Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1588: Array of power

[It is not easy to write a book without a trace - a friend who has the ability to subscribe to the flowers and free tickets, so that he has the motivation]

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Lin Feng walked in the trading area of ​​the Nine Palaces Tianbao Buffered Land. There are many squares and markets. All kinds of precious things can be obtained through transactions. Lin Feng first purchased some materials for the formation, and then went to a selling monster. Fur trading attic.

"The old man, trouble me to some fine animal skins that can depict the sacred pattern." Lin Feng came to a loft and smiled at one of the old people, wanting to refine a better character, not only the material The superior, this sacred animal is especially important, the ordinary material, can not withstand the power fluctuations of the sacred pattern.

"What level of monster animal skin?" The old man asked Lin Feng.

"The better the better," Lin Feng responded.

"I have a demon-like demon statue of the Qing Lei lion, but the price..." The old man looked at Lin Feng, and there was a faint sigh in his eyes. The demon esteem was very difficult to deal with, and it was extremely difficult to hunt them. Generally, few people dare to hunted this level of existence. Unless there is hatred in the body, they will kill each other and sell the demon body. Otherwise, if someone deliberately hunts, it will inevitably be demonized. The strong remembers hate.

"These saints should be enough!" Lin Feng took out several pieces of sacristy from his body, which was his trophy. The body of the peak demon level is indeed worthless, but the fur is only part of the flesh.

The old man flashed his eyes after seeing the holy device and smiled and said: "Enough."

After all, he took all the sacred objects and immediately took the skin of the Qing Lei lion to Lin Feng. Lin Feng saw this blue-violet monster animal skin, and he was quite satisfied. It was indeed the best beast. Pi, as for the saints, he doesn’t care much. He has a lot of body, and this huge animal skin can refine many characters. If the refining is good, these characters will be valuable, any one. The value of the array will not be lower than the holy one.

Lin Feng took the animal skin and walked out of the trading loft, but when he was not far away, his footsteps slammed down, and then there was a hint of sneer in his eyes.

Continue to lift his footsteps, Lin Feng went to the loop, and walked for some moments. Finally, several figures appeared in front of him. The head of the person looked at Lin Feng’s faint smile, but it seemed quite extravagant.

"Hello, we want to make a deal with you. The animal skin you just got, I have some use, let me know how." Lin Feng’s noble youth in front of him is wearing a gold blouse, but let Lin Feng feel Quite familiar, this kind of gold clothes, people in the big Zhouxian Palace will wear similar.

"So what price are you going to trade?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

"The animal skin is handed over to us, this holy device is yours." The young man took out a Chinese saint, and suddenly the smile on Lin Feng’s face became more intense, and he said to the young man: "You Why not grab it directly?"

When the young man heard Lin Feng’s words, his brows slightly wrinkled, and then he still maintained a harmonious smile. He said calmly: "Hello, in the next week, Zhou Tianmu, Zhou Zhoumu, why not give me the hide, you and I will be acquaintances, how!"

"Why should I know you?" Lin Feng was not in a hurry to leave, but it was really a person in the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Tianmu, I don’t know what this person is related to Zhou Tianruo and Zhou Tianxiao, this week’s pastoral service is the peak of Zunwu, and It seems that some atmosphere is floating, and the realm seems to be not as stable as Zhou Tian. Many children of the big family will naturally have advantages and disadvantages. This week, Tian Tianmu obviously does not become a climate.

Zhou Tianmu's face was finally completely cold this time, and there was a faint sneer in the scorpion: "Hello, I am willing to exchange the holy device with you, but don't give your face a shame."

Although Zhou Tianmu is not a mature man, he is very familiar with the young generation of the Nine Palaces in Tiangong. Lin Feng is obviously not one of them, and he does not give him face.

"Why must be polite with these people, it is directly taken." Zhou Tianmu, a person screaming coldly, stepping forward, this person should be the guardian of Zhou Tianmu, repaired as a martial arts nine-fold, more tyrannical than Zhou Tianmu.

"Just take you to try out the power of the refining of these days!" Lin Feng whispered, only to see each other striding, the golden palm print suddenly crashed toward Lin Feng, Lin Feng palm trembled, suddenly A line of characters is printed directly on the opponent's golden palm.

"Boom!" The power of terror burst suddenly, and the strong man screamed, the golden palm was blown and burned, and his entire arm burned.

"Oh..." The left hand took out a golden sword, and the man broke his own right arm, but in an instant, the arm that fell to the ground was completely swallowed up by the flame. His face was pale as paper, and his eyes stared at the burning arm. It was a squad, and this temperamental yellow face youth had an attacking horror.

Zhou Tianmu and the other person look the same. Zhou Tianmu needs a hide, and he intends to trade himself, but sees that the temperament is very common, and Lin Feng, who has a slightly sallow look, has got a hide, and Zhou Tianmu does not want to pass. Trading, and directly taking Lin Feng is, but I did not expect that this temperament is very ordinary youth, there is actually a tyrannical character.

Lin Feng’s evaluation of this power is only barely. After all, the sacred lines he portrayed incorporate the dual powers of flame and magic, which makes the arbitrarily powerful blasting power, and then inspires himself with the holy pattern. The small bursting of the road, destroying the arm of a Tianwu Jiuzhong person is not worthy of pride. Wait until this time to go back and perfect the way of the performance that he pushed, engraved on the better material, and he made any one of them. In the array, there will be the power to destroy the strong and powerful.

"You dare to ruin his arm!" Zhou Tianmu stared coldly at Lin Feng, which made Lin Feng reveal a strange look and smiled: "Do you think that I should stand there and let him not print on my palm?" ”

Said, Lin Feng appeared in the hands of two characters, slowly moving forward, this scene makes Zhou Tianmu snoring, his face becomes a little pale, facing Lin Fengdao: "Who are you, Da Zhou Xian Gong People, you dare to move!"

“Da Zhou Xian Gong?” Lin Feng’s footsteps paused slightly, staring at Zhou Tianmu indifferently, and then began to open the door: “Remove all the storage rings of all three of you and give it to me.”

"Hey!" Zhou Tianmu's golden sacredness blooms and his anger is rolling.

"I want to do it myself?" Lin Feng took a walk and walked slowly. The smile on his lips seemed extraordinarily evil. Zhou Tianmu saw Lin Feng stepping on, and the body could not help but retreat.

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s body disappeared, like a shadow. The face of Lin Feng’s burning arm was drastically changed. He wanted to hide, but he couldn’t hide it. The character was printed directly on his chest, and then burst open. Come, his chest was blown up, the horrible flame swallowed up his entire body, and the screams only disappeared for a while, but they fell in the ears of Zhou Tianmu, but they were so harsh.

"Isn't that Zhou Tianmu? He is used to looting the weak. It seems that this time he kicked the iron plate. The man turned out to be a squad."

"It is rare for people who are good at the array. This person has such a high degree of accomplishment. A person who prints a moment will kill the person who is a martial artist. I don’t know if it is his own refinement. If so, then he is in the lineup. There must be a very strong understanding on the Tao."

The people in the distance cast their eyes on this side, and they were amazed. The Tianbao area of ​​the Nine Palaces has never heard of such a powerful squad.

Lin Feng didn't care about the crowd's gaze. He walked over to the person who was burned in the flames. He squatted down and picked up the storage ring. He said faintly: "This is a shameless face!"

Looking up, Lin Feng’s eyes looked at Zhou Tianmu again. With his own strength, he could easily kill these few people, but since he changed his identity, Lin Feng did not intend to use the original strength. Now, he is the Muen of the Promise Palace, who is good at the martial arts and portrays the characters.

"You guys handed it out, or I personally." Lin Feng's smile with the sallow face, it is a special demon.

"I am forgiving and forgiving. I am very willing to make friends with you in Da Zhou Xian Gong." Zhou Tianmu still seems to want to use the reputation of Da Zhou Xian Gong to intimidate Lin Feng.

"I can't climb high." Lin Feng walked forward, Zhou Tianmu looked a stiff, and then the storage ring was taken out, and the contact was unleashed and thrown toward Lin Feng.

"If you want to hide some, I don't mind dealing with him." Lin Feng said coldly, making Zhou Tianmu's heart grievous and looking at the person beside him, both of them took out the storage ring and threw it to Lin Feng. They don't dare to escape, and the bursting of the bursts is a moment. As long as Lin Feng makes them meet them, it is possible to destroy them.

"Go it." Lin Feng collected the storage rings, faintly spit out a voice, and suddenly Zhou Tianmu left the dingy flicker.

Without paying attention to them, Lin Feng walked calmly toward the circuit and did not avoid anyone's eyes.

"The person who is good at the array is interesting, this person is not afraid of the big Zhouxian Palace!" The crowd in the distance reveals an interesting look. I am afraid that Da Zhou Xian Palace will find him soon. After all, Zhou Tianmu is a shackle!

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