Chapter 1917: Yu Linfeng (three more)

However, at this time, there are several strong figures who do not pay attention to the dream, but Lin Feng.

Especially Zongtang and Liu Yan, their eyes gazed at Lin Feng, their brows were wrinkled, and they were very puzzled. They seemed to have a side, but this is not the person. The person should be The land of the trial of the immortal is right, or in the underworld, and the temperament of the two is different. The temperament of the man is much more terrible than this person. He can borrow the death force of the mighty underworld, and the eyes are filled with the breath of death. As if you can see a person at a glance.

"Is this a person?" Zong Yi and Liu Yan secretly thought about them, not sure.

Hou Qinglin’s gaze looked toward the person who had slandered the dream, and the pupil was indifferent, saying: “What about the Moon Gate and the Rooftop, and what to do with you.”

"Let's let go!" A spit out from Shi's mouth, and the emptiness of the sky was a tremor. The crowd only felt the eardrum creaking, and the words lingering in the eardrum continued to linger.

"Jimen Shijietian, Feng Wangtian ranked fourth in the rankings, a strong horror, Jimen second strongman, he personally sits here, the palm of the door." The crowd looked at Shi Yantian, the heart of the dark, the strength of Shijietian Very terrible, Feng Wang Tianbang ranked fourth, which means that it is the fourth person in the War King's Academy, and his power can be imagined.

"Since the moon gate can't afford it, why bother to fight and take it for himself." At this time, Lin Feng was cold and cold, and saw his body flashing, and he drifted toward the dream of the battlefield. After a while On the battlefield, on the battlefield, at this moment, the momentum of Ji Wuzhe’s body came out and rolled toward Lin Feng. The cold word spit out: “Lin Feng.”

“Hey!” Ji wowed out step by step, and went straight to Lin Feng. The Qinglong halo wraps around the whole body. Long Yao opens an ancient road and rolls toward Lin Feng. At the same time, there is a terrible collapse force that permeates it.

The dreams suddenly turned, and suddenly the power of a frozen world was saved. I saw the palm of my dreams tremble. The ancient dragon road was frozen, and the collapsed forces seemed to be bound by death and death. The moment disappeared in the same place, and with the falling snow, the ethereal palm print suddenly sprang out. In an instant, Ji worry only felt that the body was blocked by a wonderful force, to freeze him, and to continue to mad. With a palm force, the dragon swells and the force of collapse is released to the extreme, and the dragon is raging.

The palm of her dreams passed, and her body released a horrible scent of the immortal king. The whole person seemed to be covered with a layer of holy fairy radiance. At this moment, she was more like a fairy god.

"The white fairy has absolutely tyrannical physique, and it is probably a kind of king." Everyone saw the glory of the sacred fairy, only feeling that the whole person was like a female prince, and the goddess descended.

"Hey!" The power of Ji Wuyi’s blasting turned into a piece of snowflake. At the same time, his body was shaken back, his face was pale, his heart was angry, and three years later, he seemed to cross a woman.

"A woman like this, who doesn't know what kind of character can become a man." Everyone has a dark heart and a talent, like a goddess and a prince, and glamorous, even if Ji Worry is in front of him.

"Lin Feng, for a battle platform, the battle between the moon gate and the rooftop, is not finished yet." Ji Wu worry turned and fell on Lin Feng, said coldly.

"Not finished yet?" Lin Feng sneered: "How do you fight, one battle, or group battle?"

"The rest of the people, the group battle." Ji Wuyou indifference response.

"Well, then there will be a group battle." Lin Feng sneered, and said, his gaze looked toward the dreams beside him, only to see him dreaming at this time, the cold and snowy beauty finally revealed A bright smile, as if to melt the snow floating in the sky.

Lin Feng slowly moved forward and walked toward the dream. When he went to the small world last time, he never went to the ancient world to see his dreams. It was because he was afraid of disturbing the cultivation of dreams. Since the ancient people agreed to cultivate dreams. Love, naturally will do their best, and they do not seem to let Lin Feng disappointed, the Xuezu fairy kingdom dreams have an extraordinary talent, after the quenching of the ancient family, with today's strength, but also let Lin Feng feel gratified.

“Well?” Everyone saw that Lin Feng’s dreams could not help but look awkward. What happened?

Their eyes are all looking at the eyes of dreams, so beautiful, that smile, touching, but it seems to belong only to Lin Feng, when Lin Feng did not appear, she never showed such a smile, has been cold.

Lin Feng walked to the side of the dream, and under the gaze of the eyes of the crowd, his hands touched the shoulders of his dreams, and then he touched the forehead of his dreams with his head, and the white fairy was so docile and without any resistance. Letting their heads blast, they only felt a little short circuit, and they realized that they ignored a key question, why did they appear on the platform of the Tiantai and Moon Gate battles?

I saw Lin Feng’s mind moving away from the forehead of her dreams, and then took her hand and smiled. “Silly girl, why don’t you let me go ahead and let me know, so let me pick you up.”

Since the dream can be found in the War King College, it is obviously the reason for the evil spirits, and the evil spirits have always known that they are in the War King College.

"I am afraid that I will disturb you, and I will come directly." The soft voice said that the heads of the people were awkward, and it seemed that this was what they realized.

Lin Fengbai had a dream, then took her hand and stepped on another platform. Looking at the sluggish Ji Wong, "Isn't it going to be a group battle? What are you doing?"

Ji Wu worry face iron blue, cold and indifferent: "Do you think this is an outsider to help?"

"Outsiders?" Lin Feng cold mans swept over, no worries to Ji: "Ji Wu worry, you said my wife, he is an outsider? Is the wife of your Jijia people not a family of Ji?"

"His wife." Everyone looks a condensed, white fairy, the goddess who can defeat Ji Wou, the wife who defeated Ji Feng's wife Lin Feng last time, which makes the crowd feel a bit dramatic.

Yu Wenjing looked ugly, staring at Lin Feng and his dreams. It was Lin Feng’s wife. She and Ji Wuwei were both humiliated by Lin Feng. Three years later, they were defeated in the hands of his wife. This made her feel a sorrow.

In the land of the trial of Xianguo, Lin Feng and other three figures whistling, at this moment they have got rid of those strong, vacant, and the indifference of death in Lin Feng’s pupil disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a faint Smile, very warm, after a few years, finally seeing the dream again, how can he be unhappy.

"Lin Feng, what happened?" The shackles beside him saw that the smile in Lin Feng’s eyes was a little abnormal. He couldn’t help but ask, the blind eyes that are invisible are still stunned, no look.

"Nature is a happy thing." Lin Feng smiled and said that his emotions and emotions outside his body were actually mutually inductive. At this time, the eyes of his incarnation were also shining with a clean smile. However, sweeping to Ji Wu worry their eyes are quite indifferent.

At this time, quite happy Lin Feng’s body incarnation did not notice that Shi Yantian’s figure came to Zong Yi and Liu Yan’s side and whispered: “You should also find out.”

Zong Yi and Liu Yan smiled slightly, and they naturally understood that Lin Shutian was referring to Lin Feng.

"Maybe not a person?" Zong Yi whispered.

"Whether it is not or not, the result is the same." Shi Yantian said indifferently, which made Zong Yi and Liu Yan reveal a meaningful smile, and then Liu Yan said: "This has nothing to do with us."

Shi Yantian looked calm and sang aloud to Zong Yi and Liu Yan. I saw the two people flashing and seemed to be communicating with each other. It was clear that Zong Yi and Liu Yan were slightly stagnation, and then they looked like a sacred look. A cold, nodded slightly.

Above the battle platform, the Moon Gate and the Tiantai Powerhouse have gathered together, and the two horrific and arrogant people are madly sweeping toward each other. However, at this moment, I saw a strong pressure in the void suddenly swayed from the sky. Next, it is a ancestral hall.

Lin Feng looked up and looked toward the ancestral scorpion, and his eyes seemed to reveal a sense of doubt.

"You, come out." Zongtang pointed his finger at Lin Feng, causing Lin Feng's pupil to shrink slightly, and then the body slowly vacated, indifferent said: "What?"

"Help others, obliterate the people of my war king college, when you squat." Zong Yu suddenly screamed, and saw his palm tremble, suddenly a terrorist force fell on Lin Feng, and immediately Lin Feng felt only a body The terrible earth power is bound by death and death. I can't help but change my face. I angered and said: "You deliberately interfered in the battle between the Moon Gate and the Rooftop?"

"Don't repent, kill!" Zongxi burst into a loud voice, and his palm trembled fiercely. Lin Feng only felt that his chest was hit by a heavy force of horror, and he was screaming, his body's momentum was blooming wildly, and he was heavy. The pressure is relieved and the body collapses.

This sudden scene makes the face of everyone change, what is going on?

"Yuemen, you are shameless." Hou Qinglin looked toward the sky in the void, but he saw the stone cold and cold, saying: "The battle between the Tiantai and the Moon Gate, start the war."

When the voice fell, the strong man of the Moon Gate began to work, and a sturdy oppressive force swept out. The dream body rose into the sky and went straight to the direction of Lin Feng. However, the sudden light of the blue dragon roared, it was Ji Wu worry intercepted her.

Zongtang stepped forward toward Lin Feng. The heavy force of the scorpion had to let Lin Feng suffocate, and the spirit was roaring. Lin Feng saw a huge incomparable ancient clock coming to him, which made him pale, he was An incarnation of the body, and Lin Feng more than two years ago, the incarnation of the body, although with the progress of Lin Feng's demeanor, he also made no small progress, but in front of the ancestors of this Wang Tianbang list, still feel weak, This is especially true when facing the other side's soul attack.

"Hey!" The bells rolled, Lin Feng's body violently turbulent, only feeling that the body was going to collapse, he knew that the other party was necessary to marry him.

"Two brothers, this battle was cancelled." Lin Feng screamed, and the bell rang again, making his mind seem to be split.

"There is no life, the ancestor will dare to marry Lin Feng?" Even the crowd watching the battle is a burst of gloom. Zongxi said that Lin Feng was the lord of the day, although Zongtang was a privileged figure on the Wang Tian list, but if he killed Lin Feng How did he explain to the college?

PS: Three together, yesterday night and night, today's holiday, first hair, the brothers remember to greet the father.

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