Chapter 1908: Demon disintegration

The giant face is extremely ugly. He and Lin Feng have played against each other. From this, they have been able to glimpse the strength of Lin Feng, and then take off three soldiers. Although Lin Feng’s strength is still quite powerful, it is absolutely impossible to take his wife. He The wife is a descendant of the king of Jurassic, and the talent is absolutely extinct. The power of the Tao, especially the power of the spirit, is strong. Even if she is pregnant, Lin Feng can easily deal with it, so he never thought that Lin Fengyi took his wife as a hostage.

He is not awkward, and the strength of Jun Junhua is absolutely terrible. This is intimate with Lin Feng’s heart, but the giant can’t think of Lin Feng’s possession of a world of martial arts. The world of Wuhun is shrouded in Jun Junhua, and even the giant himself cannot escape this attack.

However, what really scared the giants was that he did not know where Lin Feng took his wife, Jun Junhua.

"Let my wife go, I let you go." The giant said coldly. In his eyes, no one can compare his life with his wife. Moreover, his wife, Jun Junhua, still has his son, and he can let She has an accident.

Lin Feng's pupils are dark, cold and cold, and the atmosphere of death is rich. At this moment, his body is still tumbling and tumbling, and he is not hurt.

"The moment I die, your wife and children will be destroyed with me, so you better protect my safety." Lin Feng said slowly, then he turned around and stepped toward the ancient demon. Going, this scene makes the giants and the great demons of the ancient demons look extremely ugly.

Among the voids, the strong figure of the ancient Mozu descended, all of them were full of temperament, the power was terrible, and the eyes were so deep, as if they could penetrate Lin Feng at a glance.

However, if there is no one at the end of Lin Feng at this time, then step into the interior of the ancient Mozu and roll toward it.

"No one is allowed to move him." A burst of banging in the ancient world of the Mozu, revealing an unparalleled domineering, the strong of the ancient Mozu ones look cold, seems to know what happened, Yan Junhua is absolutely not able to go out of the way, and does not say the identity of Yan Junhua, the species in her body is also of extraordinary significance, the Queen of the Jurassic, the descendants of the ancient Mozu, the kind of Jun Junhua and the giant.

Lin Feng’s pupil was still cold and deep inside the ancient Mozu. His eyes swept the void. Finally, in the depths of the ancient Mozu, he saw an altar. In front of the altar, there was a huge magical lake there. Many of them are bathed in the magic pool.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's body flickering, rushing toward the magic pool, I saw a young man suddenly got up, but Lin Feng's eyes suddenly shot a horrible killing gas, then the palm wave, the black water river now, in an instant Drown the body of the man and kill him directly.

"Let's relax." A burst of tremors swayed Lin Feng's spirit, and saw a strong person shrouded in the terrible magic above the altar. The pair of exposed pupils seemed to make Lin Feng unconscious.

"You are using any means to me, I will kill her immediately and die with him." Lin Feng's voice is cold and biting, no one dares to question his determination. I saw the giant figure stepping over and staring at Lin Fengdao. : "Let my wife, my giant swears, anyone in the ancient Mozu will never hurt you, let you leave safely, otherwise if my wife has anything to go to the ground, even if it breaks through all walks of life, I will Kill you."

The sound of the giants turned into a wave of horror, and the magic pool under the sky rolled wildly and snarled wildly.

Lin Feng’s indifferent death smashed over the giants and was cold enough to have no emotions.

"I also vowed that in a fragrant time, the land of Fangyuan, I don't want anyone to disturb me. The whole country will drive me away. Otherwise, I will kill her. Anyway, my life is also coming. In addition, As long as you cooperate, I will not want her life, the next trial of the fairy kingdom, I will go, I will put your wife before entering the trial of the fairy kingdom, so that the strong of your ancient demon even wants Killing me can't kill, and I don't need any promises from you."

Lin Feng said coldly, his pupils and giants' eyes were mad in the void, as if two horrible magic lights met together, and no one would refuse to avoid them.

"Well, I promise you." The giant suddenly sighed and said: "If my wife has any three long and two short, you will die, no doubt."

The people in the magic pool saw the eyes of the giants sweeping over, one by one, showing an unwilling look, and chillingly glanced at Lin Feng, and then the sound of the slaps came out. They rushed out of the magic pool and then rolled away.

The other powerful people who came after the contact with the giants were helpless. The more the giants care, Lin Feng dared to be unscrupulous. However, such a giant is the real, hegemonic and true.

The giant himself left, although he was very uneasy, but he did not dare to take risks. He had no choice. Lin Feng had his wife and unborn son on hand. Even if Lin Feng wanted his hands and feet, he must give it.

After the crowd left, Lin Feng looked calm, but soon he sipped a cold sound: "If someone peep at me, I can't guarantee that I won't take back what I just said."

The ancient demons are silent, the silence is a little scary, everyone feels angry and unwilling. There are too many people in the ancient devils who can kill Lin Feng. Even some people can kill Lin Fengqi, but at this time they However, I can only watch Lin Feng doing what they want in the ancient Mozu, and even one person dominates the magic lake of the ancient Mozu.

In the following period of time, the ancient Mozu was trapped in a deadly silence. Lin Feng was sitting in the magic pool, bathing in the power of the magical power, closing his eyes and repairing. No one knew what he was doing.

However, in one day, in the magic pool, there was a beast like a beast, as if it was extremely painful.

At this time, the ancient magical family's magic pool, Lin Feng only left a head exposed outside, the muscles on his face were madly twisted, terrible, as if there was a magical light flowing through his sly face, and the bursting sound was extremely loud. Clear, that is the sound of the cracked bones, accompanied by the subtle sound of the meridians in the body.

Those who have not really cultivated the disintegration of the demon * will never know how painful and terrible the ancient magical family’s secret cultivation is. It is a knife that separates one's body and causes every part of the body to split. disintegration.

"Hey..." A horror whistling spit out from Lin Feng’s mouth, like a beast in the shackles, breaking the silence of the ancient Mozu, making many people of the ancient Mozu face change and face ugly, especially the pursuit of Lin Feng The great emperor, he knows what Lin Feng is doing, the secretary of their ancient demon, the demon disintegration*.

This set of secret laws is very capable of cultivation. The cultivation conditions are extremely harsh. First of all, the body must be strong, the blood is strong, and the life is full of energy, so that it can withstand the crisis of disintegration without dying. Body, in adulthood, still have to check the strength of the body, decide whether you can repair the devil *, many people are eliminated and can not practice, continue to practice hard, and even if the conditions are met, you need to use the secret method in the ancient demon Only after cultivation in the pool can the body be repaired, otherwise there will be a strong death crisis. Because of this harsh condition, the ancient demons are not so well-preserved for the disintegration of the demon. The giant genius is the genius of the ancient demon, and he is also Carry a set of secret scriptures.

Who can think of someone killing the giant clam, having the conditions to practice the disintegration of the demon, and dare to break into his ancient demon to practice through the magic pool?

This matter is absolutely a shame that he has never had for thousands of years.

Although Lin Feng was psychologically prepared, he did not expect that this demon disintegration* was overbearing, especially the first disintegration. It was the most painful one, and almost killed his life.

With another buzzing sound, Lin Feng began to madly capture the horror power of the magic pool. This magic pool seems to have a very mysterious power, but the ancestors of the ancient Mozu have been handed down. The ancient Mozu Magic Lake in the refining is only diluted here by taking some water from the Magic Lake.

The secretary in the disintegration of the demons began to devour this mysterious power of the magic. Lin Feng began to repair every part of his body. The horrible pain was still there, until the whole body was completely repaired, and he was screaming. It seems to have been a new life.

The palm of the hand was fiercely gripped, and the buzzing sound of the slamming sound came out, only to feel that there was an inexhaustible source of strength in the body.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly moved his heart, and then his mouth outlined a touch of smile, the sound of the screaming, the magic of the demon in the body shines, above the scorpio, a horrible magic At the gathering, it was Lin Feng who ushered in the third time of his mid-level imperial condemnation.

The nine-day demon robbery is the same as the previous two times. Six times of robbery bombarded the flesh, and three times of robbery slammed the flesh and soul. However, this time Lin Feng’s body was able to withstand this horrible robbery, and all of them were horrible. After the robbery, Lin Feng’s skin seems to have changed, with a black artistic conception, as if it is full of explosive power.

The strong people of the ancient Mozu did not appear even if they saw the demon robbing. They really wanted to take Lin Feng and forced him to hand over the practice of cultivation, but he could only look at it unwillingly.

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