Chapter 1951: Killing

The evil moon sounded the people's bell, except for those who had already stepped on the Emperor Tianzhu's imperial powerhouse before, and let more than ten people could not persist, and walked down the Emperor Tianzhu, which means the forty behind the emperor's list. The remaining ranks have already appeared.

"There are still a few people who are still unsettled, and who are still unsettled, and the scorpion and the strong who control the reincarnation. Are they going to step into the top 50 seats in the emperor?" Above the Emperor Tianzhu, now Hou Qinglin has set up more than 50 people, and they have made up for the vacant seats of those who were kicked down by Emperor Tianzhu and exchanged positions with them.

At this time, I saw a handsome figure stepping out, the sky was snowing, and in an instant, the land was a hundred miles away, as if it had been turned into a snowy day, the temperature of the space dropped in an instant. I saw the snow **** wind strolling to the front of the emperor's bell, the eyes were cold and calm, and said faintly: "The bell is ringing, and the first way is broken."

After all, the snow **** winds long sleeves waving, a horrible frosty blast on the bell of the emperor. In an instant, the emperor’s bell is covered with a layer of ice, the sound of the cymbal is heard, the void freezes, and there are better The figure was directly covered by frost, and the whole person was frozen and shivering.

"咚,咚,咚!" Snow God wind long sleeves dance again, three consecutive sounds, flooding the world's frost, freezing the Tao Wei invasion of the world, I saw two strong figures, the whole person turned into a frost, was frozen Freezing, the power of life is dying, and the internal organs of the body are frozen.

"Retreat!" One person screamed, tearing open the strength that was frozen on the body, and the body exploded. He walked down the Emperor Tianzhu and felt comfortable all the time. The horrible pressure made him feel that death was from his own. Near.

Xue Shenfeng’s face was covered with a layer of snow because of the face-to-face glory. However, his body did not stop for a moment, and once again stepped forward, the emperor’s clock reverberated, and the strong ones retired. Under the Emperor Tianzhu, fifty people have arrived, and the people of the People’s Palace have executed the Emperor’s pen. The fifty strong men of the Emperor’s list have already been fixed and will not change. As for those fallen people, they will be finished by the Emperor. Then make up for it with other strong ones.

Xue Shenfeng himself seems to be frozen and frozen. At this moment, he himself bears the horrible prestige. He asks that Daowei attacks others and erodes himself.

"Hey!" The Emperor Bell played the seventh voice. A mad tyrant's Taowei buried the whole body of Xue Shenfeng into it. The whole person was on the stage, and Daowei seemed to be turned into Tianwei. The column runs straight down, the heavens and the earth resonate with the bells, and the sound of the cymbals continues. The top 50 of the emperor's tops are gradually frozen, and their positions may change. Of course, they are still behind. Have the opportunity to regain the competition.

Under the emperor's stage, even if the crowd in the distance was separated from the Daowei by the light column on the emperor's stage, but when they saw the snow and ice that appeared on the entire vast emperor's stage, they also felt a trepidation and snowy wind. The strength is terrible. If this continues, I am afraid that more than 60 people will not be able to maintain it. He will decide the ranking of more than 60 people.

"He can still ring the eighth sound of the emperor!" The eyes of the people stared at the snow god, only to see his frozen body move forward again, the arm slowly swinging, the bombardment In the people's bell.

"Oh..." Daowei madly rushed into the body of Xue Shenfeng, causing his footsteps to retreat continuously, then immediately sat down and began to adjust interest rates, and at this moment, the law of freezing became the destruction of the glacial world, people Huangtai was white and white, and the figure jumped down to the Emperor Tianzhu. The crowd suddenly found that there were only a hundred people on the top of the Tianzhu. There were only 30 people left at this moment.

At this time, Lin Feng closed his eyes and sat on the top of the Emperor Tianzhu. The magic power of the body was strong and boundless. The power of the various laws wrapped the whole body. The death intention was to wipe out the frozen intentions. However, the whole person was still buried by the snow. The kind of cold, let every one of his cells freeze and die, I am afraid that several people have died under the prestige of the snow **** wind, Lin Feng really understands why it is difficult to ask.

The people of Huangtai became the world of glaciers. They have not been able to dissipate for a long time. The people in the Imperial Palace did not open their mouths. For a long time, when the crowd gradually slowed down, the snow **** body trembled, and the snow on his body dispersed. His footsteps Stepping back to the person who is on the top of the Emperor Tianzhu.

Those who stepped on the Emperor Tianzhu were hesitant, did they go back and smell the way?

Next, if a few people in the front of the snow **** winds come out to ring the bells, what horrible scenes will emerge? They dare not imagine.

"Don't smell the power, how to feel the power of the Tao." I saw a person whispering, stepping on the foot of the Emperor Tianzhu again, just because of the difficulty, so this is a huge opportunity, the top of the emperor Gathered here, the Taoist people, the Queen, let them have the opportunity to smell the power of the Tao, this opportunity, a rare event, is a crisis, but also an opportunity.

At this time, those who are ranked lower, even have no face to ring the bells of the emperor, the power of their ringing can never be compared with the snow god, it is better to quietly understand the meaning of those in front of the emperor .

"Hey!" I saw that the stone man finally moved, and came to the front of the emperor's bell, making the crowd look slightly condensed, this stone Yunfeng turned into a stone man, looks weird.

Suddenly, the stone man’s fist suddenly rushed toward the emperor’s clock.

"咚, 咚, 咚, 咚 ......" four consecutive sounds, the world of ice and snow made the world of megaliths, the megaliths descended from the sky, at the same time, the body of the crowd directly petrified, many people's arms and feet The stone only felt that it could not be commanded.

"Retreat!" Those people were pale, and two bells were played. Several people were turned into stones. This petrified power was too overbearing.


The seventh sound of the emperor bell, the bursting sound of the explosion came out, I saw a humanoid fossil directly cracked and exploded, directly destroyed the death, and many people's bodies were completely petrified, can not be separated, they exhausted The power of the whole body jumped off the Emperor Tianzhu and escaped from the shroud of this Tao. The prestige on the Emperor Tianzhu was the strongest.

Lin Feng’s whole person has also become a fossil. He only feels that the body is going to explode. However, his body is extremely horrible. Here, if you are purely genius, I am afraid that few people can compare with him. .

The horror of the horror fell on him. Lin Feng’s various laws and forces intersected, making him seem to have a special aura, as the power of an ancient world wrapped his body, never dying. When the eighth man's bell was played, his body was even bleeding, because the road he realized was a life and death, and he could not directly resist the power of this petrified road. He could only bear the strength of his body. Also go to the sentiment and appreciate the way they are.

"There are so many people, trouble." Ghostly, the white eyes swept the crowd, and after Shi Yunfeng returned, his body rushed out like a ghost, and his eyes shot an incomparable demon, directly bombarded On the Queen's Bell, the whole piece of void became a dark world of purgatory, and countless ghosts appeared in the minds of the crowd, and they were going to kill them.

"Ghostly, the most evil martial arts on the emperor's list, practicing the ghosts and nerves." The people looked trembled, and they saw that there were several demon ghosts in the pupils of the ghosts, and they stepped directly into the bells of the emperor. It rushed into the emperor's bell. At this moment, there were horrible ghosts in everyone's mind.

Lin Feng's eyelids closed, within the spirit of the soul, a powerful night fork ghost king holding the Yasha, directly to his soul to kill the past, contains terrible power.

"Death..." The soul of the soul turned into the sword of infinite death, and the king of the night was killed. The body of the night of the ghost king burst, but the bell trembled directly into the spirit, and a demon demon appeared, making him feel intense. The trembling, as if involuntarily gave birth to the heart of fear, the soul is surrounded by ghosts.

"This is the third of the Emperor's list, so strong." Lin Feng's heart trembled, at this time he did not know, there have been several people directly died on the Emperor Tianzhu, the soul is broken, and the ghostly movement has not yet Stop, the idea of ​​a demon demon object directly into the emperor's bell, playing the ancient bell.

"He is killing!" The crowd trembled. This ghost is killing the people on the emperor's list. The strong ones who can escape are at large. The strong ones who can't escape are starting to die. Although they are all figures on the emperor's list, However, compared with the third of the Emperor's list, many people have irreparable gaps, and they can easily kill them with Taowei.

At this moment, there are only a handful of people who can bear the ghosts. This kind of attack is still indifferent. When the eighth bell sounds, the sound of a ghost crying and a wolf is all over the world, and the screams are fierce. Some people in the distance crowded their faces, and they were filled with killings. Some of those who died were geniuses in their families, but they died in the hands of ghosts.

Those who can be on the top of the list are not the weakest, they are the most outstanding geniuses of the martial arts, but when they gather together, when the emperor asks, the crowd finds that the same is the strongest on the emperor, ranking ahead and The people behind, the original gap can be so horrible, if it is a confrontation, I am afraid it will be wiped out in an instant.

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