Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1584: Qingpao Emperor

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At this time, in the Dongfu, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and the palms pushed thousands of movements in the void. The palms of the hands seemed to have infinite changes every time the vibrations felt, and people felt like an illusory shadow.

"Breaking!" Lin Feng's palm trembled in the void, and suddenly a horrible force swept out and headed for the light curtain door. The rumble of the rumble echoed in the cave, and a terrible distance bounced back to Lin Feng’s body threw his body back.

"I pushed the array, the power was too weak, and I couldn't break the stone door." Lin Feng shook his head slightly, and looked a little disappointed. If the master of the martial arts heard him, he wouldn't know if he would be mad. In three years, he I have already started to make a big turn.

"I don't know if I can go out." Lin Feng slowly moved forward and came to the front of the light curtain wall. Then the palm prints were printed on the light curtain. The thousands of lines were infinitely endless, as if they could evolve on their own. At the same time, Lin Feng’s There is no moment to stop the palm print, the power of the tyrannical limit of the earth's righteousness falls on the light curtain, and the immortal breath, the trace of the road seems to be clearly branded, full of mystery.

After Lin Feng’s palms trembled thousands of times, among the huge lines, countless stripes shrouded the word 'breaking'. Among them, it seemed as if the inexhaustible force permeated it, and it was terrible.

Lin Feng's body slightly retreats, and then the last hand is printed on it, and suddenly the light shines. The power of terror seems to be suppressed to the extreme. In the cave, the light curtains flow, the light curtain of Shimen seems to be broken, and Shimen is also slow. The opening of the light, a ray of light coming in from the outside, fell on Lin Feng.

"Three years!" Lin Feng walked out of Dongfu and looked up to see Tianzhu. Although he knew that the days were fake, he still felt very comfortable. He had never practiced for so long, and even in the old days. In the ancient battlefield, he was only trapped for two years, and this time he realized the power of the circuit, and spent three years.

In the past three years, the outside world has probably undergone tremendous changes. Those who have reached the level of invincible and respectable people do not know whether anyone has broken into the realm of the Emperor.

The figure is flashing, and Lin Feng walked out of the cave house. This cave house is the ruin of the 3,000-year-old road. I don't know what other 2,999 kinds of roads are.

Lin Feng’s eyes swept to other unmanned caves and he was ready to step into a cave house again.

"Boom!" At this time, a horrible shock force came, as if the heavens and the earth were to collapse. The strong sense of shock made Lin Feng’s body shake, his brows wrinkled, and his eyes looked upwards. ,What happened?

"Boom!" More terrible power bombarded in the sky, the sky is shaking, as if it may collapse at any time, which makes Lin Feng's look slightly stiff, how do you feel that someone is attacking the Imperial Palace, to make this vast palace imperial Strong forces forcibly broke open.

Not only Lin Feng felt it, but at this moment, everyone in the 3,000-year-old Dongfu felt the strong and terrible vibrational force. I couldn’t help but have a look of horror on the face. What happened, they were trapped in the cave house. do not know.

However, the shock of this horror seemed to be silent after two shocks, but the frowning Lin Feng felt that there was a more terrible power brewing.

Sure enough, at this moment, the power of a terrible giant earthquake spread throughout the imperial palace. There were cracks on the mountains. Even the peak of the Promise Emperor was cracked. On the top of the sky, Lin Feng just listened. The crisp sound of cracks is generated, as if it might collapse at any time.

Then the world was cracked, there were more and more cracks in the mountains, and there were cracks in the sky. Finally, with a loud sound, the sky was completely collapsed, and the real outside world appeared in the sight of Lin Feng. I saw a figure above the sky, a figure standing proud, the blue robes dancing with the wind, his eyes seem to be able to penetrate the heavens, looking directly at the body of the Promise.

The man looked at him at the age of thirty, and the clear lines on his face were as neatly cut as the knife, but even if there was no power to bloom, Lin Feng could clearly feel an unstoppable and terrible pressure.

"The existence of the emperor level!" Lin Feng's heart trembled slightly, this figure wearing a green robe is definitely a great emperor, otherwise, he could not break the emperor's palace.

However, at this time, a terrible howling sound came, which made the heavens and the earth tremble. This whistling sound is like the sound of the sound. Only on the void, a giant elephant blocks the Scorpio and oppresses from the Scorpio. At this moment, the imaginary rushing in the void, the iron hoof hit on the void, as if the sky would be broken.

"Hey animals, you thought that if you throw me down, you will have the life of the emperor!" The young man snorted, his palms trembled into the sky, and suddenly a golden hollow light curtain formed, this light curtain expanded wildly, golden Above the disc light curtain, there are endless lines, which is the power of the road.

"Roll!" The palm of the hand trembled, and the golden light curtain rushed to the top of the sky. Wherever it passed, the giant shadow was smashed and shattered. The demon's body stalked the heavens and the earth, and there was also a terrible battle. At the moment, the storm that swept the sky was condensed. The storm that swept the world was condensed, and the bustling body in the distance was suddenly submerged under the light, and the bones were gone, everything was destroyed. Drop it.

The body of the giant elephant was blasted to the void, and the young man stepped out in a step, and immediately came to the body of the Promise of the Promise, and said indifferently: "You are hiding far enough, and you have come to this small world, but unfortunately, Do you really think that the four elephants can stop me, your best disciple!"

After all, the green robe figure palms are printed toward the flesh. The power of terror is to crush everything, but a terrible light curtain around the flesh is looming, making the brows of the green robe wrinkled and indifferent. Laughing: "Your platoon is still so strong. I don't know when it is time to paint the body of the celestial body that protects your body. However, you have forgotten that your best disciple, the rumor in the martial art, can Nothing is weaker than you, you should understand that as long as I find you, you have no way to go!"

"Do you feel the bursting of your disciples, whether it is stronger than your original bursting." The body of the Qingpao retreats, and the power of the sky in the palm of the hand begins to gather, the power of gold, and It’s not the power of the earth. Lin Feng’s body is far from retreating, and he dare not approach it. The green robe next to the earth and the unfamiliar physical dialogue are simply ignoring him. In the eyes of the great emperor, he is a man of cultivation, just like an ant, there is no difference between existence and non-existence.

When Lin Feng retired, the front of the Qingpao Emperor had gathered a terrible storm, and the golden storm had not yet been formed.

"Broken!" The Qingpao Emperor's scorpion is full of pride and self-confidence. The broken squad is printed on the body of the flesh, and the boundless power is condensed at one point, even without the slightest breath wasted.

"Hey!" The crisp cracking sound came out, and the Yutian dynasty that protected the body of the Promise Emperor was broken open, and the cracking sound came out. The eyes of the Qingpao Emperor showed sneer.

"Not good!" However, the face of the Qingdai Emperor suddenly changed, and the light curtain on the Royal Sky array turned out to be a rapid transition, as if it was evolving in itself, and it evolved the power of the killing of the sky, and it would penetrate into it in an instant. On the body of the Qingpao Emperor, the Qingpao Emperor escaped, but the power of the squad had locked him and printed it directly on his body.

With a bang, the entire body of the Qingpao Emperor was printed on a mountain wall with a pale sin. Even though he defended the body with a terrible defense in an instant, the body seemed to be penetrated by the power of the killing. As if to destroy everything in his body.

"Derivation, how is it possible, your platoon can be self-derived!" Qingdou the great gaze stared at the figure in front. At this time, the body of the Promise Emperor still did not move, however, the eyes were opened. Still no breathing, no heartbeat, but those eyes, it means that he is a real living person!

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