Chapter 1941: Competing

Lin Feng's gaze was exceptionally calm, but he took a look at Yu Wenjing and moved away. There was no wave of sorrow, and Yu Wenjing couldn't think of what Lin Feng was thinking.

Yu Wenhou is also coming among the people. His eyes stayed on Lin Feng for a moment, and he sighed in his heart. This talent is terrible and grows too fast. Today is the day of the silver banquet, the holy city of Zhongzhou. The forces came to Heshou and did not know why Lin Feng came here. Although Lin Feng is a student of the War King College, it is not a tribe of the ancient city of the Holy City. It has nothing to do with the silver family.

Followed by the steps into the silver family, to the place of the birthday banquet, the dazzling array of wine tables is ready, the wide area has many people, there are old and young, are the people who come to the birthday.

"Stupid kid." A silver bell-like laugh came, only to see the silver moon beauty on the steps toward Lin Feng's innocent look, revealing a happy smile, extraordinarily innocent, making Lin no injuries. I laughed, but it was a bit silly, and it’s no wonder that Silver Moon would call him a stupid boy.

"Well?" Yinrui brow slightly wrinkled, seeing the look of Yinyue. His gaze slightly glanced at Lin Feng, and there was a bit of disappointment in the deep eyelids. Voice: "What is the identity of these two people?"

"I will ask." The person next to Yinrui quietly stepped back, and then stepped into the crowd. Yin Rui Shou Ban, although a big feast, people who have no identity will still not be placed. Although they have not seen it, they must have someone with some identities to get here.

Lin Feng felt a cold light falling on his body, only to see his gaze turning, and even after seeing Jijiang, they had a pair of sharp edges and a cold breath.

In addition to Jijiang, Yan Dongqing's eyes were particularly cold, sweeping Lin Lin's side of the forest without injury, his eyes reveal a sense of irony, I did not expect this kid to come to life.

Lin Feng’s eyes didn’t stay in Jijiang for too long, but they looked at the crowd. The emperor asked that the day will come. Today’s Yinrui’s birthday feast, there are some extraordinary young people in the past. The evil moon that Ji Jia has seen and Huo Jiuyang have appeared here. The eyes of the evil moon are still evil, and Huo Jiuyang is a pure yang, giving people a strong sense of masculinity.

There are also four toasting people, this person is wearing a silver shirt, a pair of eyes like silver, temperament is extraordinary, this person is a talented figure of the silver youth who was raised last time in Silver Moon, ranking the top of the list Seven silver ancient days, the strength is very strong.

In addition, a Buddhist monk dressed in a golden body gave Lin Feng a few more eyes. Although this person is awkward, his body has a strong fighting atmosphere, as if it is a powerful battle.

"There is a Canaan Buddhist Temple in the Central City of the Holy City. Among them, the people who worship Buddha are good at fighting, and they are fighting for the Buddha. Now the fourth person in the Imperial League is fighting for war, it is from this Canaan Buddhist temple, this Buddhist monk, It should be a battle." Lin Feng said secretly, he guessed it is wrong, this person is the battle of the Canaan Buddhist temple, the fighting Dharma is very tyrannical, fighting and entering the world, or the students of the ancient college The disciple is very prestigious in the ancient school, and is known as the potential of the king.

"The silver family stands for the endless years of the holy city. Today, Yinrui’s predecessor is 100 years old, and he is very happy. Later, he is a younger generation, and he is accompanied by his uncle’s predecessor, and he is a gift. The seniors laughed." At this time, a sound of Lang Lang came out, suddenly Interrupted the people who chatted, the eyes of the crowd looked at Qi Dongqing together. In the heart, this is a young and prosperous person. There is no patience. Many elders today have not spoken here yet, and Dong Dongqing has offered a gift, which is undoubtedly a steal. It is suspected, but the family is the ancient saint, the strength is tyrannical, plus the east to enter the palace, Qi Dongqing comes with the east, and everyone will not say anything.

Yan Dongqing put on a brocade box, and someone next to Yinrui walked down the steps to take it, while Yinrui said with a smile: "Tongqing gift, I am disrespectful."

On the day of the birthday banquet, it is normal for the guests to present the gift, and the host will not refuse.

The person who took the box went to the side of Yinrui and opened the big box. The horrible demon power suddenly came out. Among them, there was a huge crystal, like a tortoise. It seems that there is a meaning of life.

"Turtle Dan." Yinrui looked slightly condensed, and his eyes burst into a sharp edge. He looked at Mindong and Qidongqing, and said: "This gift is a bit expensive."

"This turtle is a family of uncles who had been practicing in the East Sea not long ago, and killed the dragon turtles of the year. However, the silvery predecessors are 100 years old, and the district greetings, why not." Yan Dongqing said with a smile, suddenly everyone was shocked.

"The tortoise is visible, such as pregnant life, I am afraid that it is the dragon dragon turtle, and the strength of the East is very powerful." Yin Rui exclaimed, deeply looked at the east to see, purple gas to the east, the old East came to the emperor At that time, it was in the midst of the top three in the emperor's list. It was named after the holy city of Zhongzhou. Now, many years later, he has entered the realm of the great emperor.

The dragon tortoise is extremely strong in defense, and it is also good at water, the earth, and the tyrannical forces of various departments. It is extremely difficult to kill it. It can be done in the east, and the strength must be terrible.

"There is a big handwriting of the family." The hearts of the people are a tremor, the demon emperor dragon turtle, this turtle will contain the dragon turtle essence, the strong spirit, the power of life, make the martial arts monk alive, the spirit is more Further, this is absolutely a treasure for human martial arts, and it can help Yinrui to move forward on the road of martial arts.

"It is a piece of mind, I will accept it." Yin Rui said with a smile, which made many people scared. I am afraid this will be the most expensive birthday gift of today. It is no wonder that this guy from Dong Qingqing wants to grab the limelight. Big gift, I don't know what the picture is. After all, this kind of birthday banquet often comes, and the meaning is enough. It is enough to express friendship. Too heavy a birthday gift will be given unless it is another purpose.

"I don't have a tortoise, but there is a Qingfu ancient Buddhist scripture, to express my heart." Fighting and talking with a smile, both hands contribute a Buddhist scriptures.

"The war is full of sorrow, but I am disrespectful." Yinrui still smiles, not stunned.

Everyone began to offer their birthdays, but it seemed to be fun and very lively. At this time, Dong Dongqing’s eyes were moving toward Lin Feng and Lin’s innocent side. The faint opening said: “The two strangers are very strange. I don’t know which ancient saints, I I have never seen it before."

"You seem to be very serious about Jiashimen. When you meet for the first time, you are the same." Lin Feng looked at Qi Dongqing and said calmly.

"The strong family is enchanting, the big holy city of Zhongzhou, how many enchanting geniuses, but most of them are out of the ancients." Yan Dongqing said with a smile, Lin Feng heard a faint smile on his mouth, then shook his head. Turned his eyes and didn't look at him again.

"What are you laughing at?" Yan Dongqing asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to Qi Dongqing. He came along the way. He liked Dong Dongqing, who had a sense of superiority. He saw too many people. However, the more such people, the more their minds are not tough. Once they are crushed, they will never be ruined. Like a blind man, you don't want to defeat his martial arts.

Yan Dongqing was ignored by Lin Feng, and his face gradually cooled down. He said with sarcasm: "Pretend to be deep? The silver banquet of the Yin and Yin dynasties was stolen by your younger generation. It is interesting."

Lin did not glare at Dong Qing, said: "You fart."

"No injury, some people are not worthy of your anger at all, don't even have to pay attention to it, do you understand?" Lin Feng said, making Lin no injuries, then nodded: "Brother, I know."

"Hey." Silver Moon rubbed his eyes against Lin without a scar, revealing a smile. She thought that Lin Feng would be angry. Seeing that she was so hearty, Lin Feng simply disdained Dong Qing.

"I am a little bit frivolous, but you are also a big tone, my family, is not worth paying attention to?" Jidong came slowly, suddenly a purple breath, Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at Jidong, Calm said: "When the East came, the people of the Holy City, the peak of the Emperor's Emperor, the highest fear of the third seat of the Emperor, was suppressed by the two, and later entered the Imperial Palace, and now has become the Great."

Jidong came to know that Lin Feng was not surprised, and his look was still calm. He said: "You know me."

"There was something to hear about it, but it was still suppressed by the two when it was at the peak of the Imperial Emperor. It was always in the third place. Although it was okay, it was nothing more than that." Lin Feng said calmly, making everyone look good. They are all slightly condensed, staring at Lin Feng, this guy is so arrogant, the third in the emperor, in his mouth to say that it is just barely okay, but such evaluation, good life.

At this time, one person yelled at Yinrui, and suddenly Yin Rui looked at Lin Feng, revealing a touch of interesting look, it turned out to be him.

"It seems that you are higher than me in the list of the emperor." Ji Dong said sarcastically, he recognized the top three people in the emperor, naturally it is impossible to be this person, and even the top ten absolutely no him.

"Other people's current cultivation is the middle realm. You let him compare with the ranking of your Wuhuang peak. You are an ancient saint. According to Qi Dongqing, the same realm should be much better than him. Yes, when you come to the predecessor, when you are in the realm of the middle emperor, how many in the emperor?” Yin Yue asked with a smile, and his look was rather naughty.

"When the median emperor peaks, it has entered the top of the emperor, ranking more than forty." Yan Dong came to say.

"How does it compare with the people of the top three?"

"The median emperor realm, naturally can not be compared." Jidong came to tell the truth.

"Oh, to put it this way, the disciples of the ancient saints are not doing the same. The person who talks to you is still the middle emperor, and he was ranked higher than the time when you were in the middle of the emperor. And also had a battle with the second of the Emperor's second place, and there was no loss." Silver Moon smiled and said that the pupils shrank slightly!

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