Chapter 1947: Struggle

There is a holy mountain in the holy city of Zhongsheng. It has a meaning of emptiness. There is a vast land in front of the holy mountain. This land is the central area of ​​the central city of the holy city. The area is wide and all are vast and majestic architectural communities. From here, you can see the holy mountain in the distance, you can see that there is a palace in the sky, where there is a palace.

The People’s Palace has an extremely ancient history in the Central City of the Holy City. It is even heard that it is longer than the four major colleges. It stands in the land of the Central City of the Holy City. It never fails. In the past few years, many names have been passed from there. The tyrannical characters of the land of Zhongzhou, written on the list of the emperor, are decided by the People's Palace.

At this time, the light above the Scorpio shines on the land of Zhongzhou, an open area, standing in many figures, their eyes are looking towards the direction of the holy mountain, and they see a tiny figure from the holy Appeared in the mountains, and then flashed toward this side, the figure bathed in the glow of the sky, gradually magnified in the eyes of the crowd, they are the strongest in the palace.

"The disciples of the People's Palace came." The eyes of the people flashed. I saw that there were nine people in the figure. I came to this wide strip of steps, and the first person shook his hand, suddenly on the empty sky, a golden one. The dazzling list of the list, under the rays of the sky above the sky, is even more brilliant, so beautiful.

On the list, there are many brilliant names written, and the top one on the list is awesome.

"The Emperor!" The crowds watched the electricity and looked at the golden list. It is one of the most famous double-lists in the state of the Holy City. The Emperor, also known as the Emperor, is the person in the list. The emperor, the wind and the clouds.

"The disciples under the People's Palace, who were formerly on the top of the emperor's list, are the nine people in front of them. They used to eat tea in the holy city of Zhongzhou. Now they have crossed the emperor's seat and achieved the emperor's respect." The nine disciples who fell in front of the emperor's list are all famous characters. Fengshentian, Qidonglai, and Aoyunyu have all been famous for their prestige and prestige.

"Hey!" I saw the first person waving, and suddenly the emperor was hung above the Scorpio. The dazzling light flickered, moving with the wind, making hunting sounds, but standing in the void.

Above the steps, in front of the nine people, there was a huge old table of sandalwood, with a pen on it.

"A decade, the Emperor's list asked the day, the people's pen, will write brilliant, reshape the people's list." Lang Lang's voice is rolling out, revealing a little solemn meaning, making everyone feel passionate, wanting Marking his name on the list above the void, the Emperor’s list is changing and changing at any time. However, only the ten-year-old imperial list asks for the most authoritative change. The above names will be big. The change in amplitude is like reshaping.

The vast crowds around, silent and silent, but in the heart are all stunned. If you look down from the sky, you can see the endless strong figure. Today, the holy city of Zhongzhou does not know how many people came here to see the emperor. Tao, one of the prosperous times of the Central City of the Holy City, today's sturdy characters, the future will also dance in the entire stage of the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, Lin Feng was also in the crowd. Beside him, Hou Qinglin, Lin was not hurt and dreams, and many people on the rooftops arrived.

"Wangbang asked, this person Huangtai, today does not know how many people will be infected with the blood." Hou Qinglin whispered, Lin Feng eyes calm, watching the people on the steps of the Emperor's palace, these people are also holy city The talented figure of Zhongzhou, who was also a figure above the emperor, was asked by the emperor today.

At this time, the head of the People’s Palace looked at the red sky above the sky and smiled: “After another hour, I will name the emperor, and you will witness the prosperity of this decade.”

"Brother, silver moon." At this time, Lin's unintentional gaze looked toward a certain direction, only to see the strong silver people there, Yin Rui, Yin Gutian, Yin Yue, are there.

At this time, Lin Feng's brow slightly wrinkled. Yinrui was chatting with one person at the moment, talking about Shenghuan. Behind the man, there was Yu Dongqing. These people are obviously the people of the family.

"Right brother." At this time, I saw the strongman who led the family and Yinrui took a step forward and looked at the stairs in front of the man's emperor, with a smile on his face.

"The two still call me a better day." The person headed by the People's Palace said with a smile. Both of them were former figures of his predecessors.

"The martial arts people do not stick to the seniority, and they use the martial arts to make a fuss. What is wrong with this brother?" The strong family said with a smile: "Thirty years ago, I witnessed the day when I asked the brothers to be on the list. On top of the peak, the name is written at the top of the emperor's list. The years are awkward, and in the past 30 years, the strength of the brothers has caught up with us, but it is awkward."

"Ren Tianxing." Many people's eyes look at the head of the person, the look is flashing, revealing a sharp edge, this person is Ren Tianxing, the first person in the top of the list 30 years ago, the arrogant young people who used to sweep the world to serve me today It has become calm and calm, and even some people who have seen him have almost forgotten that this is a man who had set off a storm 30 years ago.

"Thirty years in a blink of an eye, the sky is awkward." Ren Tianxing said with a smile, and at this time, the strong family looked at the east, and smiled: "East, you have to learn more from your brother."

"East to the younger brother of the talents, his achievements may not be lower than me." Ren Tianxing looked to the side of the East, and said with a smile.

"A lot of brothers are instructing this guy." The strongman smiled and said: "Yes, today, Yin Ruixiong asked at the end of the emperor's list, there will be a good news."

"Is it?" Ren Tianxing looked at Yinrui, only to see Yinrui nod and smiled. "Your brother, in addition to a good news, my silver disciple Yin Gutian cultivation is also quite talented. At the end, I want him to go under the door of the palace, and can he help the referral."

"It is a good thing to ask the name of the ancient silver people in the early days. The emperor asks for the end. I will bring the ancient Tianxian to the People's Palace." Ren Tianxing responded with a smile.

"The people's palace will not be an extraordinary force. Even the terrorist forces such as the silver family and the family have given the face of the people of the palace." The eyes of the people looked at the few people who talked and laughed, and the heart was secret.

At this time, the forest has no ugly face, and the relationship between the silver family and the family is so embarrassing. This is definitely a very fast news for him.

Looking at the silver moon, I saw that the silver moon also looked at this place. However, at this time, Dong Dongqing’s eyes flashed a cold light and walked to the front of the silver moon, blocking Lin’s unharmed line of sight. Yinyue Road: "Small moon, the emperor asked, the grandfather will announce our good news."

"Despicable." Silver Moon stared at Qi Dongqing, said coldly, making the face of Dongdong Qing not look good, turned around, and looked at Lin without any injury, in his eyes, revealing a touch of indifference. Raised the little finger, pointed at the ground, and then used the ankle to go where he pointed, as if to say, I will trample on you.

"I want to kill this idiot." Lin did not hurt his mouth and spit out a cold voice, and the bones on his body made a loud noise.

"Calm." A voice directly penetrated Lin's unharmed head, causing his look to tremble, calmed down slightly, and looked at Lin Feng.

"It's so easy to be irritated, how to cultivate martial arts." Lin Feng screamed at Lin's injury, making Lin look like a stiff, if other things he can calm, but Silver Moon...

"Lin Feng." At this time, a gaze was shot toward Lin Feng. Lin Feng looked at the person who spoke, but it was the family of Ji.

"Jijiang, where is it?" Ji Yuan asked Lin Feng coldly.

"You Ji family, ask me what to do." Lin Feng responded with disdain.

"After Yin Ruishou Banquet, Ji Jiang went out with you, wanted to find you to discuss, and then disappeared, and several people died. Do you admit that you don't recognize this?" Ji Yuan asked coldly.

"Kill me, oh." Lin Feng's cold voice, then turned his gaze, causing a cold cold in the eyes of Ji Yuan: "Very good, Lin Feng, you will regret what you did."

"You can only deceive people, no one can deceive you." Lin Feng sighed and shook his head slightly, Ji Yun, Ji Wu worry, Ji Men, bullying the Tiantai, then the Ji family would not even pay attention to this kind of thing, because they are bullying others However, his strength has risen, he has found Ji Jishou, and he has been disturbed on the day of Ji Yufeng’s king. He has cited Ji’s hatred and hate. Although the older generation’s elders do not participate, they are only talking about it. After the cruelty, can the ancient saints really put down their faces? This is the world of force and power. If he does not have the strong battle of the king’s day, it will cause the war king’s college to pay attention. awful.

Of course, there is still a possibility. He Lin Feng has been swallowing his voice and not fighting. Then, he will not be in conflict with these ancient saints. However, this is not his character of Lin Feng, and he can compete with the earth to trample on the earth and fight with the sky. It is possible to break through the heavens, and the world of martial arts is the world of great struggles. If you want to wait for the extremes of martial arts, you will trample on the bones of endless strong people. Anyone, any force, must give way.

Today, this emperor asks the day, the genius of the realm of the imperial city of the Holy City, only to compete for a seat on the emperor's list, this is not a fight, even if they know that this dispute is likely to bleed, It is also likely to offend many people and forces, and may even die, but there will still be no one to give up!

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