Chapter 1904: Heaven and earth

On the other side, I saw Wang Zhen waved his hand, and suddenly the legion spread out, and the Qinglian commander and others were surrounded.

Qinglian led the scene and sighed in the heart, facing Wang Shudao: "You let my daughter Qingqing and Lin Feng, I will use it for you in this life."

"I am so angry." Wang Hao heard the words of Qinglian's commander and showed a sneer: "My biggest wish in my life is on my child. Lin Feng wants my life, you want me to let him go, ridiculous."

Lin Feng's pupils are all cold and cold, and then they only listen to Qinglian. "Do you want us to die?"

"Yes, now, let me first let you know how the younger generations are being smothered." Wang Hao said coldly, Qinglian led the body suddenly turned around, looking at Qingqing, I saw Qingqing at this time. A horrible destructive airflow in the body is raging, making her white skin black and dark.

"Qingqing!" Lin Feng and Qinglian were all turned around and looked at Qingqing. In the cheeks of Qinglian, there was tears passing by.

"Father, don't cry, promise green, you have to be good, you must go out." Qing Qing still smiles, reaching out and touching the tears of Qinglian's eyes, there is no horror and sorrow in death, just worried that her father will be because of her. And the battle is here.

"I am tired of you." Lin Feng took a deep breath, at this time his eyes became completely dead, but there was a horrible breath of life in the green body, which can destroy the dead body in the green body. But it can't offset the devastating airflow.

"Lin Feng, it doesn't matter to you, you don't want to blame yourself, your talent is so good, you must live well." Qing Qing showed a smile, then looked at Qinglian and led: "Father, you are freezing me, At least it won't make me ugly."

"Well." Qinglian led his hand out, and suddenly a horrible chill came down on the green body. The cold atmosphere will instantly freeze the green body, as if the ruined airflow was frozen, and the green remains. A smile, but like an ice sculpture.

At this time, I saw Lin Feng's body, a strange atmosphere filled out, after a moment, the green body suddenly disappeared in the same place, this scene makes Qinglian command a look of rigidity, watching Lin Feng.

"Kill!" A cold sound suddenly sounded, and there was a horrible killing of the emptiness in the void. A fist smashed into the air, and suddenly there was an immortal river under the scorpio, and it was led by Qinglian. Killing, at the same time, Jianbian and Lin Feng feel a dying force of death to the body, penetrate their body, will, let them die.

Lin Feng’s horrible birthplace imprinted his life, and his icy death slammed his eyes toward the swordsman beside him. He wanted to not die blindly.

The open eyes of the sword blind have already contained the power of the Tao, and it seems to be an extremely rare way of light. The sorcerer has always been hidden deep. If he had just wanted to be blind, the sword blind would hide himself.

This matter is caused by the blindness of the sword, but in that situation, there is no reason for the sword blind to hide for him, otherwise it will be the soul of Wang Hao.

"First imprison you!" Lin Feng's force on the body of the martial arts spread toward the sword blindness beside him. The next moment, the body of the sword blind disappeared into the void, causing the pupil of the crowd to shrink slightly. What treasures are there? Even the living can receive!

At this time, Lin Feng did not care to expose his card. If he died here, he would use the card. If he does not die, he will return to the mainland. These people are going to chase him. The violence is not exposed. Relationship, if it is not the body that has been planted in the Qing dynasty, he has long planned to be included in the martial arts.

Qinglian unified a green lotus on his body, and then suddenly sprung out, facing Lin Fengdao: "Go in!"

Lin Feng’s figure flashed and fell into Qinglian. Qinglian wrapped his whole person in it. At the same time, in the void, the horrible attack came to Qinglian, and the heavens and the earth seemed to Cracked, the attack is like the power of immortality, the void is dead.

"Hey!" A cold flame suddenly burned up on the body of Qinglian, and an horrible temperament came out in an instant. He would protect Lin Qing’s Qinglian, and he had a terrible determination in his eyes. The color, he said, even if he really wants to die, he will definitely die in front of Lin Feng.

The flames of the cold ignited the body of Qinglian, and the horrible power became more and more terrible. Wang Xiaokong shrunk slightly, and then his face changed suddenly. The ultimate power of the Qinglian Way is unknown. No one knows. At this moment, Qinglian leads him to seem to be using his own soul to sacrifice his own way and turn the road!

"Wang Zhen, you are the first to die." A cold killing spit out from the mouth of Qinglian, at this moment, everyone can feel the calm Qinglian commander contains the determination to kill, Wang Zhen Panic, he is the strongest of the great emperor, and the gap between Qinglian and the commander is too big. A big realm is irreparable and more terrible. At this time, Qinglian is insane.

Heaven and earth produce green lotus, suddenly, a hundred miles away, a plant of green lotus is born, the void is frozen, this moment, as if all the forces of Qinglian's command are burning into the power of this cold, a horrible The beam suddenly burst into the air, and I saw a huge Qinglian in the palm of Qinglian's palm, and swallowed it toward Wang Zhen.

"Hey!" Wang Shuben and Wang Zhen are together. However, at this moment, he broke the ice and went backwards. He retired and abandoned Wang Zhen. At this moment, Qinglian is leading the death fight, and the Qinglian commander at this moment is not worthy. .

"Broken!" Wang Zhen snorted madly, and the ice broke open. At the same time, the horrible power in his body rushed out madly. There was a sea of ​​death between the heavens and the earth, extremely terrifying, toward the coming green. The lotus swept away.

However, seeing this, the crazy expansion of Qinglian seems to directly penetrate the void, leap over the sea of ​​death, and shrouded the past toward Wang Zhen.

"No..." Wang Zhen screamed, and the spirit was inseparable. However, he saw that the huge Qinglian expanded again at the moment and directly swallowed up the whole piece of void. Whether it was Wang Zhen’s body or soul, it was swallowed up inside. Some of the powerful evasive people behind Wang Zhen were also swallowed into the Qinglian.

Qinglian closed, inside, there seems to be endless destructive power in the raging, only Qinglian led the illusory body and shook hands, suddenly a huge incomparable Qinglian turned into thousands of pieces, but never appeared again Zhen et al.

Qinglian’s ignorance and chilling flames are more and more horrible, and tens of thousands of meters are swaying. The whole world seems to be shrouded in this cold fire. The army that came to intercept has many figures in the realm of the great emperor. At this moment, they all spread out and did not dare to approach the Qinglian command. At this time, the Qinglian commander was playing for life. They couldn’t afford it. This time it was for Wang Hao, who would use his own life to fight.

"To sacrifice, you find yourself." Wang Shuo's voice was extremely cold, and he did not expect Qinglian to be so embarrassed.


I saw that the eyes of Qinglian’s leader suddenly turned around. The power of a terror was like a mountain shouting like a tsunami. The body of Qinglian’s body moved, and it flew straight to Wang Hao, appearing in front of him. Ten million green lotus, each Qinglian is a weapon of terror.

Wang Hao waved his hand, suddenly there was a deep red flame in front of his body, turned into a space, swallowed toward the cold green lotus in front, I saw that 10 million green lotus directly penetrated this side Space, the illusory body led by Qinglian directly penetrated out, ignoring the power of terror.

The crowds were shocked and trembled. The Qinglian commander was already mortal. He first killed Wang Zhen, and at the moment he wanted a more powerful Wang Hao to be buried.

"Hey!" Wang Hao sneered, and the palm of his hand pulled toward the void, and suddenly there was a sky in the sky, like a horrible silver giant net, which seemed to be able to cut the human body and soul.

However, Wang Xiao’s sneer disappeared quickly. He only saw Qinglian’s body lead directly through the silver giant net. The endless silver mesh thread cut his body. He seemed to have no pain. He only saw Qinglian. The commander came to his body. At this moment, there was only one Qinglian in the palm of Qinglian, and a lotus in the heavens and the earth, to be planted in the body of Wang.

Wang Hao’s look suddenly changed. When the body exploded, he threw a terrorist attack and swallowed it toward the other side. However, Qinglian’s commander still ignored it. The Qinglian was planted directly and printed on him. In the meantime, a devastating death force broke out completely.

"No..." Wang Hao’s soul rushed out like a blue smoke, and then his flesh fell directly toward the sky, and at this time, several strong men came in front of Wang Hao. The indifferent Han Mang stared at the Qinglian commander. This Qinglian commander was already insane, and the body of Wang Hao was shattered, almost completely erasing Wang Hao.

"He will have someone to take your commandment in the day." The body of Qinglian was completely transformed into nothingness. Suddenly, his whole person gradually became a Qinglian between the heavens and the earth, and the green lotus that would wrap Lin Feng They all shrouded in, and then the endless force of the void madly raged in this void, as if there was a hollow vortex, the golden brilliance shined, and the lotus of heaven and earth disappeared in the same place, but left everyone behind. Indelible shock.

Qinglian commander, he actually chose to take the body to the road, from then on into a world of lotus!

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