Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1592: Fox fake tiger

The young Wang Menggong’s youth dreams did not expect to encounter such a situation. If Lin Feng’s residence is a Zongmen family, they will visit according to the number of ceremonies. However, this is only a small courtyard. They are not too concerned about the number of rituals. Go to Lin Feng and meet Lin Feng.

But at this time, Lin Feng said that they are good at it.

Looking at the light of the sacred lines flowing under the feet and the bursting power of the throughput, as long as Lin Feng started the formation, the power of destruction could swallow them.

Lin Feng’s nephew was very cold, and his footsteps squatted slightly on the ground. The feeling of smashing and suppressing suddenly became stronger. He snorted, and the people of the Yaowang Palace were kneeling on the ground, clenching their fists. The blue veins are exposed, and this person is so humiliated to them.

"Go, let's have another time, hehe!" Lin Feng said indifferently, and suddenly several people stood up, and a young man headed for Lin Feng slightly succumbed, said: "Excuse me, next visit, I must remember. ”

After all, the figure flickered, and the people of Yaowang Palace rolled out and humiliated and left the place, leaving a meaningful voice.

"The masters of this road are so arrogant that the people of these medicines, Wang Xiangong, will be resentful." The people in the distance heard everything that happened in the courtyard, and could not help but whisper. The secret master of this road is eccentric. In this way, I am afraid that I will offend the drug king.

However, since the other side is a master of the martial arts, even the emperor can kill, and some temper is naturally taken for granted. If the two sides change their identity, the master of the road is only a later generation, but they are in front of the strong king of the drug king. The people in the Wang Xian Palace will not give their faces. The angles of the two sides are different. Each has its own temper. It is just because the drug Wang Xian Palace is one of the forces of the Nine Palaces of the Nine Palaces. .

The crowd naturally wouldn’t know that Lin Feng was so humiliating to the drug Wang Xiangong, only because the teacher’s humiliation took him to seek medicine, and the humiliation was even worse than this time. The last time he vie for control of the small world. At the time of the war, Lin Feng had vowed that he would kiss the drug Wang Xian Palace on the same day, in order to wash the shame of the emperor. As for this, it was only the drug king Xiangong sent to the door.

After the news came out here, the reputation of the masters of the formation was even louder, and it was able to create a strong array of characters. The layout of the line was terrible to kill the Emperor, and the character was weird. It became the impression of Lin Feng. The descendants of the Great Xian Palace Tianbao did not dare to go to visit, so as to avoid the humiliation of the unreasonable people like the medicine Wang Xiangong.

Qitianbao resident, Qi Yunqi personally came from Qitianbao here. At this time, there was a group of people sitting in the direction of Qiyun’s next head. The old emperors and Qihuang in the small world were listed in the past. There was no such thing as the eight-year-old and nine secluded. The family and the drug Wang Xiangong began to control, and they all returned to Qitianbao.

"Jin Chenjun, what do you mean, let's wait and see what happened?" Qi Yunyi asked Jin Chenjun.

"Adult, after my last contact with him, the character is very weird and difficult to contact easily. It seems that the feeling is empty. Whether it is my Qitianbao or the Da Zhou Xian Gong, he is not placed at all. In the eyes, and the humiliation of the drug king Xianxian disciple a few days ago, it can be seen that the other party does not care more than the Da Zhou Xian Gong and I Qi Tianbao. I am afraid that the people of the Nine Palaces in Tiangong are not placed too much. In the eyes."

Jin Chenjun’s slow analysis, from Qi Yunzhen’s personal arrival here, can also be seen that Qi Tianbao’s attention to the master of the Taoist martial arts, although only a master of the martial arts realm, but he killed one with the power of the formation If the Wu Emperor is able to draw his own power, his value is definitely not comparable to that of a powerful Emperor of the Emperor. If he engraves a large array in the future, he will not easily kill many powerful emperors.

Qi Yunyi listened quietly to Jin Chenjun’s words, only to listen to Jin Chenjun’s words: “Adult, a person who can rely on the Zunwu realm to kill the Emperor in the martial arts and ignore the Nine Great Palaces, he is more than just a The master of the road is so simple, who is the commander of his circuit? If you say that you can understand it by yourself, maybe!"

"You are right. This, I naturally think of it. Most of the people behind this person have more terrible people. Just like you said, let’s watch it change. He has offended the Great Zhou Xian Palace and even Even the Emperor Wu of the Great Zhou Xian Palace was killed. It is impossible for Da Zhou Xian Palace to stop here. They can't afford this kind of person."

Qi Yun's eyes showed a deep look, faintly said.

"East Emperor, Qi Huang, you two are responsible for going to monitor the movements over there, Da Zhou Xian Gong will definitely shoot, see how he responds." Qi Yunzhen said to the East Emperor and Qi Huang, these two It is also the shackles of Qitianbao, but he does not know what their name is, nor does he know that his elders or younger generations are placed in the management of the small world. Their status is not so high because they rely on their lives. Ge Chenghuang, the potential is limited.

"Yes." The East Emperor nodded slightly and really came to the big world. They found that they were even more happy in the small world. They were the absolute kings, and in the big world, they were just Qitianbao. There are a lot of people who are above him and can tell him what to do, even for a younger generation with a strong talent.

Qi Yunzhen would speculate that the other forces are naturally the same, so they are all swaying, and Lin Feng is quiet for a few more days.

However, as they expected, the people of the Great Zhou Xian Palace could not afford to lose the man after all. The Emperor Wu was killed and the younger Zhou Tianmu was cut off. This is how the Da Zhou Xian Palace Can give up, this day, the vastness of the air enveloped the land where Lin Feng lived, the illusion seems to be crumbling.

I saw the direction of the void outside the phantom array. More than 20 figures were wearing golden robes, and the golden eyes seemed to penetrate the illusion.

"The illusion is annihilated." One person standing in the middle of the indifferent spit out a voice, suddenly a strong emperor rolled forward and stood in front of the magical array, the golden sacredness was rolling, suddenly in his sky, gold The sacred condensed into a terrible golden light curtain, and it is constantly expanding, covering the whole piece of emptiness, the light curtain is spinning wildly, and it is necessary to suppress everything.

"Breaking!" The strong Emperor of Wuhuang screamed, and the horror gold light curtain that was suddenly gathered together was pushed down against the sky, and everything was razed to the ground.

"The martial arts of the Emperor, the terrible golden sacredness, is condensed by the law, and it is purely forceful." The crowd watching from the distance sighs, the light curtain of the golden sacred atmosphere will continue to fog down the illusion. Pressed, the void becomes a golden entity, even if it is an illusory fog, it must be crushed, and the great emperor of the Zhouxian Palace is trampled on the golden light curtain formed by the golden sacred atmosphere. Trampling down.

"A big courage!" A rolling sound penetrated the void, and then only heard a sound from the cymbal, trembled in the crowd's heart, the golden light curtain seemed to be hit by terrible power, suddenly broken, illusion Rebound, while a pair of horrible big paw prints stretched out from the foggy illusion and explored the strong man who stepped on the light curtain.

The strong emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor changed his face, and the golden sacred gas became a sword. However, the terrible big palm print still stuck his body hard, and the fog that then rebounded drowned the void. The big handprint and the Da Zhouxian Palace The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor disappeared.

"Not good!" All the people in the Da Zhou Xian Palace have changed their faces, especially the strong ones who are headed, and the footsteps suddenly stepped on. The gold sacredness that is more terrible than just the golden waterfall is like a golden waterfall. Breaking through the void, rolling everything, the sound of the rumble came out, only the misty illusion broke, gradually diluting and disappearing.

When everything became clear, the crowds of the Da Zhou Xian Gong trembled a little, and saw the strong emperor who had just fallen into the foggy way. The body was pierced and lying softly on the ground, in his body. Above, the power of the law permeates, is dissipating, and is dead.

In front of him, there are two figures. In addition to Lin Feng, there is also Mu Yi, who has never been exposed to the mountains, and even no one has ever paid attention to it. The Emperor Wu is lying on his back. In front of you.

Lin Feng’s power is strong and can destroy the Emperor Wu, but his strength is respected. The owner of the horrible big handprint is obviously not Lin Feng. It may only be another person. At this moment, the vastness of the body is like a storm. The strong who swept the world, the one who had never noticed.

"The median emperor!" The strong look of the Da Zhou Xian Gong is particularly ugly, and there is a median emperor around the master.

"Who is you?" asked the central emperor of the Great Zhou Xian Palace coldly, and he found that things seemed more complicated than he thought.

"The Promise Palace, Mu Yi."

The sound of Mu Yi fell in the ears of everyone, causing the crowd to tremble slightly, the Promise Palace, these two people, is the strongest of the Promise Palace!

There are many people in the Promise Palace who don’t know, but it’s easy to get rid of a big Zhouxian Palace, and it’s easy to move between the fingers and even the Qingdi Mountain.

Lin Feng's body slowly rises up, his eyes are full of evil laughter, staring at the opposite crowd, revealing the meaning of deep contempt: "Is it a big Zhou Xian Palace, a big posture, I stand Here, come kill me!"

The strong man of Da Zhou Xian Gong looks stiff and kills the people of the Promise Palace? And it is a very talented person, do they dare?

With Lin Feng’s accomplishments on the road, he is in the Promise Palace, I am afraid that it is a very important generation of generations!

It is no wonder that his formation is so powerful, it is no wonder that he is ignoring all the nine celestial castles, and the crowd is thinking about it. Everything seems to be the same, which is in line with their psychological expectations!

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