Chapter 1949: Asking hard

Above the steps, the nine people of the People's Palace looked at the sky, and then they looked at the sky and looked at the crowd. They said, "Time has come. People who are not here today are temporarily removed from the list. If they return, they will find themselves. The genius challenge above, now, the position that is free, who wants to occupy, please feel free."

Today, the Imperial List asked, the inevitable order is chaotic, and the position of those who occupy the future at this moment is only temporary, so it does not matter, it must be able to keep it.

When Ren Tianxing’s voice fell, someone immediately stepped forward and moved to the side of the emperor, Tian Tianzhu. Since they were free, they went forward one by one. Naturally, there is no indispensable place. At the same time, some people in the crowd vacated and stepped on the extra On the top of the Emperor Tianzhu, today the Emperor asked, the people on the non-imperial list can also squeeze people down.

It didn't take long for a hundred people to be on the top of the Emperor's Tianzhu. There was a figure on each pillar, a total of 100 people, and the prestige.

"Wind teacher, the first stage, you go to the host." I saw Ren Tianxing said to Fengshentian, I saw that Fengshen nodded slightly, only to see him stature, came to the void, his eyes swept to the crowd, "How many people have to ask for the seat of the Imperial List, now, you can stand up."

"I will give it a try." I saw a figure coming out, and there was a figure in the void.

"I will try it too." Another figure came to the void, only to see a moment, the void has four or five figures.

"Don't be unbeaten, evil, they all stood up." Lin Feng's eyes flashed, looking at the person who stepped out, the **** of the king's body is unbeaten and the king of the body is evil, are the physique of the king, although they are now repaired It is only the realm of the middle emperor, but their combat power as a king body cannot be measured by the usual cultivation.

At this point, Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at the direction of the rooftop. I saw two figures walking at the same time, and it was Hou Qinglin and sword blindness.

"The strength of the sword blind need not be said more, there must be a place on the top of the emperor. The second brothers will understand the reincarnation. On the top of the emperor, there will be a place." Lin Feng smiled, and the gods were unbeaten and unbeaten. The power of evil spirits, now do not know how, and the old acquaintances of the past, or Chu Chunqiu's most horrible progress, to the top of the emperor's realm, comprehend the way of swallowing, the power is terrible, Tianshen College is his rumors everywhere.

"There are thirteen people who want to ask for the top of the list, and replace the people above." The eyes of the people looked at the figure that entered the void, their eyes flashing, and the emperor asked the day, it really was the day of the imperial list.

"When you hear the news, you can die in the evening. Today, the emperor asks, anyone who asks for the initiative, life and death, no one can intervene." Fengshentian has a sharp sword on the body, no one shrinks. The thirteen strongmen still stand straight.

Fengshentian’s gaze looked at the last thirteen people of Emperor Tianzhu and said to them: “Now, if you have a seat in front of you, you can stand up. Otherwise, once you are named and asked, you will be directly defeated. Was kicked out of the Imperial List."

"The emperor asked, but he had not asked, he was kicked by the descendants, and he asked." I saw one person slowly opening.

"If you will be kicked out by future generations, it will be meaningless to move forward." Another person slowly opened, making Lin Feng reveal a strange color. He thought that these people would want to move forward, but did not expect. Thirteen people are not moving, perhaps as they think, if even those who challenged later can't cope, even if they can move the position forward, it makes no sense.

"The person who enlightens the Tao is the first, who will come." Fengshen Tian looked at Hou Qinglin and other 13 people.

There is no ups and downs in the blindness of the sword, and a quiet step forward, quiet, indifferent, and pupilless, making many people reveal strange colors. This person is actually a blind man.

"Name, can you understand." Fengshentian asked.

"Sword blindness, the way of light." The sword blindness is calm and faint, making many people look at the light, the way of light.

Fengshen looked at the thirteen people in the back and calmly said: "Who is here?"

"You can teach the rare meaning of light, even if you lose, you can't do it." I saw a person stepping out, standing in front of the sword, and a vast expanse of body, which made his robes bulge. It seems that there is a terrible force infiltrating.

The sword stepped forward and stepped forward. The body was still calm, and suddenly, the light was shining. His speed suddenly became very fast. Jianguang is now, and a sword is cold and moving in Kyushu. The whole world seems to be lit. Guanghua, smashed to the extreme, the eyes of the crowd were closed, unable to open, and the void was buried by the light.

"Hey!" A burst of blasting sound came out, and then the sound of screaming and the sound of horror bursting in the air, a few ambiguous cold lights criss-crossed in the void, when the light and shadow ended, I saw that facing the sword blind The strong guys are bleeding, very embarrassed, and the eyes are already hedged.

"You told me to see the way of light, but it made me a blind man, and I couldn't see the light again. I will remember you, swordsman blind." The man's eyes continued to ooze, and then his footsteps stepped out and left. Here, the sword is blind, and it falls on the top of the Emperor Tianzhu where he just lived.

"The wisdom of the sorcerer's light is getting deeper and deeper." Lin Feng's eyes flashed. This sword blindness is indeed a genius. He is different from other people on the rooftop. The people on the rooftop still need the Bible, and the sword is blind. I am totally crazy about the martial arts and crazy about the light. Because he is a blind man, he can only see the light by means of the light.

Above the steps, some people in the palace took up the Emperor's pen and engraved the name of the sorcerer on the emperor's list. It was temporarily in a certain position. Now, it has not yet reached the real ranking.

Hou Qinglin also defeated his opponent. More than a year ago, Hou Qinglin realized the reincarnation and Taohua reincarnation. Now, Hou Qinglin’s reincarnation is more exquisite, almost ruining his opponent, and the man is facing the emperor’s stage. Hou Qinglin said: "The palm reincarnation, within three years, the emperor's top three, must have your position."

Two people have been removed from the list, the sword blind and Hou Qinglin, replaced.

Although the rest of the people do not understand the power of the Tao, however, several people have begun to contact the power of the Tao, reaching the edge of the enlightenment, the God of the Invincible and the unresolved and the king of the world, have achieved a position, now Unbeatable, the three thousand six hundred gods aura of light around the whole body, the king's gas blooms, turned into a big day of the week, the kind of attack power, so that the countless emperors of the countless waiters feel the tremor, the dark road is worthy of the king's physique.

The king of the world is evil, and the boundary forces attack the violent, and can divide the attack with the boundary and defeat the opponent.

Lin Feng waits for their battle, and there is a feeling in the heart. Once these people of the king body realize, the strength will complete a qualitative leap. They can use the talented attack of the king body to smooth the gap between the realms. Once the power of the Tao is understood, the strength will be Deaf, ask the top 30 seats in the Imperial Ranking.

In the thirteen groups of battles, seven people were removed from the emperor's list and replaced. The emperor asked that the emperor had not really opened up. The crowd seemed to have seen the cruelty of the emperor's question, but it also made them excited. It will be a feast of fighting. I don’t know how many people can realize this time.

Every ten years, the Emperor’s list asks for the power of the strong to gain the power of the road, and the strength goes up to a step.

Fengshen’s eyes swept to the hundred people, and then they rolled up and returned to the steps. This time, Ren Tianxing personally stepped out and looked at the people. He asked: “The hundred people in the emperor, the people who understand the Tao, the top three in the emperor. Thirteen seats, plus the sabbaid and Hou Qinglin, a total of thirty-five people comprehend the power of the Tao, and who else I missed, please."

"Thirty-five people have realized the power of the Tao. It is almost the martial art of the whole city of the Holy City. The road to enlightenment is difficult." The hearts of the people sighed, thirty-five people, too few, to know the big The holy city of Zhongzhou, the genius is endless, the Wuhuang strong people do not know how many, simply can not count, the Huangbang is the highest fighting power of the Zhongzhou Wuhuangjing, but it is only a mere 35 people to enlighten.

"There is no omission, please the Queen!" Ren Tianxing slowly opened his mouth and immediately saw him on the steps behind him. A huge ancient clock appeared. The eight-person palace disciple lifted the ancient clock and rolled it, then the palm A trembling, suddenly the emperor's bell hangs in the empty space of the Emperor.

Ren Huangzhong, also known as the Tao, the voice of Zhong Ding, will be the voice of the question.

"I don't have much to say about the rules. As always, the Emperor's list asks, and the person of Enlightenment beats the Emperor's bell. Whoever can't bear it will leave the Emperor Tianzhu. The person behind him can take his place, if he wants to stick to it. The power of the Tao, although it can not be regretted, the first 50 people who were shocked by the bell, ranked 50th after the emperor, will lose their qualifications afterwards."

Ren Tianxing slowly opened his mouth, and then his eyes swept to the people, saying: "Who is the first to come to play the emperor's voice."

"I am coming." I saw a figure stepping out. This person is Zhu Wuji, ranking twenty-three.

"Well, it’s up to you to play this first person’s emperor." Ren Tianxing’s body receded, and then he saw only one hundred people on the top of the Tianzhu. Many of them sat down on their knees, and their bodies burst into horror and closed their eyes. The look is solemn, the emperor asks, really want to start.

Zhu Wuji's figure came to the front of the emperor's bell, his body robe fluttering, and the people behind the emperor's rankings were all dignified, and the emperor asked, not so easy.

Suddenly, I saw Zhu Wuji stepping out one step at a time, suddenly opening his mouth and roaring.

"Oh..." The sound of horror roaring fell on the bell of the Emperor. In an instant, a hundred beams of light went directly toward the hundred-person Emperor Tianzhu, and the sound of the tsunami sounded like a sound of heaven and earth.

"Hey, hehe..." Many people's clothes were directly torn, and only some people trembled fiercely, as if they were going to burst, and several people held their heads, which was extremely painful.

I saw Zhu Wuji stepping forward again, and the palm of his hand was printed on the bell of the emperor. The voice was rolling: "If you ask, if you ask, Cheng Tianxiao, kill!"

It was a blast of blasting and bombardment on the bell of the emperor. In a moment, the horrible light curtain swept the heavens and the earth, the roaring sound shattered the sky, and the bang banged out. Only a figure was shaken out, the mouth spit out blood, and the head almost The burst exploded.

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