Chapter 1930: Life and death

"As far as your talents are concerned, you can also be a king in the college. If you are a god, you are really a shame of the college!" Lin Feng’s voice echoed in the void, causing everyone to condense and gaze at Lin Feng. This guy has a big tone, and even Ji Yun is not in the eyes, actually said the shame of the college.

"My brothers on the roof, into the king's college, even to the holy city of Zhongzhou, but for four or five years, at that time, we cultivated most of the realm of the next emperor, have heard that Ji Yun has the potential of the king, ranking the emperor The second place, nowadays, after so many years, Ji Wei Fang Feng Wang, this talent, really not very good, actually held a royal ceremony."

Lin Feng said a faint voice, and the sound of a cold voice came out. I saw that the Yanmen and the Moon Gates had trampled on the void and murdered.

"Big words are not awkward." A voice of indifference came out, only to listen to Shi Tiantian to the Xuantian ancestors: "The ancestors, since the people of the rooftops want to fight so much, ask the ancestors to complete."

"Old ancestors, the roof is too arrogant."

Xuantian ancestors looked calm and looked at the people. They immediately said: "Well, today's Wang Dadian, my warlord college doorman is willing to fight gambling, I can't do it, I personally prove that Tiantai and Yuemen And the battle of the rock gate, no matter what life or death."

In the eyes of Zongxi, there was a cold murder, and he had to look at how the roof would die.

Although the strength of Yuemen is not Jimen, but it can also compete with Tiantai in the past, and it is quite equal. There are a few people who can't deal with it. In Yanmen, there are five elites in the royal world, and there are many middle emperors. Look, Lin Feng, with so much arrogance.

A group of figures rolled into the air, suddenly a violent terrorist force wanted the space to wreak havoc, the two people confronted each other, the people on the rooftops apparently looked thin, in a weak position, could not compare with the Moon Gate and the Yanmen, even the upper realm People are only one person.

"Yu, you are not the person of the War King College?" Ji Yun's eyes fell on the emptiness of the body, and actually wrote down his name.

"A good man of the king of the king." Lin Feng sneaked a slap in the air, sneered a sneer, and smirked, and then his body receded and looked at Ji Yundao: "I don't participate."

Ji Yun naturally heard Lin Feng's irony, but his strength is too strong. If he participates, life and death will be unpredictable, and Lin Feng, who used to see him in the trial area of ​​Xianguo, Lin Feng's strength is very powerful, but here The strong man who does not have the underworld cooperates with him to use the power of death. He can't exert too strong strength. Zong should be able to suppress him.

There is also a sword blind, but Ji Wei is not good enough to open it again. The sword blind is only the middle realm.

"Kill!" Zong Yi stood proud and emptied, and a cold voice spit out a moment. In an instant, the madness of the madness swept out and pushed toward the crowds on the rooftop.

"Hey!" The roar of the screaming, the loud sound of the sound, the elephant invisible, the power of a turbulent world madly saved, his footsteps took the lead.

The body of the body was turned into a body, and there was a terrible sun **** bird between heaven and earth. The sun's light rolled down on the sky and fell on his body. Only in front of Wu, there was a sword of the sun, fiercely Before the killing, the world will be opened.

Hou Qinglin's green robe fluttered, the footsteps stepped out, the palms trembled, and the reincarnation appeared.

"We joined forces." If the evil opened the way to the blind, the sword blindly nodded slightly, and the two men rushed out side by side, two men and two swords.

Lin Feng walked out, and the body of the demon robbery and rolling, in an instant, a life and death robbery sword wrapped around the body, with his footsteps screaming out, killing endless, anyone who passed away should avoid .

"Kill!" I saw one person smashing from the top of Lin Feng's head. The golden giant ding was exposed to the horror of the horror. Lin Feng raised his hand and it was a palm. The bang screamed, the giant ding broke, and Lin Feng continued to rise from the sky. Mang bombing on the other side, instantly let the other body burst, the body is powerful and unparalleled.

The two palms were concealed, and the purple river chariots roared wildly in an instant. They carried the terrible power of life and death, and they rolled over toward the front. The rumbling sound of the rumble came out, and the grass was not born, and everyone was killed.

"It's so strong." The crowd around them condensed. It's no wonder that Lin Feng is so arrogant. Among the people in the rooftops, there are several people whose strength is terrible. Hou Qinglin's palm reincarnation, enlightenment, and the power of reincarnation, Lin Feng himself does not need to say. His attack seems to carry the power of death, it is terrible, God is blocking the killing of God, and there is another way to be blind and ruthless. The sword is too fast, especially when the two cooperate with the killing, no one can block them. one strike.

The strongmen of Yuemen and Yanmen have been constantly degraded and are in an absolutely suppressed state.

"Hey!" I saw a superior Emperor who was rushing toward Lin Feng. His body was filled with horror, and a whistling whistle, and suddenly a ghostly claw was caught at Lin Feng. This is the power of the soul. To rely on the superiority of the soul to obliterate his soul.

Lin Feng’s flashed a cold mang, and in a moment he stabbed a sword without death. When he passed, the ghost was destroyed, making the strong look condensed, and there was a ghost behind him, making him the whole person. It seems to have become illusory, like the same Nether, the body suddenly shocked out, extremely fast, like an illusory ghost.

Lin Feng’s footsteps still walked out, and there was a sudden aura of life and death. The man quickly came to Lin Feng’s front, and the ghost claws directly grabbed Lin Feng’s head, making Lin Feng feel turbulent, like a ghost ghost eroding into his mind. .

"Death, death!" The power of death is madly saved. His pupils and death spirits are madly shot and thrown into the other's mind. The death is imprinted.

Lin Feng burst into a fist, the explosion banged, the ghost broke, and the other body's body was completely broken and destroyed. It really became a slaying ghost. This person's strength is very different. He is good at attacking the spirit. If Lin Feng is not able to die. The soul of the soul must be created and clamped by the other side.

However, after this person was killed, another superior emperor was killed, and a wave of palm-like power was carried as if it were a heavy waterfall. The power was endless.

“哗啦啦!” Lin Feng waved in the palm of his hand, and the river of death emerged, drowning his body directly, leaving a dead body in an instant.

"Taohua magical power."

The people were shocked. This Lin Feng even took control of the power of the Tao. He was a very good person. He did have arrogant capital.

Xuantian ancestors and singers, staring at the people in this group of battles, the young people on these rooftops are so powerful, and some of them are absolutely top-notch and will not be worse than Ji Yu.

"The way of reincarnation, the way of death, the meaning of light, these are rare powers of the Tao." Xuantian ancestors whispered in the heart, and the eyes glanced at the law enforcement person inadvertently, causing the other party’s heart to tremble. Law enforcement people are equally astonished by the terrible fighting power of the people on the rooftops. If the strength is respected, if Lin Feng is really useless, no one can save them. Only strong strength and talent can be respected. You must fight. Wang College attaches importance to you. First of all, you have to have this capital. Lin Feng, they are undoubtedly showing their capital, but this is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing for him.

The law enforcement people ooze a cold sweat, look at Zongtang, and the ancestral sect is still there. The people on these rooftops will die. Since Xuantian’s ancestors have promised to let them fight, no matter what they are, they must definitely After the complete destruction, he understood that these high-ranking people are very tough and heart-wrenching. They have reached this point, they don’t know how many people have been slaughtered, let them live and die, the one who died. Will not get pity, the road is their own choice, and death is not as good as people.

Zong Pu’s footsteps finally came out. In an instant, a horrible chill came out and oppressed Lin Feng’s body.

"It is not easy for you to grow to this step. However, today, you will still die." Zongxi’s voice is rolling, like the sound of the avenue, trembled in Lin Feng’s eardrum, making Lin Feng sneer, want to influence his mind?

Lin Feng stepped out of the sky, and the air of death in the pupil was madly rolled out, making the soul of the ancestral spirit turbulent, his face sinking, and a strong sense.

"Hey!" A ring of bells sounded, and I saw the ancient clock in the sky. I wrapped the heavens and the earth, and Lin Feng’s body seemed to be wrapped in it.

"Zongtang is already the character of the upper emperor, and the power of enlightenment. Although Lin Feng's talent is strong, it is still a pity that he will die." The people sighed and said that the bells were rolling, and Lin Feng only felt the sound of the soul, as if it were to be broken.

The meaning of life and death is covered with the soul of Lin Feng. At the same time, a horrible sword of death swept out and headed for the ancient clock.

"When!" An ancient clock shattered, only Lin Feng still stepped forward, the death in the pupil was getting more and more severe, and penetrated the pupil of the Ancestral Hall.

"When!" Another bell rang, the ancient clock burst again, and Lin Feng took another step. In an instant, a dead air screamed out like the sea, swept the heavens and the earth, where Lin Feng passed, a dead silence, turned into death. The sea.

"Kill!" Ancestral singer screamed, and the sound of the tens of thousands of bells rang. The emptiness seemed to burst. Even the people in the distance felt that their souls were in turmoil. Lin Feng also felt the spirit of the soul shaking, but his eyes were in his eyes. Death is still so tenacious. Today, when he enters the earth, he will die, and he will not die.

The ancient clock was broken and broken, as if it had been destroyed by the sword. Lin Feng was getting closer and closer to the ancestral temple. The pupil of death seemed to penetrate into the head of Zongxi. The rolling death ocean roared like a wave. .

"Your way, too weak." Lin Feng spit out a word, suddenly the sound of death seems to play in the mind of Zongtang, the sword of nothingness and death all flocked to the Ancestral Hall, making the face of Zongxi change, face Black and white.

"I want you to die, you have to die." Lin Feng's voice penetrated the void, entered the mind of Zongxi, and died. The brand of death was madly smashed by the sword of death, and the clan screamed, but the crowd A look of rigidity, Lin Feng has stepped into the face of Zongtang not far away, a devastating death river swept out, drowned the world, and drowned the figure of Zongtang!

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