the rule of battle.

"Hey!" I saw this person stepping out of the way. In an instant, Lin Feng only felt that the king of the battle had rushed toward him. These fighting kings all had the horrible fighting spirit, as if to kill the heavens and the earth.

Lin Feng flashed a sneer in his eyes, bullying him to repair low?

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s pupils turned into dead gray, and the death of the horror was terrible. I saw Lin Feng’s thoughts, and the millions of illusory death swords killed the world. Those fighting kings were branded on the death road, and they were destroyed in an instant, disappearing. .

"Kill!" Lin Feng burst into a bang, the pupils gazing at each other tightly, from his eyes, as if there was a death demon slaying out, rushing toward the other's eyes, and the other side's eyes In the middle of a battle king, the intertwined collision, while the endless sinless death sword strangled, making the man's look changed, the body crazy back.

A gray air flow madly swayed into the other's body, while the other's vitality was dying. Lin Feng waved his hand and suddenly the river of death roared and snarled toward the other side.

"Hey!" I saw a statue of the King of Fighters stepping out, but it was directly drowned by the river of death. The death in Lin Feng’s eyes became even more horrible. If the face of the person is gray, the sound of the screaming is rolling. The endless death of the imaginary sword burst out of the other's head. In an instant, the man's eyes were scattered, lost his spirit, and his body fell toward the sky.

"Provocate me, kill!" Lin Feng snorted, reminding people behind him not to provoke him, otherwise, hehe!

The crowd saw the icy death of Lin Feng’s pupils, and his heart trembled a little. He felt a tremor. This guy’s road was very strong. He killed the people directly and killed the 26-strong powerhouse.

"Lin Feng!" Among the people in the distance, a murderous murder came out. The dead people were the people of their family. They stood in front of the emperor's list for more than 20, but they were killed by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng's pupils are cold, and they ask for a struggle. Why do they have a soft heart? When the big battle is over, the strong ones are born, the weak ones are rolling, and Ji Yun has just angered him. He is still bombarded by the Emperor Tianzhu, not to mention the people behind him!

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