Chapter 1926: Return (three more)

"This is the way to collapse, and it is used in the hands of a waste, how can we have the power." Lin Feng said a faint voice, this sound seems to directly penetrate the unblemished eardrum of Ji, into his In the mind, constantly reverberating.

Ji Wu’s squinting eyes were released, his hair was scattered, as if he was like a madman, his body screamed and his body rushed toward Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not move, just stood there, Ji Wu worry body rushed to Lin Feng, Ji Yun's eyes also gazing at Lin Feng a few people, but when Ji Wu worry is about to fall in front of Lin Feng, suddenly a horrible The meaning of death fell on him, and the brand of death seemed to rush directly into his mind. A sense of death permeated him and his face turned into a dead gray.

"Roll!" Lin Feng slammed out with a fist, and the sky was roaring. The soul of Ji Worry was covered by the meaning of death. Wherever he took the attack of Lin Feng, the bang banged and his body was shaken out. His face looked cold, and then his footsteps took a step toward Lin Feng. In an instant, a powerful and terrifying collapse force seemed to wipe out the world.

"Hey!" 敖 脚 脚 朝 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Looking at the excitement in front of me, how do the three people feel that they are coming to the Ji family.

"It's the old one, and he said goodbye." Lin Feng said a faint voice, then his body rolled into the air, the sword was blindly stalked, and the sinful and indifferent swept the glance, then the body stepped back, turned and rolled. go with.

The eyes of Ji Yun sneaked through the cold, as if to penetrate the void, but they listened to Ji Yuan’s calm road: "Forget it, he should have this catastrophe, and the performance of this time has disappointed me." ”

Ji Wu’s body stood up and shivered. Even Yu Wenjing, standing beside him, felt a chill. Ji’s family was an ancient saint, even the strongest of the younger generation. He and Ji Ji are both sorrowful, but if they can't help, their status will be very embarrassing, and she, this is already a marriage with Ji Wuzhe.

"I also said goodbye." The evil spirits and the monarchs did not continue to stay, flickering away, this banquet of the Tao, gradually dissipated.

"Ji Wei, you go back to college, ready to seal the king, you don't have to deal with other things." Ji Yuan said to Ji Yun, Ji Wei nodded slightly, looked at Ji Jishou, and sighed in his heart.

War King College, everything is as old as everyone seems to be waiting for the 殇 殇 ,, to see how busy it will be, then presumably will be strong like a cloud.

However, the rooftop is still very depressed. Even Ji Jifeng and Jimen still did not relax the checks and balances on the roof. The day before, they stepped out of the War King College and were smashed by a group of strong men. At this time, the platform was on the rooftop, and the body was chilling. Asked Yun Qingling: "Is the second brother closed yet?"

"Well." Yun Qingyi nodded slightly, screaming at the platform: "I will tell you that you don't have to be impulsive."

"Don't be able to shrink into the college for a lifetime, and we will not be able to leave the War King College."

"That is not what they really want." If the evil heard the fall, he said: "We are weakly rebellious, and I am afraid that they will soon be truly devastated. They are forced to We left the college."

"If the evil is correct, Jimen and Yanmen, he wants to force us to leave the War King College." At this moment, a voice came, everyone looked happy, only to see Hou Qinglin is coming, the breath of his body As if there were some changes, the pupils seemed to be more unfathomable.

"What should we do?" Yantai confronted Hou Qinglin.

"Forbearance, waiting for the opportunity." Hou Qinglin smashed through the cold mans.

"When is the time?"

"Ji Yufeng's day is the time." A voice came rolling, and everyone looked down and looked out. I saw three people coming back. The brows were slightly wrinkled, and then I saw Lin Feng's palm. A wave of moments changed a face.

"Lin Feng!" The pupils shrank slightly, Lin Feng, he finally came back.

"Lin Feng, are you okay?" Hou Qinglin asked Lin Feng. In the past, Lin Feng’s body was destroyed and he was not hurt.

"It’s almost recovering." Lin Feng nodded and walked over to the crowd. He said, "I know everything, and Ji Yufeng Wang Day, I will let Jimen and Yanmen people pay their debts."

When Hou Qinglin heard Lin Feng’s words, his brows wrinkled slightly. The day of Ji’s seal of the king’s day, the college will inevitably attach great importance to it. If Lin Feng’s troubles, it will not be worse.

"Lin Feng, Jimen and Yanmen are very strong, especially the main ancestor of the Yanmen, very powerful, and also understand the power of the Tao, coupled with the King of the King, we have no chance of winning." Qing Lan was quite calm and opened to Lin Feng.

"I don't want a victory. I just want to take the day of the King of the Kings and see the attitude of the War King College. He and the Yanmen can represent the War King College." Lin Feng flashed a cold, ice in the eye. Cold and desert.

"Well, since you said so, I believe in you, I will inform my parents, if there is anything, they can also take care of one or two." Yun Qingyi nodded, Hou Qinglin looked at Lin Feng, said: "Lin Feng, Really ready?"

"Well." Lin Feng nodded, Hou Qinglin no longer said, "Call the brothers of the rooftops, these days, do not have any collision with people from Jimen and Yanmen."

Lin Feng is swearing at the sin: "What are you planning to do?"

"For the time being, there is no plan. Just follow you and play in this holy city."

"Alright, then I will stay here first." Lin Feng nodded, settled down and stunned, and then he left here, to the place where dreams live.

The dream is being cultivated in the room. The whole house is filled with a chill, as if it were to be icy. However, at this moment, the eyes of the dream suddenly open, and a cold mangle flashes, and the void seems to freeze.

"Dream." A familiar voice was introduced into the eardrum of the dream, making the body of the dream a little stiff, and then he saw a figure straight into the door, which is exactly what she missed.

The chill of the ice seems to collapse in an instant, and the bright smile in the eyes of the dream makes the whole cold room become warm in an instant, and this warmth also wraps Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng did not have a little bit of indifference in his eyes. Only his tender feelings and his body shape flashed, and his body came to the side of his dreams.

"You're okay..." the dream asked softly, but her voice had not yet fallen, and Lin Feng directly pressed it down. She couldn't help but turn her eyes and look at the face that was close at hand, revealing a smug look. Others see the snow and ice fairy in their eyes revealing this look, do not know how wonderful the expression will be.

"Don't talk." Lin Feng smiled brilliantly, so he looked at the dreams and made the dreams laugh. The two men looked at each other so much, the frosty coldness, the death of the dead, as if they were all Gradually melted away, all of which were left behind at this moment.

"You are still so beautiful." Lin Feng kissed gently, the movement is very light, as if afraid of hurting the goddess, the two gradually blended together, as if to be integrated into one.

A wonderful atmosphere wraps their bodies, and after a while, their bodies disappear into the outside world.


In the world of Wuhun, the dreams saw a familiar face in front of him, and then looked at Lin Feng with surprise. "Lin Feng, how do you do it?"

"This is my world, our world." Lin Feng smiled, Xiaoya ran around here, pulling the arm of dreams, said: "Dream sister."

"Xiaoya." The dream smashed Xiaoya’s head and immediately looked at the front and shouted: "Father, mother."

"Hey!" Yuemeng Hehe and Lin Hai nodded and saw the dreams. Of course they were happy. Only the eyes that were not hurting kept blinking. They looked at Lin Haidao: "Daddy, this fairy sister is also your own." I don't know why?"

"Haha." When everyone heard the injury, everyone laughed. Liu Fei knocked on the unharmed head and said, "This is your nephew."

"嫂子?" No injury, then looked at Lin Feng, said: "Brother, you really do, not only powerful, chasing women are so powerful."

"It’s not big or small." Lin Feng took a look at it, and now he is 18 years old.

The family is very happy, very happy, these Tianlin Feng and dreams have been in the world of Wuhun, only one body outside the body to stay outside, until the day of Ji Yufeng Wang finally arrived, War King College, finally became lively When they got up, the strong people of all parties came from all over the place and arrived at the War King College.

Ji Yufeng Wang, the holy city of Zhongzhou, the world, this day, Jimen, everyone's glory, the people who sealed the king, is the Lord of their capital.

The rooftops are still so quiet, as if they have disappeared from the War King Academy, but even so, Jimen and Yanmen still guard the house where the roof is located.

PS: Today is three more, now set off to attend the annual meeting, followed by the annual meeting of the wave, until the end of the 22nd annual meeting, during this period only one more every day, will be sent in the morning, everyone forgive me!

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